A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: freond

Number of occurrences in corpus: 26

Genesis A 1711b eorlum wæs / frea engla bam || freond and aldor / þa wearþ aarone |
Genesis A 2315b aford habban || oþþe holdne freond / þinum fromcynne || ic þæs
Genesis A 2501b g / oþþe on þissum folcum || freond ænigne / eac þissum idesum ||
Genesis A 2726a e ic agan sceal / wes us fæle freond || we þe feoh syllaþ / cwæþ
Genesis A 2812a e giena speow / þæs þu wiþ freond oþþe feond || fremman ongun
Genesis A 2820a æt þu wille me / wesan fæle freond || fremena to leane / þara þe
Exodus 178b an georne / fæst fyrdgetrum || freond onsegon / laþum eagan || landm
Dream of the Rood 144b eames brucan || si me dryhten freond / se þe her on eorþan || ær
Elene 514a ne gehyrde / hu se feond ond se freond || geflitu rærdon / tireadig o
Christ C 912b am halgan / on gefean fæger || freond ond leoftæl / lufsum ond liðe
Maxims I 145b feor bi tune || ðær him wat freond unwiotodne / wineleas wonsælig
The Panther 15b am anstapan || se is æghwam freond / duguða estig || butan dracan
Guthlac A 715b ic ðæt gefremme || ðær se freond wunað / on ðære socne || ðe
The Wife's Lament 47b orres folclondes || ðæt min freond siteð / under stanhliðe || st
The Wanderer 108b r bið feoh læne || her bið freond læne / her bið mon læne || h
Beowulf 1385a re bið æghwæm / ðæt he his freond wrece || ðonne he fela murne
Beowulf 1864a ode wat / ge wið feond ge wið freond || fæste geworhte / æghwæs u
Beowulf 2393a | eadgilse wearð / feasceaftum freond || folce gestepte / ofer sæ si
The Paris Psalter 77:34 2b æs god heora / fæle fultum || freond æt þearfe / wæs hea god || h
The Paris Psalter 90:2 2b art / fæle fultum || hæbbe ic freond on him / min se goda god || and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 3b eoþa cræftgast / firgilies || freond and lareow / þæm mæran sceop
Solomon and Saturn 13b werþeodum cuþ / filistina || freond nebrondes / he on þam felda of
Maxims II 44a eal dyrne cræfte / fæmne hire freond gesecean || gif heo nelle on
The Seasons for Fasting 186b on ðam fæstenne || ðæt he freond wese / folce gynd foldan || and
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 37b ælede / wið eallum feondum || freond ic gemete wið / ðæt ic on ð
Grave 18b ine fronden. / Nefst ðu nenne freond, þe þe wylle faren to, / ðæ