Number of occurrences in corpus: 71
Genesis B 509a | f sprecan. / Swā þū lǣstan | sċealt | || þæt on þis% land hider / |
Genesis A 906a | nd þā worde cwæþ: / ‘Þū | sċealt | wīde-ferhþ || wēriġ% þī |
Genesis A 909b | unaþ / gāst on innan. || Þū | sċealt | grēot etan / þīne līf-daĝa |
Genesis A 913b | h mid fōtum sīnum. || Þū | sċealt | fiersna sǣtan / tohtan nīewre |
Genesis A 917b | sċaða, || hū% þū līfian | sċealt’. | / Þā tō Ēuan God || ierrung |
Genesis A 919b | Wend þē fram wynne! || Þu | sċealt | wǣpned-menn / wesan on ġe·we |
Genesis A 927a | ma, || lāþ ǣrende: / ‘Þū | sċealt | ōðerne || ēðel sēċan, / w |
Genesis A 932b | t; || for·þon þū winnan | sċealt | / and on eorðan þē || þīne |
Genesis A 938b | e; || for·þon þū sweltan | sċealt’. | / Hwæt, we nū ġe·hīeraþ | |
Genesis A 1013b | ġeþ. || Þū þæs cwealmes | sċealt | / wīte winnan || and on wræc |
Genesis A 1018b | glǣmes grēne folde. || Þū | sċealt | ġōmor hweorfan, / ārlēas of |
Genesis A 1020b | nan; || for·þon þū flēma | sċealt | / wīd-lāst wrecan, || wine-m |
Genesis A 1299b | , / feoh and fuĝolas. || Þū | sċealt | friþ habban / mid sunum þīnu |
Genesis A 1303b | el. || On þǣm þū maniĝum | sċealt | / ræste ġe·rȳman, || and ri |
Genesis A 1330b | ora fæsl || þe þū ferĝan | sċealt | / ġond dēop wæter || dæġ-r |
Genesis A 1752b | foldan. || Þū ġe·blētsod | sċealt | / on mund-byrde || mīnre libba |
Genesis A 1837b | sprǣċe; || swā þū mīnum | sċealt | / fēore ġe·beorĝan, || ġif |
Genesis A 2285a | um, || wes drihten-hold. / Þū | sċealt, | Āĝar, || Abrahame sunu / on w |
Genesis A 2312a | þīn ferhþ be·mearn. / Þū | sċealt | hālĝian || hīred þīnne. / |
Genesis A 2327b | / sōð-ġe·lēafan. || Þū | sċealt | sunu āĝan, / bearn be brȳde |
Genesis A 2528a | æste || andswarodon: / ‘Þū | sċealt | ðǣre bēne, || nū þū ymb |
Genesis A 2659b | eġel-cyning. || Þū sweltan | sċealt | / mid fēo and mid feorme, || |
Genesis A 2852b | d / þīn āĝen bearn. || Þū | sċealt | Īsaac mē / on·seċġan, sunu |
Genesis A 2856b | āĝnum fōtum, || ðǣr þū | sċealt | ād ġe·ġearwian, / bǣl-fȳr |
Genesis A 2917b | . / Maĝu Ebrea, || þū mēdum | sċealt | / þurh þæs hālĝan hand, || |
Andreas 174a | nd þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘Þu | sċealt | fēran || and ferhþ lǣdan, / |
Andreas 216a | des || ielding weorðan. / Þū | sċealt | þā fore ġe·fēran || and |
Andreas 943b | ·seted. || Þū hine sēċan | sċealt, | / lēofne ā·līesan || of lā |
Andreas 950a | ende wæs. / Nū þū, Andreas, | sċealt | || ǣdre ġe·nēðan / on gram |
Andreas 1208a | || sæġde his maĝu-þeġne: / | ‘Sċealt | þū, Andreas, || ellen fremm |
Andreas 1366b | itod be ġe·wyrhtum. || Þū | sċealt | wēriġ-mōd, / hēan, hroðra |
Andreas 1383b | es wræces weorðeþ. || þū | sċealt | wīdan feorh / īeċan þīne i |
Andreas 1467b | aman / hāles brūcan: || ‘Ne | sċealt | þū on hīenþum ā lenġ / se |
Andreas 1520b | urh his hālġe hǣs || þū | sċealt | hræðe cȳðan / ġif þū his |
Andreas 2a | rnende mōd / fore snēowan. / Ne | sċealt | þū þæt ēowde || ān-for |
Soul and Body I 24b | dest%, || hū þū on eorðan | sċealt | / wyrmum tō wiste. || Hwæt, |
Soul and Body I 49a | | þurh þīnra nīeda% lust. / | Sċealt | þū mīnra ġe·synta || sċ |
