Number of occurrences in corpus: 45
Genesis B 623a | lāðes spræc’. / Swā hire | eaforan | sċulon || aefter libban: / þo |
Genesis A 967b | ·bēad. / Ādames and Ēuan || | eaforan | wǣron / frēolicu twā || frum |
Genesis A 1054b | ǣġ, / ides aefter æðelum || | eaforan | fēde. / Sē ǣresta wæs || Ē |
Genesis A 1061a | || settan hēton. / Þonan his | eaforan | || ǣrest wōcon, / bearn fram |
Genesis A 1076b | ȳda twā, / idesa on ēðle || | eaforan | fēdon, / Āda and Sella; || þ |
Genesis A 1179b | ġe·wāt, / and eahta-hund; || | eaforan | lǣfde / land and lēod-weard. |
Genesis A 1191a | s forþ || cnēo-rīm īehte, / | eaforan% | eahta-hund; || ealra hæfde / [ |
Genesis A 1214b | ōhte. / Hē þǣm ieldestan || | eaforan | lǣfde / folc, frum-bearne; || |
Genesis A 1234a | rīende, || him byras wōcon, / | eaforan% | and idesa. || Hē þone ielde |
Genesis A 1251b | on / ofer metodes ēst || manna | eaforan, | / sċyldfulra mǣġþ || sċīe |
Genesis A 1333b | ē hāte, / under earce bord || | eaforan | þīne, / frum-gāran þrīe, | |
Genesis A 1357b | end hēt, / under earce bord || | eaforan | lǣdan, / weras on wǣġ-þæl% |
Genesis A 1602a | forþ ġe·wāt. / Siððan his | eaforan | || ēad bryttedon, / bearna str |
Genesis A 1616a | Chāmes sunu || cende wurdon, / | eaforan | on ēðle; || þā ieldestan / |
Genesis A 1682a | || rǣran on·gunnon / Ādames | eaforan, | || and þæs unrǣdes / stīþ- |
Genesis A 1706b | . / Wurdon þǣm æðelinge || | eaforan | ā·cende, / in Babilone || bea |
Genesis A 2133b | nd cnihtas, / earme widewan. || | Eaforan | sindon dēade, / folc-ġe·sī |
Genesis A 2177b | / Ne ðearf iċ ierfe-stōl || | eaforan | bytlian / ǣngum mīnra, || ac |
Genesis A 2185a | ncum || þæt mē aefter sīe / | eaforan | sīne || ierfe-weardas. / Ġe· |
Genesis A 2212b | / Eall þæt sċulon āĝan || | eaforan | þīne, / þēod-landa ġe·hwe |
Genesis A 2329b | ātan. || Ne ðearf þe þæs | eaforan | sċamian, / ac iċ þǣm maĝu- |
Genesis A 2363b | ēo. / Hwæðere iċ Īsace, || | eaforan | þīnum, / ġungum bearne, || |
Genesis A 2607b | ahte. / Idesa wurdon ēacne, || | eaforan | brōhton / will-ġe·sweostor | |
Genesis A 2764a | e·lǣsted, || līfes ealdor / | eaforan | and idese. || Abrahame wōc / b |
Genesis A 2898a | || stēape dūne / up mid his | eaforan, | || swā him sē ēċa be·bē |
Genesis A 2916a | ā·breġd || cniht of āde, / | eaforan | þīnne. || Him ān wuldres G |
Exodus 412b | ā%; / sē eorl wolde slēan || | eaforan | sīnne / unweaxenne, || eċġum |
Daniel 671a | a rīċe. / Siþþan ðǣr his | eaforan | || ēad bryttodon, / welan, wun |
Andreas 1110b | wolde / on ǣht-ġe·weald, || | eaforan | ġungne%, / līfes tō lisse. | |
Andreas 1627a | ðele, || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / | eaforan | unweaxne, || þā wæs eall |
Elene 353b | es gāst: / 'Iċ up ā·hōf || | eaforan | ġungne / and bearn cēnde, || |
Elene 1a | fyrn-wita, || fæder mīnum, / | eaforan, | || / wende hine of weorolde || |
Maxims I 175a | en hīe ānes mannes, / eorles% | eaforan | wǣran, || ġif hīe sċoldon |
Riddles 15 12b | þon iċ sċeall of ēðle || | eaforan | mīne / forht-mōd ferĝan, || |
Riddles 20 21a | mǣġ-burh || ġe·miċeledu / | eaforan | mīnum || þe iċ aefter wōc |
Precepts 66b | la, / eald ūð-wita || sæġde | eaforan | worn: / ‘Nis nū fela folca | |
Precepts 77b | na full, / eald eft on·gann || | eaforan | lǣran: / ‘Snytra brūceþ || |
Beowulf 1185a | gōde || ġieldan wile / uncrum | eaforan, | || ġif hē þæt eall ġe·m |
Beowulf 1547a | lde hire bearn wrecan, / āngan | eaforan. | || Him on eaxle læġ / brēost |
Beowulf 1847b | ld heoru-grymme, || Hrēðles | eaforan, | / ādl oþþe īren || ealdor |
Beowulf 2451a | dĝod || morĝna ġe·hwelċe / | eaforan | ellor-sīþ; || ōðres ne ġ |
Beowulf 2475b | þþe him Angₑn-þēowes || | eaforan | wǣron / frame, fyrd-hwate, || |
The Battle of Brunanburh 7a | eaðu-linde || hamora lāfum, / | eaforan | Ēad·weardes, || swā him ġ |
The Battle of Brunanburh 52b | l-felda / wiþ Ēad·weardes || | eaforan | pleĝodon. / Ġe·witon him þ |
Solomon and Saturn 171a | || orleġ-stunde. / Hēo þæs | eaforan | sċeall || oft and ġe·lōme |