A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: w

Number of occurrences in corpus: 14

The Fates of the Apostles 100b ·samne, / weorold-wuniende; || //W// sċeall ġe·drēosan, / //U//
Elene 825b ġde / wīrum ġe·wlenced. || //W//% is ġe·sweðrod, / gamen aefte
Christ B 804b e / wrāðra wīta. || Biþ sē //W// sċæcen / eorðan frætwa. ||
Riddles 19 6a ledne rād / //R// //Ā// //G// //W// //E//. || Wīd-lāst ferede / r
Riddles 36 5a wombe / ond ehtuwe || / monn [h w M] wiif [m x l kf wf] hors [q
Riddles 30b and 60 2a om ligbysig || lace mid winde / w/ || /dre gesomna / fus forðwege
The Husband's Message 50a || //S// //R// ġeador / //EA// //W// and //D// || āðe be·nemnan
Riddles 64 1a # Riddles 64 / / Iċ seah //W// and //I// || ofer wang faran,
Riddles 73 12a n || mæ/ /ða fremman / wyrcan w/ || / /ec on ðeode || utan we/
Riddles 91 7a n || þæt mīnes frēan / mōd //W// friðaþ || middel-nihtum. / Hw
Riddles 93 25b ace swelge / wuda ond wætre || w/ /b/ befæðme / ðæt mec on fe
Riddles 94 6b is leoht eall || leohtre ðon w/
Juliana 706a , || þonne synnum fāh / //E// //W// and //U// || ācle bīdaþ / hw
The Rune Poem 22a ist || þe biþ ōðra lēas. / //W// wēn ne brūceþ || þe cann