Number of occurrences in corpus: 18
Christ and Satan 627b | fostum miclum || nu ic eow ne | con | / sona æfter þæm wordum || w |
Andreas 195b | geferan / halig of heofenum || | con | him holma begang / sealte sæst |
Christ B 680b | sweord / wæpen gewyrcan || sum | con | wonga bigong / wegas widgielle |
The Fortunes of Men 52b | mæcga || ðonne he gemet ne | con | / gemearcian his muðe || mode |
Maxims I 169b | ð ðonne ðy læs || ðe him | con | leoða worn / oððe mid hondum |
Maxims I 170a | leoða worn / oððe mid hondum | con | || hearpan gretan / hafað him |
The Order of the World 9b | ðurh wisdom || woruld ealle | con | / behabban on hreðre || hycgen |
The Judgment Day I 26b | omældeð mid his muðe || ne | con | he ða mircan gesceaft / hu hi |
The Judgment Day I 71b | lare / brigdeð on bysmer || ne | con | he ðæs brogan dæl / yfles on |
Azarias 87b | weldædum || wis bið se ðe | con | / ongytan ðone geocend || ðe |
The Gifts of Men 47b | wyrhtan ryht / sele asettan || | con | he sidne ræced / fæste gefega |
The Gifts of Men 54b | tefnan steoreð || streamrade | con | / weorudes wisa || ofer widne h |
The Gifts of Men 72a | æt he ðonne sceal / sum domas | con | || ðær dryhtguman / ræd eaht |
Beowulf 1739b | n willan || he ðæt wyrse ne | con | / oððæt him on innan || ofer |
Beowulf 1746b | n stræle || him bebeorgan ne | con | / wom wundorbebodum || wergan g |
Beowulf 2062b | er ðonan / losað lifigende || | con | him land geare / ðonne bioð a |
BEDE.Orat 260 | o spiritus contribulatus, cor | con | / Tritum et humiliatum, Deus, n |
BEDE.Orat 337 | autem laetentur, exsultent in | con | / Spectu Dei, et gaudeant in la |