Number of occurrences in corpus: 15
Genesis A 991a | stme. || Rǣhton wīde / ġeond | wer-þēoda | || wrōhtes telĝan, / hrīnon |
Exodus 383a | s || in ġe·hield be·bēad, / | wer-þēoda | ġe·weald; || hē on wræce |
Andreas 543b | wuldre ġe·wliteĝad || ofer | wer-þēoda, | / miltsum ġe·mǣrsod. || Nǣn |
The Fates of the Apostles 15b | d / wīde ġe·weorðod || ofer | wer-þēoda. | / Swelċe Andreas || on Achaġi |
Christ B 714a | | gǣst-ġe·rȳnum, / wealdend | wer-þēoda | || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: |
Azarias 101a | || lux et% tenebre, / þe þās | wer-þēoda | || weardum healdaþ. / Dēop dr |
The Ruin 9a | pe hrūsan, || oþ hund cnēa / | wer-þēoda | ġe·witan. || Oft þæs wāh |
The Paris Psalter 104:6 2b | wæs, / ġe·weorðode || ofer | wer-þēoda, | / and Iacobes bearn, || þone h |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 5b | hīe ne tō·wurpe || ġond | wer-þēoda. | / / # / Ne% hīe for āwiht || eo |
The Paris Psalter 59:1 2b | , / and ūs tō·wurpe || ġond | wer-þēoda, | / ierre ūs wurde || and eft mi |
The Paris Psalter 82:4 2b | and hīe tō·wyrpan || ġond | wer-þēoda, | / þæt ne sīe ġe·myndiġ || |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 2b | / ġe·wuldrie || ġond% ealle | wer-þēoda, | / and him līf-daĝas || lange |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 35b | is sē þe wealdeþ || ġond | wer-þēoda | / ealra ōðra || eorðan cynin |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 73b | d. / Þā on·gunnon wyrċan || | wer-þēoda | spell, / sæġdon þæt hēo s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 28b | deþ, / west under weorolde. || | Wer-þēoda | his / naman on·wendaþ || þon |