A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: fand

Number of occurrences in corpus: 18

Genesis A 1456b lēah. || Nāhwæðere ræste fand, / þæt hēo for flōde || fōt
Genesis A 2040b n·fōn%. || He ðǣr wiĝena fand, / æsċ-berendra, || [XVIII] / an
Genesis A 2551a ll for·nam / þæt hē grēnes fand || gold-burgum inn, / swelċe
The Fates of the Apostles 1b þisne sang || sīð-ġōmor fand / on sēocum sefan, || samnode
Elene 202b nslāw. || Þā sē æðeling fand, / lēod-ġe·byrġa, || þurh l
Elene 816b bēam, || swā iċ on bōcum fand, / wyrda gangum, || on ġe·writ
Guthlac B 1147b n / tō þām hālĝan hofe, || fand þā hliniendne / fūsne on for
Beowulf 118a -þeġe || ġe·būn hæfdon. / Fand þā ðǣr inne || æðelinga
Beowulf 719b dran hǣle, || heall-þeġnas fand. / Cōm þā tō reċede || rin
Beowulf 870b rn ġe·munde, || word ōðer fand / sōðe ġe·bunden; || secg e
Beowulf 1267b heteliċ, || sē æt Heorote fand / wæċċendne wer || wīġes b
Beowulf 2136b e% gryrelicne || grund-hierde fand; / ðǣr unc hwīle wæs || hand
Beowulf 2270b n æt heortan. || Hord-wynne fand / eald ūht-sċaða || opene st
Beowulf 2789b rihten sīnne, || drēoriġne fand / ealdres æt ende; || hē hine
The Paris Psalter 105:24 3b hǣl ġe·hlēat || and helpe fand / of cynna ġe·hwǣm || and on
The Paris Psalter 117:13 1b cnyssed || and iċ mē helpe fand, / þæt iċ fæste ne fēoll, |
The Paris Psalter 120:1 2a an beorĝe, / ðǣr iċ fultum fand || fǣlne æt þearfe. / / # / Is
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 9b ēah uncūðre || ǣr hwīlum fand. / Mē þās weorold-sǣlþa ||