Number of occurrences in corpus: 9
Genesis B 305a | nd hine on helle wearp / on þa | deopan | dala || þær he to deofle we |
Genesis B 421a | e synd aworpene hider / on þas | deopan | dalo || nu hie drihtne synt / w |
Christ and Satan 30b | c gedufan sceolun || in þone | deopan | wælm / niþær undær nessas | |
Dream of the Rood 75a | geslic wyrd / bedealf us man on | deopan | seaþe || hwæþre me þær d |
Elene 145a | a wyrd bemiþan / bedyrnan þa | deopan | mihte || þa wurdon hie deaþ |
Guthlac B 991a | ibugan || ðone bleatan drync / | deopan | deaðweges || ac him duru syl |
The Judgment Day I 59a | aft || brondas lacað / on ðam | deopan | dæge || dyneð upheofon / ðon |
The Paris Psalter 65:5 2a | || wætera þryþe / þæt þas | deopan | sæ || drige weorþaþ / and þ |
The Seasons for Fasting 117a | on || freode gewinnan / and ða | deopan | || dryhtnes gerynu / ða ðe le |