Number of occurrences in corpus: 28
Genesis A 1139b | rīende / seofon winter hēr || | suna | and dohtra / and% eahta-hund. | |
Genesis A 1153a | leþ || ġuĝuþe strīende, / | suna | and dohtra; || swealt, þā h |
Genesis A 1221b | ende / ǣr his swylt-dæġe || | suna | and dohtra; / hæfde frōd hæl |
Genesis A 1551a | hyġe-rōfe || hātne wǣron, / | suna | Nōes || Sēm and Chām, / Iāf |
Genesis A 1640b | wǣron. / Þā wearþ Sēme || | suna | and dohtra / on weorold-rīċe |
Genesis A 1729b | d brōhte, / Sarra Abrahame, || | suna | and dohtra. / Ġe·wāt him þ |
Andreas 681b | aþ sōðlīċe || þæt mid | suna | metodes / drohtien% dæġ-hwǣm |
Andreas 691a | ·borene, || brōðor-sibbum, / | suna | Iosephes, || Simon and Iacob. |
Andreas 881b | welċe we ġe·sǣĝon || for | suna | metodes, / æðelum ēacne, || |
Elene 222a | rd ġe·hierwan%, / hire selfre | suna, | || ac wæs% sōna ġearu, / wī |
Elene 761a | iġdels frætwan, / hire selfre | suna | || sende tō lāce / ofer ġeof |
Elene 880b | āwon, synna weorc || and tō | suna | metodes / wordum clipodon. || F |
Christ A 94a | dor ġe·wearþ / mǣre metodes | suna. | || For·þon þæt mannum nis |
Christ C 1074a | fæder eahtan / hū ġe·sunde | suna | || sāwle% bringen / of þām |
Riddles 46 3b | se ġe·sweostor || and hira% | suna | twēġen, / frēolicu frumbearn |
Riddles 9 12a | Hēo hæfde swǣsra þȳ læs / | suna | and dohtra, || þȳ hēo swā |
Beowulf 1226b | -ġe·strēona. || Bēo þū | suna | mīnum / dǣdum ġe·dēfe, || |
Beowulf 2025b | ung, gold-hroden, || glǣdum | suna | Frōdan; / hafaþ% þæs ġe·w |
Beowulf 2160a | || lange hwīle; / nā þȳ ǣr | suna | sīnum || sellan wolde, / hwatu |
Beowulf 2380b | æċġas / ofer sǣ sōhton, || | suna | Ōht·heres; / hæfdon hīe for |
Beowulf 2455b | iehþ sorh-ċeariġ || on his | suna | būre / wīn-sele wēstne, || w |
Beowulf 2612a | ieldum || Ēan·mundes lāf, / | suna | Ōht·heres%. || þǣm æt s |
Beowulf 2729a | unġemete nēah: / ‘Nū iċ | suna | mīnum || sellan wolde / gūð- |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 2b | um, / sċuccum on·sæċġan || | suna | and dohtor; / ā·guton blōd s |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 3a | niġra bearna; / hēo ofer hire | suna | || symblaþ and blissaþ. |
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1a | e wēl lǣre. / / # / Þonne hira | suna | || swelċe mōton / ā þisse w |
The Paris Psalter 71:1 2a | þīnne, || drihten, cyninge; / | suna | cininges sile, || þæt hē s |
Solomon and Saturn 8b | a / smǣtes goldes || and mīne | suna | twelfe, / ġif þū mec ġe·br |