Number of occurrences in corpus: 23
Genesis A 2910b | ude / stefne cygde || he stille | gebad | / ares spræce || and þam engl |
Exodus 137b | / wælgryre weroda || wræcmon | gebad | / laþne lastweard || se þe hi |
Exodus 191b | ningas on corþre || cuþ oft | gebad | / horn on heape || to hwæs hæ |
Exodus 404b | es frofre || þa he swa forþ | gebad | / leodum to lafe || langsumne h |
Christ and Satan 494b | from eþle || and on eorþan | gebad | / tintregan fela || and teonan |
Andreas 1587a | || hlyst yst forgeaf / brimrad | gebad | || þa se beorg tohlad / eorþs |
Andreas 34a | ær he sawulgedal / beaducwealm | gebad | || þæt þam banan ne wearþ |
Dream of the Rood 125b | d on forþwege || feala ealra | gebad | / langunghwila || is me nu life |
The Riming Poem 16b | f weord rad || oft ðær rinc | gebad | / ðæt he in sele sæge || sin |
The Wife's Lament 3a | t secgan mæg / hwæt ic yrmða | gebad | || siððan ic up weox / niwes |
The Ruin 9b | eoda gewitan || oft ðæs wag | gebad | / ræghar ond readfah || rice |
Beowulf 7b | aft funden || he ðæs frofre | gebad | / weox under wolcnum || weorðm |
Beowulf 264a | le ordfruma || ecgðeow haten / | gebad | wintra worn || ær he on weg |
Beowulf 815b | rum / lifigende lað || licsar | gebad | / atol æglæca || him on eaxle |
Beowulf 929b | gre gelimpe || fela ic laðes | gebad | / grynna æt grendle || a mæg |
Beowulf 1618b | unde || se ðe ær æt sæcce | gebad | / wighryre wraðra || wæter up |
Beowulf 1720b | enum æfter dome || dreamleas | gebad | / ðæt he ðæs gewinnes || we |
Beowulf 1779b | htne || ðæs ðe ic on aldre | gebad | / ðæt ic on ðone hafelan || |
Beowulf 2258b | seo herepad || sio æt hilde | gebad | / ofer borda gebræc || bite ir |
Beowulf 3116a | wigena strengel / ðone ðe oft | gebad | || isernscure / ðonne stræla |
The Paris Psalter 68:19 1a | fæcne wurdon / / # / min heorte | gebad | || hearmedwit feala / and yrmþ |
The Battle of Finnsburh 25b | a wide cuþ || fæla ic weana | gebad | / heardra hilda || þe is gyt h |
The Battle of Maldon 172b | ra wynna || þe ic on worulde | gebad | / nu ic ah milde metod || mæst |