fames noun fem abl sg es_is
fames noun fem abl sg es_is
Number of occurrences in corpus: 50
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 8 1 | rries heaven and earth, . / / # / | Fame, | which Father Eanmund adorned |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 287 | -known through the celebrated | fame | of his miracles, / which are n |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 455 | racture. / The man’s renowned | fame | not only rightly lit up / the |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 613 | as praised in broadly current | fame | throughout the wide world. / Wh |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1596 | catters clouds, / your honour, | fame, | and praises will always remai |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 4.7 18 | his cheeks. / So great was the | fame | of his powers was so great / s |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 240 | y be venerated forever by its | fame, | / so that the page will not wis |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 250 | s a holy virgin, known by his | fame | throughout the ages. / Accordin |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 467 | , / spreading the seeds of his | fame | throughout the wide world. / He |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 485 | the recognition of apostolic | fame. | / This holy distinction adorned |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 712 | GREGORY, renowned through his | fame | above the skies, / whom God tau |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 800 | celebrating him with current | fame, | / since he was eagerly keen to |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 826 | so that rightly the saint’s | fame | will not ever fade. / So too |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 922 | id not permit this favourable | fame | to flourish. / A wicked council |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 925 | hey might dent the bishop’s | fame | with a serpent’s tooth / and |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1034 | fluent text now set forth the | fame | of BABILAS, / making known the |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1123 | delay to recall the brilliant | fame | of CHRYSANTHUS, / whom the worl |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1517 | out, shining with celebrated | fame. | / But far off, a pagan cult of |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1621 | e depths of my heart; / and his | fame | grows great throughout the fo |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2112 | ise by example and celebrated | fame. | / By chance, twin sisters made |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2143 | t deservedly be celebrated in | fame | for the rest of time. / The sac |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2167 | wonders at the extraordinary | fame | of the virgin among common fo |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2214 | the world spreads widely her | fame | / and a continual stream of pra |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2279 | tender flesh. / Furthermore, | fame | proclaims that twin sisters / w |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2755 | chastity assume the praise of | fame | / if a gnawing worm bores throu |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2783 | ore I could explain the whole | fame | / that utters the proclamations |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes IX 13 | are, nox tegat aethram; / corda | fame | tabent hominumque iuuamina de |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 224 | are, nox tegit aethram; / Corda | fame | tabent, hominumque iuuamina d |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 334 | are of heavenly and celestial | fame, | [Cuthbert] prefers to roam / th |
EVSEBIVS.Aenig 13 2 | trire solebam, / meque premente | fame | non lacteque carneve vescor, / |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 21 | thy triumphs. / Wilfrid, whose | fame | is higher than the mountains, |
N.MiraculaNyniae 130 | edly the greatest part of our | fame. | / The guilt of the sin was seri |
WULFSTANC.BreuOmnSanct 460 | r frigora lunae. / Sunt aliique | fame | cruciati nocte dieque, / Trunca |
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 654 | bus haustum, / Qui cibus absque | fame, | uia, dux, et semita uitae, / Lu |
£.LVCAN.Phars03 352 | straque trahentes / Vbera sicca | fame | medios mittentur in ignis, / Vx |
£.LVCAN.Phars10 158 | uaesiuit in orbe / Non mandante | fame; | multas uolucresque ferasque / A |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 218 | e manus et pallida semper / Ora | fame. | ***************************** |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 421 | s frugibus offam / Obicit. ille | fame | rabida tria guttura pandens / C |
£.VERGIL.Georg04 259 | r in aedibus omnes / Ignauaeque | fame | et contracto frigore pigrae. / |
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 894 | aetabitur orbis / Hac saturante | fame | quae munere pinguior omni / Del |
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch01 237 | rictusque leonum / Instimulante | fame | iussit nescire furorem? / Nempe |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 287 | eu dulcia morsu / Appetet atque | fame | genetrix demittet ad aluum, / Q |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 349 | iuuat artus, / Affecit grauiore | fame, | cui sola coturnix / Iungitur, e |
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 448 | c clade coacta, / Victa caterua | fame; | gladios ut uinceret hostis, / I |
££.IVVENC.Euang04 272 | issa parantur ab ortu. / Namque | fame | fessum quondam me grata refec |
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm15 216 | tia carnis, / Victa hieme atque | fame | duroque attrita cubili / Defici |
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm15 284 | s artus et lurida cernens / Ora | fame | nec habens quicquam, quo rebu |
££.PROSP.Carm.coniug 25 | aecipitata ruunt. / Ferro peste | fame | uinclis algore calore, / M |
££.PRVD.Apoth 708 | forte magistrum / Non reuocante | fame | stipabant undique saeptum / Imm |
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 809 | as mortuae. / Languetis inbelli | fame | ac fatiscitis, / Gula est ferin |