Number of occurrences in corpus: 37
Genesis B 413a | tid || leanum ne meahte / mine | gife | gyldan || gif his gien wolde / |
Genesis B 619b | odo / læst mina lara || þonne | gife | ic him þæs leohtes genog / þ |
Genesis B 679a | her on handa || herra se goda / | gife | ic hit þe georne || ic gelyf |
Genesis B 693a | t hie læn godes / ælmihtiges | gife | || an forleten / heofenrices ge |
Genesis A 1561a | || wæstmas brohte / geartorhte | gife | || grene folde / þa þæt geeo |
Genesis A 2331a | orince || mine sylle / godcunde | gife | || gastes mihtum / freondsped f |
Daniel 154b | ran sceolde / him god sealde || | gife | of heofnum / þurh hleoþorcwyd |
Daniel 199b | cyning / gasta hyrde || þe him | gife | sealde / oft hie to bote || bal |
Christ and Satan 571a | welf apostolas / mid his gastes | gife | || gingran geswiþde / hæfde |
Christ and Satan 644a | n onginnen / georne þurh godes | gife | || gemunan gastes bled / hu ead |
Andreas 388b | oruda waldend || ond þe wist | gife | / heofonlicne hlaf || swa þu h |
Andreas 480b | te / begitan godne || þæs þu | gife | hleotest / haligne hyht || on h |
Andreas 530b | garsecges begang || þæt þu | gife | hæfdes / haliges gastes || hæ |
Andreas 548b | baldor / gasta geocend || þine | gife | dælest / huru is gesyne || saw |
Andreas 754b | me || ond isace / ond iocobe || | gife | bryttode / welum weorþode || w |
Elene 176a | e || cyþan moston / godspelles | gife | || hu se gasta helm / in þryne |
Elene 182b | ofla / geomre gastas || ond him | gife | sealde / þurh þa ilcan gescea |
Elene 199a | æges ond nihtes / þurh gastes | gife | || georne cyþan / ond hine so |
Elene 157b | e / for wera mengo || wisdomes | gife | / þurh þa myclan miht || swa |
Elene 527a | a leohte oncneow / wuldorfæste | gife | || in þæs weres breostum / þ |
Elene 593a | aft || helpe findaþ / godcunde | gife | || swylce iudas onfeng / æfter |
Elene 618a | burgum on innan / þurh gastes | gife | || to godes temple / cræftum g |
Elene 704a | || heo gefylled wæs / wisdomes | gife | || ond þa wic beheold / halig |
Elene 717a | þeodcwen ongan / þurh gastes | gife | || georne secan / nearwe geneah |
Elene 761b | lace / ofer geofenes stream || | gife | unscynde / heht þa tosomne || |
Elene 807b | ohtne had / gamelum to geoce || | gife | unscynde / mægencyning amæt | |
Christ B 480a | ðæt eow æfre ne bið / ðurh | gife | mine || godes onsien / farað n |
Guthlac A 771a | || mode getimbreð / gæstcunde | gife | || swa he guðlaces / dagas ond |
Wulf and Eadwacer 1b | s minum || swylce him mon lac | gife | / willað hy hine aðecgan || g |
The Gifts of Men 83a | fað searolic gomen / gleodæda | gife | || for gumðegnum / leoht ond l |
Beowulf 1271a | || mægenes strenge / gimfæste | gife | || ðe him god sealde / ond him |
Beowulf 2182a | || mæste cræfte / ginfæstan | gife | || ðe him god sealde / heold h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 48b | s gesælþum || þurh metodes | gife | / þeah hine se wind || worulde |
Solomon and Saturn 63a | or mæg æghwylc / þurh gastes | gife | || godspel secgan / he biþ seo |
Solomon and Saturn 166b | an mid blisse || þæt him bu | gife | / feorh and folme || þonne his |
The Rewards of Piety 50b | drihten || ðæt he ðe hæl | gife | / milde mundbora || swa him gem |
Fragment of Psalm 58 1b | willað || nymðe ðu me ræd | gife | / / # / genere me fram niðe || n |