A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: leofaþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 24

Genesis A 2645b hēowan%, || þone% þe hēr leofaþ / rihtum þēawum, || biþ on r
Elene 12b um wealdan, || ac þāra dōm leofaþ / and hira dryhtsċipe, || / on
Christ C 1574b lu strīenan || þenden hēr leofaþ. / Ne biþ ðǣr ǣngum gōdum |
Christ C 1635b eorhte frætwe. || Hira blǣd leofaþ / æt dōm-dæġe, || āĝan dr
Vainglory 68b hēr on eorðan || ēað-mōd leofaþ, / and wiþ ġe·sibbra ġe·hwo
Vainglory 76a ofer-mēdum || earĝum dǣdum / leofaþ on leahtrum, || ne bēoþ þ
Widsith 134b ealdenne, || þenden hē hēr leofaþ.’ / Swā sċrīðende || ġe·sċ
Maxims I 105a e, / hām cymeþ, ġif hē hāl leofaþ, || nefne him holm ġe·stīer
The Order of the World 17b āscian, || sē þe% on elne leofaþ, / dēop-hyġdiġ mann, || dēag
The Order of the World 76b nǣniġ fīra || þæs frōd leofaþ / þæt his mæġe ǣ-springe |
The Panther 17b on ealle tīd || and-wrāþ leofaþ / þurh yfela ġe·hwelċ || þ
Riddles 39 27b hafaþ hēo% ǣniġ% lim, || leofaþ efene sē·þeah. / Ġif þū m
Juliana 119b e·fremme, || ġif min feorh leofaþ / ġif þū unrǣdes || ǣr ne
Beowulf 944b m-cynnum, || ġif hēo ġīet leofaþ, / þæt hire eald-metod || ēst
Beowulf 954b ·fremed || þæt þīn dōm% leofaþ / āwa tō ealdre. || Eall-weal
Beowulf 974a e ġe·bōhte; / nā þȳ lenġ leofaþ || lāþ-ġe·tēona, / synnum
Beowulf 1366b on flōde. || Nā þæs frōd leofaþ / gumena bearna, || þæt þone
Beowulf 2008a -hlem þone, / sē þe lenġest leofaþ || lāðan cynnes, / facne% be
Beowulf 3167b ote, || ðǣr hit nū-ġīen leofaþ / ieldum swā unnytt || swā hi
The Paris Psalter 71:15 1a nīede ġe·bierhted. / / # / Hē leofaþ lēodum, || him biþ lungre s
The Paris Psalter 88:14 1b # / Þā on þīnum lēohte || leofaþ and gangaþ / þe him ansīen
The Rune Poem 89b ·worpen, || ðǣr hē wynnum leofaþ. / //// ēar biþ eġle || eorla
Solomon and Saturn 153a n%.’ / ‘Ac for·hwon þonne leofaþ || sē wiersa lenġ? / Sē wier
Solomon and Saturn 163a mid lēoda duĝuþum; / ōðer leofaþ || lȳtle hwīle, / swīceþ on