A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wang

Number of occurrences in corpus: 26

Andreas 839b ican / onwoc þa wiges heard || wang sceawode / fore burggeatum || b
Guthlac A 178b || mid gǣstlicum / wǣpnum || wang blētsode, / him tō æt-steall
Guthlac A 304b e wǣpen, || ne sċeall þēs wang gode / þurh blōd-gyte || ġe
Guthlac A 477a īe siġelēase / þone grēnan wang || of·ġiefan sċoldon: / ‘
Guthlac A 746a des brūcan. / Stōd sē grēna wang || on godes wǣre; / hæfde sē
Riddles 35 1a # Riddles 35 / / Meċ sē wǣta wang, || wundrum frēoriġ, / of his
Riddles 40 51b wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs wang grēna; / folm mec mæġ be·f
Riddles 40 83b wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs wang grēna: / iċ ūtor ēaðe% ||
The Ruin 31b st-bēaĝe%s hrōf%. || Hryre wang ġe·crang / ġe·brocen tō be
Riddles 64 1b seah //W// and //I// || ofer wang faran, / beran //B// //E//; ||
The Phoenix 7a n-fremmendum. / Wlitiġ is sē wang eall, || wynnum ġe·blissod /
The Phoenix 13a rīċes duru. / Þæt is wynsum wang, || wealdas grēne, / rūme unde
The Phoenix 19b / wihte ġe·wyrdan, || ac sē wang seomaþ / ēadiġ and ansund. |
The Phoenix 43b b-hwyrft, || þā sē æðela wang, / ǣġhwæs ansund, || wiþ ȳ
The Phoenix 281b rest god || on þone æðelan wang / siĝorfæst sette. || Hē his
The Phoenix 418b be·hȳded || and sē hālĝa wang / þurh fēondes searu || fæst
The Phoenix 439a n-for·lēton / þone wlitiĝan wang || and wuldres setl, / lēofli
Beowulf 93a eorðan worhte / wlitebeorhtne wang || swa wæter bebugeð / gesett
Beowulf 225b up hraðe / wedera leode || on wang stigon / sæwudu sældon || syr
Beowulf 1413b foran gengde / wīsra manna || wang sċēawian, / oþ·þæt hē f
Beowulf 2409a mor, || sċolde hēan þonan / wang wīsian. || Hē ofer willan
Beowulf 3073b um ġe·wītnod, || sē þone wang strude%, / nealles hē gold-hwa
The Menologium 114a and gangan lator / ofer foldan wang || fægerust leohta / woruldges
The Creed 3a eope and worhtest / and eorðan wang || ealne gesettest / ic ðe ecn
The Seasons for Fasting 59b unnandæge || ðe geond sidne wang / pentecostenes dæg || preosta
The Leiden Riddle 1a Leiden Riddle / / Meċ sē wǣta wang, || wundrum frēoriġ, / of his