A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: sċēawode

Number of occurrences in corpus: 14

Genesis A 206a | Inċ hīeraþ eall.’ / Þā sċēawode || sċieppend ūre / his weorca
Genesis B 606a t þurh mannes ġe·þeaht / ne sċēawode. || Ac sē sċaða ġeorne / swi
Andreas 839b þā wīġes heard, || (wang sċēawode), / fore burĝ-ġeatum. || Beorĝ
Dream of the Rood 137b e iċ hēr on eorðan || ǣr sċēawode, / on þissum lǣnan || līfe ġ
Elene 58b e, / Hūna and Hrēða || here sċēawode%, / þæt hē on Rōm-wara || rī
Elene 345b dor: / 'Iċ frymþa god || fore sċēawode, / siĝora dryhte. || Hē on ġe
Christ A 305b / on þām ēċan hām || eall sċēawode. / Wlāt þā swā wīsfæst% ||
Guthlac A 414b æt hē fore ēaĝum || eall sċēawode / under hāliġra || hīerda ġ
Beowulf 843b ra þe tīr-lēases || trode sċēawode, / hū hē wēriġ-mōd || on we
Beowulf 1687b ōð·gār maðelode, || hilt sċēawode, / ealde lāfe, || on þǣm wæs
Beowulf 2285b fēa-sċeaftum menn. || Frēa sċēawode / fīra fyrn-ġe·weorc || form
Beowulf 2793b % / gamol on ġiehþe% || gold sċēawode: / Iċ þāra frætwa || frēan
The Paris Psalter 141:4 3b ġearwe grīne; || ġeare iċ sċēawode, / ġe·sēah on þā swīðran,
The Paris Psalter 91:10 1b / / # / And ēaĝe þīn || ēac sċēawode, / hwǣr fīend mīne || fǣcne