A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wīslīċe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

Genesis B 456a ·sċeaft, || ġearone funde, / wīslīċe ġe·worht, || and his wīf s
Daniel 160a || sīnum frêan, / sæġde him wīslīċe || weoroda ġe·sċeafte, / þ
The Paris Psalter 101:16 1a hira hold ġe·bedd. / / # / Þā wīslīċe || ā·writen standaþ / and on
The Paris Psalter 104:32 2b re / ġe·weorðode || and hīe wīslīċe / lēofe lǣde; || næs þāra
The Paris Psalter 138:13 2a dēope be·hȳded, / þæt þū wīslīċe || worhtest on dīeglum, / þē
The Paris Psalter 149:6 2a des oft ġe·mynd; / hēo þæs wīslīċe || wynnum brūcaþ, / and sweor
The Paris Psalter 58:13 1a t·gædere. / / # / Siþþan hīe wīslīċe witon, || þætte wealdeþ go
The Paris Psalter 77:12 3a e, || ne his weorca ǣ / āwiht wīslīċe || woldon be·gangan. / / # / Eal
The Paris Psalter 99:2 2a ene || ealle blīðe; / witaþ wīslīċe || þæt hē is wealdend god;
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 15b ċeafta / tō þīnum willan || wīslīċe ā·styrest, / and þē self wu