A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: atol

Number of occurrences in corpus: 24

Exodus 165a l-ċēasĝa. || Wulfas sungon / atol ǣfen-lēoþ || ǣtes on wēn
Exodus 201a wīcum || wōp up ā·hafen, / atol ǣfen-lēoþ, || eġesan stō
Exodus 456a . || Him on·ġēan ġe·nāp / atol ȳða ġe·wealc, || ne ðǣr
Christ and Satan 61a , || and we englas mid þeċ. / Atol is þīn an-sīen! || Habbaþ
Christ and Satan 160a cwīðde% || firena hierde%, / atol ǣĝlǣċa, || ūt of helle, /
Christ and Satan 393b orĝa hēap / unġēara nū || atol þrōwian. / Hit is sē selfa |
Christ and Satan 452a , || sealde him wītes clamm, / atol tō ǣhte, || and eġesan gry
Christ and Satan 2a Þā hē mid heandum ġe·nom / atol þurh ed-wīt, || and on esle
Christ and Satan 47a | ġond þæt lāðe sċræf, / atol mid ēaĝum, || oþ·þæt e
Andreas 1312a ofona sum || tō sele gangan, / atol ǣĝlǣċa || yfela ġe·mynd
Elene 463a hlēoðrian || helle-dēoful, / atol ǣĝlǣċa, || yfela ġe·myn
Christ C 1278b rn, / ealle eorð-būend || and atol dēoful, / miercne mæġen-cræ
Riddles 22 7a , || ac wæs flōd tō dēop, / atol ȳða ġe·þræc, || ōfras
Riddles 3 49a of wambe. || Winnende fareþ / atol ēorod-þrēat, || eġesa ā
The Seafarer 6a ċēole || ċear-selda fela, / atol ȳða ġe·wealc, || ðǣr me
Beowulf 165a firena || fēond mann-cynnes, / atol ān-genġa, || oft ġe·freme
Beowulf 592a fela || gryra ġe·fremede, / atol ǣĝlǣċa, || ealdre þīnum
Beowulf 732a lde, || ǣr þon dæġ cōme, / atol āĝlǣċa, || ānra ġe·hwe
Beowulf 816a āþ. || Līċ-sār ġe·bād / atol ǣĝlǣċa; || him on eaxle w
Beowulf 848a on blōde || brim weallende, / atol ȳða ġe·swing || eall ġe
Beowulf 1332a wǣfre; || iċ ne wāt hwider / atol ǣse wlanc || eft-sīðas tē
Beowulf 1766a | oþþe gāres flyht, / oþþe atol ieldu; || oþþe ēaĝena bea
Beowulf 2670a m wordum || wyrm ierre cōm, / atol inwitt-gæst, || ōðre sīð
Solomon and Saturn 265a n sende || and wyrm-ġeardas, / atol dēor maniġ || īrenum hornu