Number of occurrences in corpus: 34
Genesis B 836b | ġnsċipes, || nū iċ mīnes | þēodnes | hafa / hyldu for·worhte, || þ |
Daniel 188b | ǣr þrīe wǣron || on þæs | þēodnes | byrġ, / eorlas Israela, || þ |
Daniel 190a | || þæt hīe ā noldon / hira | þēodnes | dōm || þafian on·ġinnan, / |
Andreas 3a | glum || tīr-ēadġe hæleþ, / | þēodnes | þeġnas. || Nā hira þrymm |
Andreas 94a | word-hlēoðres swēġ / mǣres | þēodnes. | || Hē his maĝu-þeġne / unde |
The Fates of the Apostles 8a | rþu, || ofer middan-ġeard, / | þēodnes | þeġna, || þrymm unlȳtel. / |
Elene 267b | , / þrīste on ġe·þance, || | þēodnes | willan / ġeorn on mōde || þ |
Christ A 354a | rum up || rīċe be·witiaþ, / | þēodnes | þrȳð-ġe·steald || and hi |
Christ B 541b | ðǣr / þeġnas þrymfulle || | þēodnes | ġe·hāta / on ðǣre torhtan |
Christ B 553a | eorhte ġe·weorode, / on þæs | þēodnes | burh || þeġnas cōmon, / weor |
Christ C 1235b | samod, || þæt þe hīe hira | þēodnes | wēl / wordum and weorcum || wi |
The Order of the World 41b | nū on þām þrēam || þurh | þēodnes | hand / hēaþ and hebbaþ || þ |
Guthlac A 385b | e% / sē þe on þrōwingum || | þēodnes | willan / dæġhwǣm drēoĝeþ. |
Guthlac B 1066b | arfoþe / tō ġe·þolianne || | þēodnes | willan, / dryhtnes mīnes, || n |
Guthlac B 1198b | r·þryċċed, || þurh þæs | þēodnes | word, / ambiht-þeġne, || þā |
Guthlac B 1216b | t ġe·þeahte. || Iċ þæs | þēodnes | word, / āres uncūðes || oft |
Guthlac B 1256a | e māþ || manna ġe·hwelcne / | þēodnes | þrymm-cyme || oþ þisne dæ |
Riddles 45 5b | þeahte / þrind-ende þinġ || | þēodnes | dohtor. |
The Husband's Message 47a | orðan || eorl-ġe·strēona, / | þēodnes | dohtor, || gif hē þīn be· |
The Phoenix 68b | ĝum þrymlīċe. || Is þæt | þēodnes | ġe·bod, / þætte twelf sīð |
The Phoenix 605b | xaþ, / þrymme be·þeahte. || | þēodnes | cyne-gold / sōþfæstra ġe·h |
Juliana 108a | aðolad): / ‘Nǣfre iċ þæs | þēodnes | || þafian wille / mǣġ-rǣden |
The Wanderer 95a | | Ēa-lā byrn-wīga. / Ēa-lā | þēodnes | þrymm. || Hū sēo þrāh ġ |
Beowulf 797a | nes || feorh ealĝian, / mǣres | þēodnes, | || ðǣr hīe meahton swā. / H |
Beowulf 910a | te ġe·līefde, / þæt þæt | þēodnes | bearn || ġe·þēon sċolde, |
Beowulf 1085a | lāfe || wīġe for·þringan / | þēodnes | þeġna; || ac hīe him ġe· |
Beowulf 1627b | þrȳðliċ þeġna hēap, || | þēodnes | ġe·fǣĝon, / þæs þe hīe |
Beowulf 1837a | ofum Ġēata / ġe·þinġeþ%, | þēodnes | bearn, || hē mæġ ðǣr fel |
Beowulf 2174a | þe him Wealh·þēow ġeaf, / | þēodnes% | dohtor, || þrīe wiċġ samo |
Beowulf 2656a | llan, || feorh ealĝian / Wedra | þēodnes. | || Iċ wāt ġearwe / þæt nǣ |
Judith 165a | gon and urnon / on·ġēan þā | þēodnes% | mæġeþ || þūsend-mǣlum, / |
Judith 268a | || Beornas stōdon / ymbe hira | þēodnes | træf || þearle ġe·bielde, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 11a | āuht nyton / þæt hīe þæs | þēodnes | || þēowas sindon. / Sē ūs |
The Menologium 116b | þeġn / ymb þrīe-tīene, || | þēodnes | dīerling, / Iohannes on ġeard |