A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: beraþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 16

Daniel 142b e mē for weorode || wīsdōm beraþ%. / Ġē sweltað dēaðe, || nem
Daniel 478b spēd, || þǣm þe his spell beraþ. / For·þon wīteĝað || þurh
Andreas 1295b e·leċġan || þā þīn lof beraþ.’ / Þā ðǣr æt-īewde || sē
Homiletic Fragment I 19a īċe bēoþ, / swā þā bēon beraþ || būta æt·samne / ārlicne
Elene 748a þræce, || guman ġe·coste, / beraþ bord and ord. || Þis biþ be
Christ C 1072a ede, || be naman ġe·hātne, / beraþ brēosta hord || fore bearn g
Christ C 1300a | synn-byrðenne, / firen-weorc beraþ, || on þæt þā folc sēoþ.
Christ C 1634b ġe·corenan || fore Crīst beraþ / beorhte frætwe. || Hira blǣ
The Order of the World 47b e tō weorolde || wlite forþ beraþ / dryhtnes duĝuþe || and his
Guthlac A 798a e·corene, || Crīste lēofe, / beraþ on brēostum || beorhtne ġe
Riddles 15 15a ard || ealles weorðeþ; / hine beraþ brēost. || Iċ his bīdan% n
The Judgment Day I 35a dæġ weorðan / þæt we forþ beraþ || firena ġe·hwelċe, / þēa
The Descent into Hell 97a e; || we þā synne for·þon / beraþ on ūrum brēostum || tō ban
Judith 191b an sende / lēohtne lēoman, || beraþ linde forþ, / bord for brēost
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2a blisse / and on hira sċēafas beraþ, || swā hīe ġe·samnodon.
The Battle of Finnsburh 5a nas ne byrnaþ. / Ac hēr forþ beraþ; || fuĝolas singaþ, / ġielle