Number of occurrences in corpus: 41
Genesis A 1357b | t / under earce bord || eaforan | lædan | / weras on wægþæl || and heo |
Genesis A 1435b | osten / and of enge ut || æhta | lædan | / þa fandode || forþweard sci |
Genesis A 1649b | witon him þa eastan || æhta | lædan | / feoh and feorme || folc wæs |
Genesis A 1746b | u nu feran || and þine fare | lædan | / ceapas to cnosle || carran of |
Genesis A 1767b | im þa abraham gewat || æhte | lædan | / of egipta || eþelmearce / gumc |
Genesis A 1774b | ode / on þa eþelturf || idesa | lædan | / swæse gebeddan || and his su |
Genesis A 1856a | || wordum heredon / oþþæt he | lædan | heht || leoflic wif to / his se |
Genesis A 1911b | landriht heora || forþon wit | lædan | sculon / teon of þisse stowe | |
Genesis A 2130b | h and frætwa || læt me freo | lædan | / eft on eþel || æþelinga be |
Genesis A 2150a | c þu selfa most heonon / huþe | lædan | || þe ic þe æt hilde geslo |
Genesis A 2457b | gne / loth mid giestum || heton | lædan | ut / of þam hean hofe || halig |
Genesis A 2622b | ones / under abimelech || æhte | lædan | / mid his hiwum || hæleþum s |
Genesis A 2786a | ian / agar ellor || and ismael / | lædan | mid hie || ne beoþ we leng s |
Genesis A 2871b | from his agenum hofe || isaac | lædan | / bearn unweaxen || swa him beb |
Christ and Satan 396a | ten || wile uppe heonan / sawla | lædan | || and we seoþþan a / þæs y |
Andreas 174b | þu scealt feran || ond friþ | lædan | / siþe gesecan || þær sylfæ |
Andreas 337b | fan ge on þa fore || frætwe | lædan | / gold ne seolfor || ic eow god |
Andreas 777a | rundas || godes ærendu / larum | lædan | || on þa leodmearce / to chann |
Andreas 1044b | o / gewat þa matheus || menigo | lædan | / on gehyld godes || swa him se |
Andreas 1229a | ean || æfter wurde / heton þa | lædan | || ofer landsceare / þragmælu |
Andreas 1272b | heton ut hræþe || æþeling | lædan | / in wraþra geweald || wærfæ |
Andreas 1390b | neosan / leoda weorude || heton | lædan | ut / þrohtheardne þegn || þr |
Andreas 38a | leas || frofre benohte / þa ic | lædan | gefrægn || leoda weorode / leo |
Soul and Body I 139b | / þær ic þe moste || mid me | lædan | / þæt wyt englas || ealle ges |
Dream of the Rood 5a | awe || syllicre treow / on lyft | lædan | || leohte bewunden / beama beor |
Elene 241b | ne ær / on egstreame || idese | lædan | / on merestræte || mægen fæg |
Elene 252b | eht þa swa cwicne || corþre | lædan | / scufan scyldigne || scealcas |
Maxims I 177b | scyle ða rincas || gerædan | lædan | / ond him ætsomne swefan || / n |
Guthlac A 7b | t / longe ond gelome || ic ðec | lædan | sceal / wegas ðe sindon weðe |
Guthlac A 595b | gengan / in ðone laðan leg || | lædan | motan / ðæt is in gewealdum | |
Guthlac A 689a | wræcsiðe || wuldres cempan / | lædan | limhalne || ðæt se leofesta |
Riddles 29 2b | ice / hornum bitweonum || huðe | lædan | / lyftfæt leohtlic || listum g |
Resignation 53a | æfre deofol seðeah / ðin lim | lædan | || on laðne sið / ðy læs hi |
Resignation 106a | m weaxan || wyrde bidan / tanum | lædan | || ic for tæle ne mæg / ænig |
The Descent into Hell 39a | nwigend || to ðam burggeatum / | lædan | ne wolde || ac ða locu feoll |
Juliana 254a | este || swa he ðec ut heonan / | lædan | hate || ðæt ðu lac hraðe / |
Juliana 613b | æne ond gecorene || to cwale | lædan | / synna lease || ða cwom semni |
Beowulf 239b | ntne ceol / ofer lagustræte || | lædan | cwomon / hider ofer holmas || / |
Judith 42b | ða fromlice / lindwiggende || | lædan | ongunnon / ða torhtan mægð | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 9b | ot he þara hyrsta || hionane | lædan | / of þisse worulde || wuhte þ |
The Battle of Maldon 86b | er þone ford faran || feþan | lædan | / þa se eorl ongan || for his |