A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þider

Number of occurrences in corpus: 32

Exodus 46b erġas on helle. || Hēofung% þider be·cōm, / druron dēoful-ġie
Exodus 196b nes worn, / þūsend-mǣlum; || þider wǣron fūse. / Hæfdon hīe ġ
Daniel 203b herġes wīsa, || þæt hīe þider hweorfan wolden, / guman tō þ
Daniel 227b fȳres līeġe, || þā hē% þider folc samnode, / and ġe·bindan
Daniel 525b ryre fram þǣm gāste || þe þider God sende. / Hēt þā tō·sam
Christ and Satan 216b e·cwēmra. || Ūta% ċierran þider / ðǣr hē selfa sitt, || siĝ
Christ and Satan 301b umaþ / þūsend engla, || ġif þider mōton, / and þæt on eorðan
Christ and Satan 529b lileam. || Tō þæs ġungran þider / ealle urnon, || ðǣr sē ē
Christ and Satan 588a el be·tolden%. / Lǣdaþ% ūs þider tō lēohte || þurh his lǣ
Christ and Satan 630b ðaþ / þūsend-mǣlum, || and þider% lǣdaþ% / in þæt sċaðena s
Andreas 282a þrōwiaþ, / þā þe feorran þider || feorh ġe·lǣdaþ, / and þ
Elene 110b e·hwǣr, || sume hider, sume þider, / þridodon and þōhton. || Þ
Guthlac A 6b : / ‘Nū þū mōst fēran || þider þū fundodest / lange and ġe
Guthlac A 22a brūcaþ || and godes miltsa. / Þider sōþfæstra || sāwla mōton
Guthlac B 1044b orþ folĝian; || is nū fūs þider / gǣst sīðes ġeorn. || Nū
The Seafarer 118b onne ġe·þenċan || hū we þider cumen, / and we þonne ēac til
Beowulf 379a -sċēatas || Ġēata feredon / þider tō þance, || þæt hē [XXX
Beowulf 2970b ne, / siþþan þēod-cyning || þider on·cierde. / Ne meahte sē sne
Beowulf 3086b þ / þe þone þēodcyning% || þider on·tyhte. / Iċ wæs ðǣr inn
Judith 129b st, / þēawum ġe·þungen, || þider inn lǣdde, / and hit þā swā
The Paris Psalter 107:8 4a lle cenne / and min ġe·sċōs þider || sendan þenċe; / sindon mē
The Paris Psalter 138:8 1a um. / / # / Hwæt, mē þīn hand þider || ofer holma be·gang / lǣde
The Paris Psalter 67:25 3b ; / þæt is on Hierusālem, || þider þe ġiefa lǣdaþ / of feorr-w
The Paris Psalter 67:26 5a rp þū þā þēoda. || / / # / Þider ealdor-menn || ofstum cōmon,
The Paris Psalter 73:7 2b re māĝas mid ūs; || wutun þider ġe·mōt% habban / and simble-
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 60b ċan þearflīċe, || hū hē þider meahte / Crēcas on·ċierran,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 3b mid his brīdlum, || bȳġþ þider hē wile / mid his an·wealde,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 8a ēah || þæt hit witena nan / þider ne sēċeþ, || for·­þǣm
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 164b þ; || ne mæġ hēo hider ne þider / sīĝan þē swīðor || þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 119b nnes / þone līċ-haman || lit þider hit wile.
The Judgment Day II 129b bān miċel || and ā·boden þider / eall Adames cnōsl || eorð-b
The Judgment Day II 158a hēr ā·feormod%, / and þonne þider cume, || þearle ā·clǣnsod