Number of occurrences in corpus: 18
Genesis A 1387b | h / hreoh under heofonum || hea | beorgas | / geond sidne grund || and on s |
Daniel 382b | / hyllas and hrusan || and hea | beorgas | / sealte sæwægas || soþfæst |
Andreas 840b | g sceawode / fore burggeatum || | beorgas | steape / hleoþu hlifodon || ym |
Andreas 1306b | helmade / brunwann oferbræd || | beorgas | steape / ond se halga wæs || t |
Christ C 977b | ahhe / tobrocene burgweallas || | beorgas | gemeltað / ond heahcleofu || |
Guthlac A 209a | he for wlence || on westenne / | beorgas | bræce || ðær hy bidinge / ea |
Guthlac A 232b | s / ofgiefan gnornende || grene | beorgas | / hwæðre hy ða gena || godes |
The Phoenix 21b | ele lond / blostmum geblowen || | beorgas | ðær ne muntas / steape ne sto |
Beowulf 222b | d gesawon / brimclifu blican || | beorgas | steape / side sænæssas || ða |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 1a | stefne || strangne egsan / / # / | beorgas | and feldas || ba astigaþ / on |
The Paris Psalter 103:12 1a | am stanum || stefne mycle / / # / | beorgas | onfoþ || blædum and wæstmu |
The Paris Psalter 113:4 1a | e on hinder / / # / hæfdan þær | beorgas | || bliþe sæle / and rammum þ |
The Paris Psalter 113:6 1a | hwi gengdest on bæcling / / # / | beorgas | wæron bliþe || gebærdon sw |
The Paris Psalter 71:3 1a | n || holde mid dome / / # / onfon | beorgas | eac || beorhtre sibbe / on þin |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 2b | biþ se beorht ahafen || ofer | beorgas | up / ofer libanum || licgeaþ h |
The Paris Psalter 79:10 1b | lled / / # / his se brada scua || | beorgas | þeahte / and his tanas astigun |
The Paris Psalter 86:1 1b | ldaþ his staþelas || halige | beorgas | / lufude sione duru || symble d |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 2a | id folmum || on gefean ælcne / | beorgas | blissiaþ || beacen oncnawaþ |