Number of occurrences in corpus: 14
Genesis B 509a | þīn līf sprecan. / Swā þū | lǣstan | sċealt || þæt on þis% lan |
Genesis B 538a | eorðian || and wēl healdan, / | lǣstan | his lāre. || Þū ġe·līċ |
Genesis B 554b | ngne weġ, || þæt ġīet ne | lǣstan | wēl / hwelċ ǣrende swā ēas |
Genesis B 650a | on·gann his wordum trūwian, / | lǣstan | his lāre, || and ġe·lēafa |
Genesis B 663a | || ġif wit him ġungor·dōm / | lǣstan | willaþ. || Hwæt sċeall þe |
Exodus 244b | curon, / hū in lēodsċipe || | lǣstan | wolde / mōd mid āran, || ēac |
Andreas 1424b | urde, / ġif we þīne lāre || | lǣstan | woldon. / Nū sint seonwe tō· |
Elene 368a | ge || hīeran sċoldon, / lāre | lǣstan. | || Ēow þæs lungre ā·þr |
Christ C 1392b | nde, / þā þū līfes word || | lǣstan | noldes, / ac min be·bod brǣce |
Guthlac B 843b | brēostum || and his be·bodu | lǣstan, | / efnan on ēðle. || Hīe tō |
Guthlac B 1259a | þæt wit fyrn mid unc / lange | lǣstan, | || nille iċ lǣtan þē / ǣfr |
The Husband's Message 52b | e-trēowe / be him libbendum || | lǣstan | wolde, / þe ġit on ǣr-daĝum |
Beowulf 812b | , / þæt him sē līċ-hama || | lǣstan | nolde%, / ac hine sē mōdĝa | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 27b | um, / ġif hīe lēod-fruman || | lǣstan | dorsten. / Stōd þraĝe on þ |