Soul and Body I 88b | ū for unc bǣm || and-wyrdan | sċealt | / on þǣm miċelan dæġe, || |
Elene 235b | rn, / godes gāst-sunu. || Þū | sċealt | ġeġnunga / wīsdōm on·wrēo |
Elene 249b | nan god, || þæt þū hungre | sċealt | / for cnēo-māĝum || cwielmed |
Elene 512b | e on·ǣled || and ðǣr āwa | sċealt, | / wiðer-hyċġende, || wierhþ |
Christ A 166a | an cininges, / nū þū frēode | sċealt | || fæste ġe·dǣlan, / ā·l |
Christ B 621b | e·worhte, || on ðǣre þū | sċealt | iermþum libban, / wunian on ġ |
Christ B 624a | gālan, / and tō ðǣre īlcan | sċealt | || eft ġe·weorðan, / wyrmum |
Christ B 626a | wītes fȳr / of ðǣre eorðan | sċealt | || eft ġe·sēċan.’ / Hwæt |
Soul and Body II 46a | || þurh þīnra nēoda lust. / | Sċealt | þū nū hwæðere mīnra ġe |
Soul and Body II 82b | þū for unc bū || andwyrdan | sċealt | / on þām miċelan dæġe, || |
Guthlac A 273a | eart% godes ierming. / Be hwon | sċealt | þū libban, || þēah þū l |
Guthlac A 582b | heortan. || Nū þū on helle | sċealt | / dēope ġe·dūfan, || nealle |
Guthlac B 1168b | || þæt þū þā nīehstan | sċealt | / on weorold-līfe || worda mī |
The Husband's Message 9b | cēol-þele || and nū cunnan | sċealt | / hū þū ymb mōd-lufan% || m |
Juliana 256b | e. || Þȳ þū þæs dēman | sċealt, | / ēad-hrēðiġ mæġ, || ierr |
Juliana 317a | s ġiefe, || Iuliana: / ‘Þū | sċealt | furður ġīen, || fēond man |
Juliana 347b | ruman: || ‘Þū mē furður | sċealt | / seċġan, sāwla fēond, || h |
Juliana 456a | an% || wordum mǣlde: / ‘Þū | sċealt | andettan% || yfel-dǣda mā, / |
Beowulf 588b | ĝum; || þæs þū on helle% | sċealt | / wierhþu drēoĝan, || þēah |
Beowulf 1707b | wit furðum sprǣcon. || Þū | sċealt | tō frōfre weorðan / eall lan |
Beowulf 2666b | bendum / dōm ġe·drēosan. || | Sċealt | nū dǣdum rōf, / æðeling ā |
The Paris Psalter 118:39 2a | || ealle healed. / / # / Þū mē | sċealt | ed-wītt min || of ā·wierpa |
The Paris Psalter 118:114 2a | ufode. / / # / Þū mē fultumian | sċealt, | || fǣle ġe·standan / and and |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 1b | īnre mild-heortnesse || mē | sċealt | ā·cwician. / / # / Þæt is wie |
The Paris Psalter 139:7 2b | nre || and þū min hēafod% | sċealt | / on ġe·feoht-dæġe || fēon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 26b | lēafan, || þū for·lǣtan | sċealt | / īdle ofer-sǣlþa, || unnytn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 28a | , || unnytne ġe·fēan. / Þū | sċealt | ēac yfelne eġe || ān for· |
The Judgment Day II 72b | rðan ymb-hwyrft; || þū ana | sċealt | / ġieldan sċād wordum || wi |
The Judgment Day II 82a | | æt līfes frēan? / Nū þū | sċealt | grēotan, || tēaras ġēotan |
The Judgment Day II 90a | ecan wile || ǣnigum menn. / Ne | sċealt | þū for·hyccan || hēaf and |
The Seasons for Fasting 102a | selfe, / þæt þū ōðrum ne | sċealt | || ǣfre fylĝan. / Ēac we fē |
The Seasons for Fasting 204a | r ġe·fremme, / ac þū lāre | sċealt | || lustum fremman% / ryht-hyċ |
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 2a | ne, || wenchichenne%, / hēr ne | sċealt | þū timbrien%, || ne nǣnne |
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 3a | e nǣnne tūn habben, / ac þū | sċealt | norþ% eonene || tō þon nih |