A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: mærost

Number of occurrences in corpus: 11

Exodus 395a æleþum gefrægost / mæst and mærost || þara þe manna bearn / fira
Daniel 692a a || folcum cuþost / mæst and mærost || þara þe men bun / babilon
Elene 573b io halige rod / gemeted wæs || mærost beama / þara þe gefrugnen ||
Elene 785b io halige rod / gemeted wæs || mærost beama / þara þe of eorþan ||
The Phoenix 119b escineð / geond middangeard || mærost tungla / sona swa seo sunne ||
Beowulf 898b ealt / se wæs wreccena || wide mærost / ofer werðeode || wigendra hl
Judith 324a ða seo cneoris eall / mægða mærost || anes monðes fyrst / wlanc w
The Paris Psalter 88:15 1b on þu heora mægenes eart || mærost wuldor / and we þinum weldædu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 34b s goldsmiþes || þe wæs geo mærost / forþy ic cwæþ þæs wisan
Psalm 50 4b he under hiofenum || hearpera mærost / ðara we an folcum || gefrige
Instructions for Christians 254b ra leofest, || and meda ealra mærost / þem ðe hit se mild-heort C