Number of occurrences in corpus: 28
Genesis B 414a | ġif his ġīen wolde / mīnra | þeġna | hwelċ || ġe·þafa wurðan, |
Genesis A 2570b | þæs hēo wordum || wuldres | þeġna | / hīeran ne wolde. || Nū sċe |
Daniel 75b | wum. / On·sende þā || sīnra | þeġna | / worn þæs weorodes || west% |
Andreas 696b | ā sē þēoden ġe·wāt || | þeġna | hēape / fram þām mæðel-ste |
The Fates of the Apostles 8a | ofer middan-ġeard, / þēodnes | þeġna, | || þrymm unlȳtel. / Halĝan h |
Elene 151a | . || Cōm þā wiĝena hlēow / | þeġna | þrēate || þrȳþ-bold% sē |
Elene 111b | on and þōhton. || Þā cōm | þeġna | hēap / tō þām here-mæðele |
Christ B 457b | , / þēoden þrymfæst, || his | þeġna | ġe·dryht / ġe·laðode, lēo |
Christ B 710b | þurh gæstes ġiefe || godes | þeġna | blǣd% / aefter up-stīġe || |
Christ C 943b | t þēoden. || Biþ ðǣr his | þeġna | ēac / hrēð-eadiġ hēap. || |
Guthlac B 1069b | iċ mē here-hlōðe || helle | þeġna | / swīðe on·sitte, || ne mæ |
Beowulf 123a | on ræste ġe·nam / þrītiġ | þeġna, | || þonan eft ġe·wāt / hūð |
Beowulf 400a | ine rinċ maniġ, / þrȳðliċ | þeġna | hēap; || sume ðǣr bidon, / h |
Beowulf 1085a | īġe for·þringan / þēodnes | þeġna; | || ac hīe him ġe·þingu bu |
Beowulf 1627a | | gode þancodon, / þrȳðliċ | þeġna | hēap, || þēodnes ġe·fǣ |
Beowulf 1644b | / Þā cōm inn gān || ealdor | þeġna, | / dǣd-cēne mann || dōme ġe |
Beowulf 1673a | īnra seċġa ġe·dryht / and | þeġna | ġe·hwelċ || þīnra lēoda |
Beowulf 1829b | m dydon, / iċ þe þūsenda || | þeġna | bringe, / hæleþa tō helpe. | |
Beowulf 2033a | þēodne% Heaðu-Beardna / and | þeġna | ġe·hwǣm || þāra lēoda, / |
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2a | ll his bearna mæġen / and his | þeġna | þrēat, || þe þæt þenċe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 8b | þæt is, þætte þynceþ || | þeġna | ġe·hwelcum / huniġes bēo-br |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 183b | e / þrīefeald ġe·sċeaft || | þeġna | ġe·hwelċes, / for·þǣm ū |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 8a | ymbe·standne || mid unrīme / | þeġna | and eorla. || Þā bēoþ ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 70a | him ne meahte || manna ǣniġ / | þeġna% | sīnra || ðǣr mid wesan, / ac |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 44b | eaht mid þīestrum? || Hwā | þeġna | ne mæġe / ēac wāfian || ǣl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 56b | re on þā swīeran || sīnra | þeġna, | / ealra þāra hæleþa || þe |
The Rune Poem 7b | orn biþ þearle sċearp; || | þeġna | ġe·hwelcum / an·fenġ is yfe |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 27a | | cume eft hræðe. / Ġif hēr | þeġna | hwelċ || þȳrelne cylle / br |