A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: eþle

Number of occurrences in corpus: 18

Genesis A 1076a num || him bryda twa / idesa on eþle || eaforan feddon / ada and sel
Genesis A 1105a e || on abeles gyld / eafora on eþle || oþer feded / soþfæst sunu
Genesis A 1150a þ || cainan ærest / eafora on eþle || siþþan eahtahund / and fif
Genesis A 1159a r him sunu woce / þa wearþ on eþle || eafora feded / mago cainanes
Genesis A 1616a no || cende wurdon / eaforan on eþle || þa yldestan / chus and chan
Genesis A 1952a rn || he frean hyrde / estum on eþle || þenden he eardes breac / ha
Christ and Satan 401a senda || forþ gelædan / up to eþle || þa com engla sweg / dyne on
Christ and Satan 459a | handum halige / witigan up to eþle || abrahames cynn / hæfde þa
Christ and Satan 476a la || wunian moston / eorlas on eþle || oþþæt eft gelamp / þæt
Christ and Satan 494a | þurh fæmnan had / ufan from eþle || and on eorþan gebad / tintr
Christ and Satan 552a hæftum || ham gelædde / up to eþle || þær we agan sceolon / drih
Andreas 1162b rmþu eahtigan || næs him to eþle wynn / fregn þa gelome || frec
The Fates of the Apostles 101a || wyn sceal gedreosan / ur on eþle || æfter tohreosan / læne lic
Elene 780a a hio wæs siþes fus / eft to eþle || ond þa eallum bebead / on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 155a it fiolan ne mæg / eft æt his eþle || þær þæt oþer fyr / up o
The Rune Poem 37b trumun underwreþyd || wyn on eþle / peorþ byþ symble || plega a
Solomon and Saturn 250a on fæder geardas / eft to his eþle || þanon hit æror cuom / hit
Maxims II 20b mægenes trum || til sceal on eþle / domes wyrcean || daroþ sceal