Number of occurrences in corpus: 38
Genesis A 1057b | nn / mid þǣm cnēo-māĝum || | ċeastre | timbran; / þæt wæs under wol |
Genesis A 1674b | dum / cȳðdon cræft hira, || | ċeastre% | worhton / and tō heofonum up | |
Genesis A 2202b | for wintra fela / of Caldea || | ċeastre | ā·lǣde, / fēowera% sumne, | |
Genesis A 2427b | īðe ġe·sōhton || Sōdoma | ċeastre. | / Hīe þā æt burh-ġeate || |
Genesis A 2520a | rh || hēr āne nēah, / lȳtle | ċeastre. | || Līefaþ mē ðǣr / āre an |
Daniel 42b | n fōron, / Caldea cynn, || tō | ċeastre | forþ, / ðǣr Israela || ǣhta |
Daniel 706a | | mid cyne-þrymme, / cempan in | ċeastre, | || clǣne ġe·nāmon, / gold i |
Christ and Satan 256a | þǣm dēoran hām, / cyning of | ċeastre. | || Cūþ is wīde / þæt wræc |
Christ and Satan 297a | ǣfre forþ || wunian mōten / | ċeastre | and cyne-stōl. || Ūton cȳ |
Christ and Satan 655a | | hālĝum stefnum, / cyning in | ċeastre | || Cweðaþ ealle þus: / ‘ |
Andreas 41a | e mǣran byriġ / cumen on þā | ċeastre. | || Þǣr wæs ċierm miċel / |
Andreas 281a | eardes brūcaþ, / ac on ðǣre | ċeastre | || cwealm þrōwiaþ, / þā þ |
Andreas 719a | id þām burĝ-warum / on ðǣr | ċeastre | is. || Cheruphim et Seraphim / |
Andreas 828a | | on land be·cōm / tō ðǣre | ċeastre | || þe him cyning engla / þā |
Andreas 929a | | fēran ne cūðe / ne on þā | ċeastre | || be·cuman meahte, / þinġ |
Andreas 939b | e and meahte. || þū on þā | ċeastre | gang / under burĝ-locan, || ð |
Andreas 1058b | t him þā Andreas || inn on | ċeastre | / glæd-mōd gangan, || tō þ |
Andreas 1174b | weġ / æðelinga sum || innan | ċeastre, | / ell-þēodiġra, || þone iċ |
Andreas 10a | mæġene rōf, || Marmedonia / | ċeastre | sēċan. || Crīstenra wēox / |
Elene 274a | ō Hierusālem / cōmon on þā | ċeastre | || corðra mǣste, / eorlas ǣs |
Elene 384a | ȳtel fæc || laðode wǣron, / | ċeastre | weardas. || Hēo sēo cwēn o |
Elene 407b | , æðelingas, || inn on þā | ċeastre. | / A·setton þā on ġe·sihþe |
Elene 766a | hālĝan byriġ / cuman on þā | ċeastre. | || Þā sēo cwēn on·gann / l |
Christ B 578a | || ealles wealdend, / cyning on | ċeastre, | || corðre ne lȳtle, / fyrn-we |
Riddles 59 15a | || gǣst ġe·sēċan, / rodera | ċeastre. | || Rǣde, sē þe wille, / hū |
Juliana 21a | ode || oftost simle / on ðǣre | ċeastre | || Commedia, / hēold hord-ġe |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 4b | ċ þā of dryhtnes || drīfe | ċeastre. | |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 4a | don ġond wēsten; / ne meahton | ċeastre | weġ || cūðne mittan, / þe h |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 4a | e || inn be·cōmon / tō hira | ċeastre | || eardung-stōwe. / / # / For· |
The Paris Psalter 106:35 2b | ðǣr ġe·setton || swelċe | ċeastre, | / ðǣr hīe eard nāmon || āw |
The Paris Psalter 126:2 2a | ealde ēac || hāliġ drihten / | ċeastre | mid cynnum, || ne mæġ hīe |
The Paris Psalter 58:6 3b | hundas ymb·gāþ || hwammas | ċeastre. | / / # / Efne hīe habbaþ on mū |
The Paris Psalter 58:14 3b | hundas ymb·gāþ || hwammas | ċeastre. | / / # / Efne hīe tō ǣte || ūt |
The Paris Psalter 59:8 1b | e·lǣdeþ mē || lēofran on | ċeastre | / weallum be·worhte? || Hwā w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 66a | e æft tō him / cōmen on þā | ċeastre, | || lēte Grēca witan / rǣdan |
The Death of Alfred 3a | his mēder, þe on Win- || / | ċeastre | sæt, ac hit him ne ġe·þaf |
Solomon and Saturn 181a | ċe, || Palestinion, / Niniuen | ċeastre | || and norþ Predan, / Meda mā |
The Kentish Hymn 19b | on ðǣre uplican || æðelan | ċeastre, | / frēa folca ġe·hwæs, || sw |