Number of occurrences in corpus: 23
Exodus 386b | bb-ġe·māĝas, || on Sēone | beorh. | / Wǣre hīe ðǣr fundon, || w |
Christ and Satan 3b | rm% bealwes% gāst, || and on | beorh | ā·stāh, / ā·sette on dūne |
Andreas 1587b | m-rād ġe·bād. || Þā sē | beorh | tō·hlād, / eorþ-sċræf eġ |
Dream of the Rood 32b | um, || oþ·þæt hīe mē on | beorh | ā·setton, / ġefæstnodon mē |
Christ C 875a | s ġe·nǣġeþ. / Swā on Syne | beorh | || samod up cymeþ / mæġen-fo |
Christ C 899b | m. / Þonne samnunga || on Syne | beorh | / sūðaneastan || sunnan lēom |
Christ C 1007b | ehtiġ god || on þone mǣran | beorh | / mid þȳ mæstan || mæġen- |
Guthlac A 148a | || oþ·þæt metod on·wrāh / | beorh | on bearwe, || þā sē bytla |
Guthlac A 175b | ȳsen on Brytene, || siþþan | beorh | ġe·stāh / ēadiġ ōretta || |
Guthlac A 262b | ā wearþ breahtm hæfen. || | Beorh | ymb·stōdon / hwearfum wræc-m |
Guthlac A 429a | , || þæt hē eft ġe·stāh / | beorh | on bearwe. || Banan gnornodon |
Riddles 15 18a | fēðe-mundum / þurh stēapne | beorh | || strǣte wyrċan. / Ēaðe i |
Precepts 34a | his bearn lǣran: / ‘Druncen | beorh | þē || and dolliċ word, / mā |
Beowulf 2241b | e·streona / brūcan mōste. || | Beorh | eall-ġearu / wunode on wange | |
Beowulf 2299b | eadwe% weorces, || hwīlum on | beorh | æt-hwearf, / sinċ-fæt sōhte |
Beowulf 2807a | siþþan hāten / Bēow·ulfes | beorh, | || þā þe brentingas / ofer f |
Beowulf 3097b | wines dǣdum / on bǣl-stede || | beorh | þone hēan, / miċelne and mǣ |
Beowulf 3163a | enn || findan mihton. / Hīe on | beorh | dydon || bēah and siġlu, / ea |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 2b | ēow on lande; || oft lāðne | beorh | / on hēan muntum || heortas wu |
The Paris Psalter 91:11 3a | swā palma, / and swā Libanes | beorh | || līedeþ and grōweþ. / / # |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 13a | ðǣr ðǣr weorold-ġītsung / | beorh | ofer·brǣdeþ. || Baru sand |
Metrical Psalm 91:11 3a | swā palma / and swā libænes | beorh | || lideþ and grōweþ. |
Maxims II 34b | on foldan / blǣdum blōwan. || | Beorh | sċeall on eorðan / grēne sta |