Number of occurrences in corpus: 18
Exodus 373b | e / mis-miċelra || þonne menn | cunnon, | / snotor sǣ-lēoda. || Ēac þ |
Exodus 436b | , / rand-wīġendra, || rīm ne | cunnon, | / ieldu ofer eorðan, || ealle |
Daniel 141b | ū% ġē mætinge || mīne ne | cunnon, | / þā þe mē for weorode || w |
The Fates of the Apostles 105b | nges% þēowdōm. || Nū þū | cunnon | meaht / hwā% on% þām% wordum |
Homiletic Fragment I 43b | ām beteran, || nū we bōt% | cunnon, | / hyċġan and hyhtan, || þæt |
Elene 317b | mē sōðlīċe || seċġan | cunnon, | / andsware cȳðan || for ēowi |
Elene 399b | godes earce, || ne we ġeare% | cunnon | / þurh hwæt þū þus hearde, |
Elene 93b | m% frōd%. || Nū ġē ġeare | cunnon | / hwæt ēow þæs on sefan || |
Elene 97b | and mōd-ġe·þanc || mīnne | cunnon.’ | / Him þā tō·ġēanes || þ |
Elene 210b | gangum. || Ġē þæt ġeare | cunnon | / ǣdre ġe·reċċan, || hwæt |
Christ B 573b | -pleĝan. || Nū ġē ġeare | cunnon | / hwæt sē hālford is || sē |
Guthlac A 479a | || on ēow sċield siteþ. / Ne | cunnon | ġē drihten || duĝuþe bidd |
Beowulf 50b | fa, / murnende mōd. || Menn ne | cunnon | / seċġan tō sōðe, || sele- |
Beowulf 162b | ld / mistġe mōras; || menn ne | cunnon | / hwider hell-rūnan || hwyrftu |
Beowulf 1355b | d-būende. || Nā hīe fæder | cunnon, | / hwæðer him ǣniġ wæs || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 9b | e þæs ambihtes || ā·wiht | cunnon, | / ġe ēac swā same || þā þ |
Solomon and Saturn 54b | eċġum; || hīe þæs wǣre | cunnon, | / healdaþ% hine nihta ġe·hwe |
The Gloria I 28a | and friðiaþ / ealle þā þe | cunnon | || Crīstene þēawas, / hālġ |