A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġedǣled

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

Exodus 76b orðan and up·rodor || efene ġe·dǣled, / lǣde lēod-weorod, || līeġ
Exodus 207b on tō·samne; || sīþ wæs ġe·dǣled. / Hæfde nīed-fara || niht-lan
The Fates of the Apostles 82b rēam aefter dēaðe, || þā ġe·dǣled wearþ / līf wiþ līċe || an
Vainglory 22a Swā bēoþ mōd-sefan / dālum ġe·dǣled, || sindon dryht-guman / un-ġe
Maxims I 79b n sċeall on·ǣled, || ierfe ġe·dǣled / dēades mannes. || Dōm biþ
Guthlac A 54a Is þēs middan-ġeard / dālum ġe·dǣled. || Dryhten sċēawaþ / hwǣr
The Phoenix 295b onne is sē finta || fæġere ġe·dǣled, / sum brūn, sum basu, || sum b
Precepts 48a elle ġe·ċēos. / Ā þe biþ ġe·dǣled; || ġif þe dēah hyġe, / wuna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 34b abbaþ æðele tungol || emne ġe·dǣled / dæġ and nihte || dryhtnes m
Solomon and Saturn 138b nǣron eorð-welan% || ealle ġe·dǣled% / lēodum ġe·līċe? || Sum t