Number of occurrences in corpus: 18
A.3.4 132 | that song is sweeter and more | lovely | / and more joyous than any mel |
A.3.4 194 | near / he gathers and collects | lovely | herbs / and forest fruits to t |
A.3.4 197 | one of those noble perfumes, / | lovely | herbs, that the king of glory |
A.3.4 203 | the lofty tree, beautiful and | lovely, | / and himself dwells there in |
A.3.4 244 | of the earth / at harvest, the | lovely | crop, / before the coming of w |
A.3.4 303 | ike a stone in appearance, / a | lovely | gem, when by the skill of smi |
A.3.4 439 | d / the beautiful plain and the | lovely | seat / of glory behind them, t |
A.3.4 530 | deeds: these are the noble, / | lovely | herbs with which the wild bir |
A.3.4 659 | the lord / words and deeds, a | lovely | perfume, / to the creator into |
A.4.2 137 | lainly see / the walls of that | lovely | city glimmer, / Bethulia. Beje |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 8 37 | pour forth songs / with very | lovely | music, until sunlight had rem |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 14 6 | altar, that shines with very | lovely | painted panels, / in the midst |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2180 | in marriage this girl who was | lovely | to look at, / since, being fort |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2225 | citius, seeing them likewise, / | lovely | to look at, was inflamed by a |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2737 | e Lord. / Then adorned with the | lovely | form of nine gemstones / he beg |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 367 | saint through prayers / struck | lovely | water of no ordinary sweetnes |
N.MiraculaNyniae 56 | from here, he returned to his | lovely | homeland. / The mighty champio |
N.Swithun.Inscr 11 | se great care and concern the | lovely | structure of the bridge was b |