Number of occurrences in corpus: 19
Genesis A 1217a | old of·ġeaf, / and ēac [III] | hund. | || Þrāĝe siþþan / Māthusa |
Genesis A 1232a | || weorodes ealdor, / and% [V] | hund | ēac; || hēold þæt folc te |
Genesis A 1238a | ðelinga || ealdor-wīsa / [V] | hund | wintra || þā hē furðum on |
Exodus 232a | dra, || gūþ-fremmendra, / [X] | hund | ġe·teled, || tīr-ēadiġra |
Christ and Satan 42b | onan wǣre / tō helle-duru || | hund | þūsenda / mila ġe·mearcodes |
Soul and Body I 12a | hīe ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe | hund | wintra, || būtan ǣr þēod- |
Widsith 91a | -warena fruma, / on þām siex | hund | wæs || smǣtes goldes, / ġe· |
Soul and Body II 12a | hēo ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe | hund | wintra, || / būtan ǣr wyrċe |
Riddles 24 2a | e stefne, / hwīlum beorce swā | hund, | || hwīlum blāte swā gāt, / |
The Ruin 8b | / heard-grīpe hrūsan, || oþ | hund | cnēa / wer-þēoda ġe·witan. |
Riddles 86 4b | twā, / and [II] fēt, || [XII] | hund | hēafda, / hryċġ% and wambe | |
Beowulf 1498b | g / heoru-ġīfre be·hēold || | hund | missera, / grimm and grǣdiġ, |
Beowulf 1769b | eþ. / Swā iċ Hrinġ-Dena || | hund | missera / wēold under wolcnum |
Beowulf 2994b | sealde hira ġe·hwæðrum || | hund | þūsenda / landes and locenra |
Judith 110a | ōðre sīðe / þone hǣðnan | hund, | || þæt him þæt hēafod wa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 15b | sēċan, / Aulīxes mid, || ān | hund | sċipa / lǣde ofer laĝu-strē |
The Coronation of Edgar 11a | nd þā ā·gangen wæs / tīen | hund | wintra || ġe·teled rīmes / f |
Solomon and Saturn 56b | sūðan / on twā healfa || tū | hund | wearda. / Sē fuĝol hafaþ || |
The Seasons for Fasting 221a | æs% þe mē% þingeþ% / þæt | hund | and wulf || healdaþ þā īl |