A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: fracuþe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Andreas 409a | on landa ġe·hwǣm, / folcum fracuþe, || þonne fīra bearn, / ellen-
Precepts 91b þe on mōde lǣt || menn tō fracuþe, / ac bēo lēof-wende, || lēoh
The Paris Psalter 107:12 3b æġ / ūre fēond ġe·dōn || fracuþe tō nāwihte.
The Paris Psalter 117:7 2a ltum is || fǣle drihten, / iċ fracuþe for·sēo || fēondas mīne. /
The Paris Psalter 59:11 3b æġ / ūre fīend ġe·dōn || fracuþe tō nāhte.
The Paris Psalter 62:9 5a | under sweordes hand, / sindon fracuþe nū || foxes dǣlas. / / # / Cyni
The Paris Psalter 88:29 1b f hīe mīne rihtwīsnessa || fracuþe ġe·wemmaþ / and hīe mīne b