A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ālīesde

Number of occurrences in corpus: 24

Daniel 451b || sē hīe of þǣm morðre ā·līesde. / A·ġeaf him þā his lēoda
Christ C 1099a ahtra firena, / mid þȳ ūsiċ ā·līesde. || Þæs hē eft-lēan wile /
Christ C 1484b þone līċ-haman || þe iċ ā·līesde mē / fēondum of fæðme || an
The Paris Psalter 101:18 3b and þā bealdlīċe || bearn ā·līesde / þāra þe of·sleġene || sl
The Paris Psalter 102:4 1a || ealle ġe·hǣlde. / / # / Hē ā·līesde þīn līf || lēof of for·w
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2a ōþ cyning || sweotole āre, / ā·līesde hine lungre || and hine þǣm
The Paris Psalter 105:10 1a ron on dryĝum. / / # / Swā hīe ā·līesde || līfes ealdor / of hira fēo
The Paris Psalter 105:31 3a um || hīenþe þolodon; / hīe ā·līesde oft || līfes ealdor. / / # / Hī
The Paris Psalter 106:2 2a -þā || þæt hīe selfa god / ā·līesde, līfes weard, || lāðum of h
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2b of þǣm earfoþum || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / Hīe þā ġe·lǣde || l
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2b of þǣm earfoþum || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / And hē hīe of þ­ǣm
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2b of þǣm earfoþum || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / Hē him wīsfæstliċ ||
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2b hīe of earfeþum || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / Hē ȳste mæġ || ēaðe
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3b hīe of earfoþum || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / Hīe andetton || ealle dr
The Paris Psalter 106:40 2b , / and hīe of wǣdle || wēan ā·līesde, / sette hira staðol || sċēap
The Paris Psalter 107:5 4b ·corenan wesan || clǣne and ā·līesde. / / # / Dō mē þīn swīðre ha
The Paris Psalter 123:7 2a rame tō·rended, / and we sind ā·līesde || līfes wierðe; / we ūs nam
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3a um || hider on·sende / þe mē ā·līesde, || lāðum wiþ·ferede, / seal
The Paris Psalter 56:4 4b re, / and mīne sāwle || sōna ā·līesde / of lēon hwelpum || rēðe ġ
The Paris Psalter 59:4 4a boĝan and strǣle / and wǣron ā·līesde || lēofe þīne. / / # / Dō% m
The Paris Psalter 71:14 2b snēome hira sāwle || sōfte ā·līesde%; / is his nama for him || nīede
The Paris Psalter 72:14 3a ndan% ǣr, / þæt hīe wǣron ā·līesde, || lāðum wiþ-ferede. / / # / N
The Paris Psalter 90:3 1a ġe.’ / / # / For·þon hē mē ā·līesde || of lāðum grin, / huntum un
The Paris Psalter 90:15 3b siþþan / of earfoþum || ūt ā·līesde. / / # / Iċ hine ġe·nerġe || a