Number of occurrences in corpus: 34
Genesis B 671b | wynsumost. || Hwā meahte mē | swelċ | ġe·wit ġiefan, / ġif hit ġ |
Genesis A 1383a | owertiġ daĝa, / nihta ōðer | swelċ. | || Nīþ wæs rēðe, / wæl-gr |
Genesis A 2195a | d brimu || beorhte sċīnan. / | Swelċ | biþ mǣġ-burĝe% || meniġu |
Daniel 62a | ēona || under stān-hliðum, / | swelċ | eall swā þā eorlas || āĝ |
Daniel 66b | rēon, / feoh% and frætwa%, || | swelċ | ðǣr funden wæs, / and þā m |
Daniel 349b | , / wearmliċ wolcna sċūr. || | Swelċ | biþ wedera cyst, / swelċ wæs |
Daniel 350a | . || Swelċ biþ wedera cyst, / | swelċ | wæs on þǣm fȳre || frêan |
Christ and Satan 79b | fȳre and ātre%; || ne% biþ | swelċ | fǣġer drēam / þonne hē in |
Andreas 25b | ǣĝon ġond þā þēode. || | Swelċ | wæs þēaw hira / þæt hīe |
Andreas 29a | æt êa-land || ūtan sōhte. / | Swelċ | wæs þæs folces || friðul |
Soul and Body I 141b | e·sāwon, / heofona wuldor, || | swelċ | swā þū mē ǣr hēr sċrif |
Christ A 78b | cūðes. / Ne we sōðlīċe || | swelċ | ne ġe·fruĝnon / on ǣr-daĝu |
Christ A 290b | ealdes būtan synnum. || Nān | swelċ | ne cōm / ǣniġ ōðer || ofer |
The Fortunes of Men 14b | ōdor be·murneþ. || Ne biþ | swelċ | mannes ġe·weald. / Sumne sċe |
Guthlac A 355b | le. || Ne wæs þæt an-ġinn | swelċ, | / þonne hine enġel || on þā |
Guthlac A 756a | r eorðan || ielda cynnes, / ac | swelċ% | god wyrċeþ || gǣsta līfes |
Guthlac B 1128b | / ġe·sewen þūhte, || þæt | swelċ | snytru-cræft% / ǣnġes hæle |
Riddles 60 11b | sefan searuliċ || þām þe | swelċ | ne cann, / hū mec seaxes% ord |
Beowulf 72b | dǣlan / ġungum and ealdum, || | swelċ | him God sealde, / būtan folc-s |
Beowulf 178b | mede / wiþ þēod-þrēaum. || | Swelċ | wæs þēaw hira, / hǣðenra h |
Beowulf 996b | ġe·hwelcum || þāra þe on | swelċ | staraþ. / Wæs þæt beorhte b |
Beowulf 1328b | fēðan, / eoforas cnysedon. || | Swelċ | sċolde eorl wesan, / æðeling |
Beowulf 1329b | esan, / æðeling% ǣr-gōd, || | swelċ | Ǣsċ-here wæs. / Wearþ him o |
Beowulf 1583a | | fīf-tīene menn / and ōðer | swelċ | || ūt of·ferede, / lāðlicu |
Beowulf 1940b | alm-bealu cȳðan. || Ne biþ | swelċ | cwēnliċ þēaw / idese tō ef |
Beowulf 2541b | wode / ānes mannes. || Ne biþ | swelċ | earġes sīþ. / Ġe·sēah þ |
Beowulf 2708b | hæfdon, / sib-æðelingas. || | Swelċ | sċolde secg wesan, / þeġn æ |
Beowulf 2798b | m lēodum / ǣr swylt-dæġe || | swelċ | ġe·strīenan. / Nū iċ on m |
The Paris Psalter 147:6 2a | cristallum || cynnum sendeþ / | swelċ | swā hlāf-ġe·brece || of h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 18b | / be þǣm we maĝon singan || | swelċ | būtan lēase. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 7b | þūhte. || Nis hit nū þā | swelċ. | / Nǣron þā ġond weorolde || |
Solomon and Saturn 200a | leþ || and him self friteþ. / | Swelċ | biþ sēo ān snǣd || ǣġhw |
The Menologium 141a | s hærfest cymþ / ymbe ōðer | swelċ | || būtan ānre wanan, / wliti |
The Gloria I 57b | / cȳddest þīne cræftas. || | Swelċ | is Crīstes meaht. |