A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: gehygd

Number of occurrences in corpus: 11

Christ and Satan 343b eamum bedælde || heofon deop gehygd / þa heo on heofonum || ham st
Andreas 1460b am carcerne || woldon cræfta gehygd / magorædendes || mod oncyrran
Christ C 1038a ond worda gemynd / ond heortan gehygd || fore heofona cyning / ðonne
Juliana 431b u ðu gedyrstig || ðurh deop gehygd / wurde ðus wigðrist || ofer
The Wanderer 72a | cunne gearwe / hwider hreðra gehygd || hweorfan wille / ongietan sc
The Seafarer 116b tigra || ðonne ænges monnes gehygd / uton we hycgan || hwær we ha
Beowulf 2045a geongum cempan / ðurh hreðra gehygd || higes cunnian / wigbealu wec
The Paris Psalter 138:20 2a it cyn wese / and minre heortan gehygd || her gesceawa / þone fælan
The Paris Psalter 54:21 1b / sete on drihten || þin soþ gehygd / he þe butan fracoþum || fed
The Paris Psalter 72:21 2a hearde geteorad / ys me heortan gehygd || hyldu drihtnes / and ece dæ
The Paris Psalter 83:12 2a gode bedælan / þa þe heortan gehygd || healdaþ clæne / þæt biþ