Number of occurrences in corpus: 37
Genesis A 1522a | ne selfa || ærest begrindeþ / | gastes | dugeþum || þæra þe mid ga |
Genesis A 2331b | | mine sylle / godcunde gife || | gastes | mihtum / freondsped fremum || h |
Exodus 96b | lde / heahþegnunga || haliges | gastes | / deormodra siþ || dagum and n |
Exodus 525b | huses weard / ginfæsten god || | gastes | cægon / run biþ gerecenod || |
Daniel 21a | scipe || swa no man scyle / his | gastes | lufan || wiþ gode dælan / þa |
Daniel 155b | urh hleoþorcwyde || haliges | gastes | / þæt him engel godes || eall |
Daniel 439b | eddedon / gleawmode guman || on | gastes | hyld / þa gewat se engel up || |
Daniel 732b | æt seo hand write || haliges | gastes | / ne mihton arædan || runcræf |
Christ and Satan 525b | / ealle to galileam || hæfdon | gastes | bled / ongeton haligne || godes |
Christ and Satan 548b | at / god on galgan || þurh his | gastes | mægen / forþon men sceolon || |
Christ and Satan 571a | ht || twelf apostolas / mid his | gastes | gife || gingran geswiþde / hæ |
Christ and Satan 644b | e þurh godes gife || gemunan | gastes | bled / hu eadige þær || uppe |
Andreas 155b | ædige guþrincas || hu þæs | gastes | siþ / æfter swyltcwale || ges |
Andreas 531a | æt þu gife hæfdes / haliges | gastes | || hærn eft onwand / aryþa ge |
Andreas 1000b | rn / þurh handhrine || haliges | gastes | / ond þær in eode || elnes ge |
Andreas 1621b | ter hleoþorcwidum || haliges | gastes | / wæs on þanc sprecen || þeo |
Andreas 26a | þær næfre feondes ne biþ / | gastes | gramhydiges || gang on lande / |
The Fates of the Apostles 114b | m menn / nemþe he godcundes || | gastes | bruce / ah utu we þe geornor | |
Soul and Body I 41b | yrsted wæs / godes lichoman || | gastes | drynces / forþan þu ne hogode |
Soul and Body I 143b | efyldest me / godes lichoman || | gastes | drynces / wære þu on wædle | |
Elene 199a | æ || dæges ond nihtes / þurh | gastes | gife || georne cyþan / ond hin |
Elene 618a | eope || burgum on innan / þurh | gastes | gife || to godes temple / cræf |
Elene 630b | s bæd / þæt hire þa gina || | gastes | mihtum / ymb wundorwyrd || will |
Elene 660a | r onhylde || hygerune ne maþ / | gastes | mihtum || to gode cleopode / ea |
Elene 717a | lces || þeodcwen ongan / þurh | gastes | gife || georne secan / nearwe g |
Beowulf 133a | ðan || last sceawedon / wergan | gastes | || wæs ðæt gewin to strang |
Beowulf 1747b | n / wom wundorbebodum || wergan | gastes | / ðinceð him to lytel || ðæ |
Solomon and Saturn 63a | || sundor mæg æghwylc / þurh | gastes | gife || godspel secgan / he bi |
Solomon and Saturn 242b | afaþ heow and had || haliges | gastes | / cristes gecyndo || hit þæt |
The Gloria I 43b | nan / heahðrymnesse || haliges | gastes | / wlitige englas || and wuldorg |
The Kentish Hymn 12b | gerena / ðe ðu god dryhten || | gastes | mæhtum / hafest on gewealdum | |
The Kentish Hymn 42b | hiofena heahcyninc || haliges | gastes | / fegere gefelled || in fæder |
Psalm 50 51b | e bidde / ðæt me forgefene || | gastes | wunde / an forðgesceaft || fer |
Psalm 50 108b | la hiorde / god selfa to ðe || | gastes | mundberd / ðurh sibbe lufan || |
Psalm 50 131b | ofre ðine / to ðinum godan || | gastes | willan / ðætte sione dun || s |
Psalm 50 154a | on ferðe || gefræmed hæfde / | gastes | wunde || forgef us god mæaht |
Instructions for Christians 221b | ro þe na wast || wege þines | gastes, | / hu heo ðe on com || oððe |