A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ǣngum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 23

Genesis B 539a e. || Þū ġe·līċ ne bist / ǣngum his engla || þe iċ ǣr ġe
Genesis A 2178a erfe-stōl || eaforan bytlian / ǣngum mīnra, || ac mē aefter sċu
Andreas 178b ēaw / þæt hīe uncūðra || ǣngum ne willaþ / on þām folc-sted
Andreas 888b eliċ anġinn, || næs ðǣr ǣngum ġe·winn. / Þām biþ wræc-s
Christ B 683a is ġiefe bryttaþ%. / Nyle hē ǣngum ānum || ealle ġe·sellan / g
Christ C 1575a n hēr leofaþ. / Ne biþ ðǣr ǣngum gōdum || gnorn æt-īewed, / n
The Panther 33a of-tæl, || nele lāðes wiht / ǣngum% ġe·æfnan || būtan þām
Guthlac B 1229b urðum ǣr / ǣfre on ealdre || ǣngum ne wolde / manna ofer moldan ||
Guthlac B 1249b / tō ġe·cȳðenne || cwicra ǣngum / on fold-weġe || fīra cynnes
Riddles 13 5b e·hwelċes. || Ne wæs hira ǣngum þȳ wiers, / ne sīðe% þȳ s
Riddles 72 17b ode, / nǣfre meldode || manna ǣngum / ġif mē ord-stæpe || eġle
Precepts 24a una wiersa, || wīdan fēore, / ǣngum eahta, || ac þū þe ānne
Beowulf 474a nne || on sefan mīnum / gumena ǣngum || hwæt mē Grendel hafaþ / h
Beowulf 655a ord ā·cwæþ: / ‘Nǣfre iċ ǣngum menn || ǣr ā·līefde, / siþ
Beowulf 793b / ne his līf-daĝas || lēoda ǣngum / nytte tealde. || Þǣr ġe·n
Beowulf 842b l / sārliċ þūhte || seċġa ǣngum / þāra þe tīr-lēases || tr
Beowulf 1461a hit æt hilde ne swāc / manna ǣngum || þāra þe hit mid mundum
Beowulf 2416b / tō ġe·ġanganne || gumena ǣngum. / Ġe·sæt þā on næsse || n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 36a || Wēlandes bān, / for·þȳ ǣngum ne mæġ || eorð-būendra / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 65a cþ þæt wunder miċel / manna ǣngum || þæt hē mæġe ġe·sēo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 21b / wiþ miċelne reġn || manna ǣngum / hūses hierde, || ac hit hrē
The Judgment Day II 188a on, || spellum ā·reċċan% / ǣngum on eorðan || earmlice wītu,
The Leiden Riddle 13a m || hyhtliċ ġe·wǣde; / nē ǣngum iċ mē earh-fare || eġesan