Number of occurrences in corpus: 53
Genesis B 262a | ·dierned weorðan% / þæt his | enġel | on·gann || ofer-mōd wesan, / |
Genesis B 272a | || Fela worda ġe·spæc / sē | enġel | ofer-mōdes. || Þōhte þurh |
Genesis B 293a | eall ġe·hīerde, / þæt his | enġel | on·gann || ofer-mōde miċel |
Genesis B 349b | s grundes. || Wæs ǣr Godes | enġel, | / hwīt on heofone%, || oþ hin |
Genesis B 582b | ambiht-secg, || nealles Godes | enġel. | / Ac iċ cann ealle swā ġeare |
Genesis B 657a | nd þēs boda sċīene, / Godes | enġel | gōd, || iċ on his ġearwan |
Genesis A 946b | nna / hyhtfulne hām || hāliġ | enġel | / be frēan hǣse || fȳrene sw |
Genesis A 2269a | || Þǣr hīe wuldres þeġn, / | enġel | dryhtnes || ān ġe·mitte / ġ |
Genesis A 2280a | ā·breġde’. / Hire þā sē | enġel | || andswarode: / ‘Ne ceara þ |
Genesis A 2302a | unu wēox and þāh, / swā sē | enġel | ǣr || þurh his āĝen word, |
Exodus 205a | t wlance for·sċēaf / mehtiġ | enġel, | || sē þā meniġu be·hēol |
Daniel 156a | | hālġes gāstes, / þæt him | enġel | Godes || eall ā·sæġde / sw |
Daniel 237a | ard, || gāst þone hālĝan. / | Enġel | in þone ofen innan be·cōm |
Daniel 272b | r wæs / ān on ġe·sihþe, || | enġel | æl-mihtġes. / Him ðǣr on% o |
Daniel 336a | orde. || þā of rodorum wæs / | enġel | æl-beorht || ufan on·sended |
Daniel 345b | on þǣm ofene, || ðǣr sē | enġel | be·cōm, / windiġ and wynsum, |
Daniel 353b | þone ofen ēodon, || and sē | enġel | mid, / feorh nerġende, || sē |
Daniel 440a | tes hield. / Þā ġe·wāt sē | enġel | up || sēċan him ēċe drēa |
Daniel 508a | dum nāme. / Þūhte him þæt | enġel | || ufan of rodorum / stīĝan c |
Daniel 554b | re and eġeslicu. || Þā sē | enġel | cwæþ, / þæt þæt trēow s |
Daniel 720b | þ, / þā ðǣr in eġesan || | enġel | dryhtnes / lēt his hand cuman |
Christ and Satan 81b | s ġō in heofonum || hāliġ | enġel, | / drihtne dēore; || hæfde mē |
Christ and Satan 585b | þ him on heofonum || hāliġ | enġel, | / wealdend mid wītĝum. || Haf |
Andreas 194a | worde be·cwist? / Þæt mæġ | enġel | þīn || ēaþ ġe·fēran, / h |
Andreas 365b | ċe eall-mehtiġ, || hēt his | enġel | gān, / mǣrne maĝu-þeġn || |
Andreas 1540b | eorðan andwist. || Him þæt | enġel | for·stōd, / sē þā burh ofe |
Soul and Body I 27a | us lang hider. / Hwæt, þe lā | enġel | || ufan of rodorum / sāwle on |
Dream of the Rood 9b | espanne. || behēoldon ðǣr | enġel | dryhtnes ealle, / fæġere þur |
Christ A 132b | wǣre / Emmanuhel, || swā hit | enġel | ġe·cwæþ / ǣrest on Ebresċ |
Christ A 315a | tor on·lūcan, / ǣr him godes | enġel | || þurh glædne ġe·þanc / |
Christ A 335b | ūs nū þā āre || þe sē | enġel | þē, / godes spell-boda, || Ga |
Christ A 351b | m. / Næs ǣniġ þā ġīet || | enġel | ġe·worden, / ne þæs miċela |
Soul and Body II 24a | is lang hider, / and þe þurh | enġel | || ufan of rodorum / sāwle on |
Guthlac A 2a | hīe æt frymþe ġe·metaþ, / | enġel | and sēo ēadġe sāwl. || Of |
Guthlac A 4a | e·dǣleþ. / Þonne cwiþ sē | enġel, | || (hafaþ ieldran hād), / gr |
Guthlac A 112b | ·lāce / on his andġietan || | enġel | sealde / þæt him sweðroden | |
Guthlac A 116a | n, || þā ġe·winn druĝon, / | enġel | dryhtnes || and sē atola gǣ |
Guthlac A 172b | te / ēċan līfes. || Him wæs | enġel | nēah, / fǣle friðu-weard, || |
Guthlac A 190a | la. || Him wæs fultum nēah, / | enġel | hine elne trymede, || þonne |
Guthlac A 253a | þæs lȳt twēoþ% / þæt mē | enġel | tō || ealle ġe·lǣdeþ / sp |
Guthlac A 315a | ryhtnes þēow, / hē mec þurh | enġel | || oft ā·frēfreþ. / For·þ |
Guthlac A 336b | te. / Oft eahtode, || (wæs him | enġel | nēah), / hū þisse weorolde | |
Guthlac A 356a | an-ġinn swelċ, / þonne hine | enġel | || on þām ānade / ġeornost |
Guthlac B 1242a | mearces, || gǣst hāliġne, / | enġel | ufancundne, || sē mec efna |
Azarias 52a | de. || Þā of rodorum wearþ / | enġel | æl-beorhta || ufan on·sende |
Azarias 61b | on þām ofene%, || þā sē | enġel | cōm, / windiġ and wynsum, || |
Azarias 159a | on·sende || siĝora wealdend / | enġel | tō āre, || sē þe ūs bear |
Azarias 177b | , / ofenes ǣled, || ac him is | enġel | mid, / hafaþ beorhtne blǣd; | |
Juliana 261a | || wiþ þingode: / ‘Iċ eom | enġel | godes || ufan sīðende, / þe |
Juliana 563b | ēad-ġiefa.’ || þā cōm | enġel | godes / frætwum blīcan || and |
Solomon and Saturn 131b | bīdeþ. / //H// ōnetteþ, || | enġel | hine sċierpeþ, / Crīstes cem |
Solomon and Saturn 276b | ?’ / ‘Æġhwelcum% menn% || | enġel | on·sendeþ / drihten heofona% |
Solomon and Saturn 298a | nne wēpende || on weġ faran / | enġel | tō his earde || and þæt ea |