Number of occurrences in corpus: 32
Genesis B 592a | d on·gann / lǣtan aefter þam | lārum. | || For·þon hēo æt þǣm l |
Genesis B 598b | am lyġenum || þe for þǣm | lārum | cōm. / Hēo þā þæs ofetes |
Genesis B 711b | t hēo þæs lāðan bodan || | lārum | hīerde, / ac wende þæt hēo |
Genesis A 1671b | lōme / lissum ġe·wunodon. || | Lārum | sōhton / weras tō weorce || a |
Genesis A 1750a | fost, || and þū mīnum wēl / | lārum | hīere, || and þæt land ġe |
Genesis A 2234b | Þā sē ēadĝa wer || idese | lārum | / ġe·þafode, || hēt him þ |
Genesis A 2236b | mennen / on bedd gân || brȳde | lārum. | / Hire mōd ā·stāh || þā h |
Genesis A 2296b | ā ǣdre ġe·wāt || engles | lārum | / hire hlāfordum, || swā sē |
Genesis A 2348b | um frōd: / “Lifġe Ismael || | lārum | swilce, / þēoden, þīnum, || |
Exodus 390b | dor-fæst cyning, || wītĝan | lārum | / ġe·timbrode || tempel Gode, |
Daniel 217b | þēah þā hyssas || hīeran | lārum | / in hyġe hǣðnum. || Hoĝodo |
Andreas 141b | under dim-sċuwan || dēofles | lārum, | / þonne hīe unlǣdra || eafo |
Andreas 611b | opne ġe·dwolan. || Dēofles | lārum | / hæleþ hin-fūse || hīerdon |
Andreas 679b | es nū / būtan lēod-rihte || | lārum | hīeraþ, / ēadġes or-hlytte |
Andreas 777a | ne grundas, || godes ǣrendu / | lārum | lǣdan || on þā lēod-mearc |
Andreas 813b | ā þēah ne ġe·līefdon || | lārum | sīnum / mōd-blinde menn. || I |
Andreas 1290a | || þæt iċ, metod, þīnum / | lārum | lēof-wendum || lȳt ġe·sw |
Elene 59b | ne, / synna lēasne, || Sāwles | lārum | / fēore be·rǣddon, || swā h |
Elene 400b | / ðǣr hīe leahtra fruman || | lārum | ne hīerdon. / Þā wæs mōd- |
Elene 771b | īd, / and þæs lāttēowes || | lārum | hīerdon, / crīstnum þēawum, |
Vainglory 3b | d-hord on·wreah% || wītĝan | lārum | / beorn bōca glēaw, || bodan |
The Whale 75b | ne his / on hira līf-daĝum || | lārum | hīerdon, / þonne hē þā gri |
Guthlac A 364b | æt hē þæs lāttēowes || | lārum | hīere, / ne lǣte him eald-fē |
Guthlac A 453b | r þū framlīċe || frēonda | lārum | / hīeran wolde, || þā þū h |
Guthlac B 846b | c his wīf ġe·nam || wyrmes | lārum | / blǣde for·bodene || and of |
Riddles 39 22a | de-feorh || wuldor-cyninġes% / | lārum | libban. || Lang is tō seċġ |
Juliana 306b | nd, / metod mihtiġne || mīnum | lārum. | / Swelċe% iċ Eġias || ēac |
Juliana 371b | ðe, / leahtrum ġe·lenge, || | lārum | hīereþ%. / Iċ hine þæs sw |
Juliana 378b | ohtes ġe·lēafan || and hē | lārum | wile / þurh mōdes myne || mī |
Juliana 483b | / līf ā·lēton. || Sume iċ | lārum | ġe·teah, / tō ġe·flite fre |
The Gifts of Men 95a | ne. || Sum biþ bōca glēaw, / | lārum | liðufæst%. || Sum biþ list |
The Seasons for Fasting 9b | de%. / Þā sē lēoda fruma || | lārum | fylĝde / heofona hēah-cininge |