Number of occurrences in corpus: 99
Genesis A 30a | s engles mod / þe þone unræd | ongan | || ærest fremman / wefan and w |
Genesis B 259b | e hit him to wyrsan þinge || | ongan | him winn up ahebban / wiþ þon |
Genesis B 262a | rned weorþan / þæt his engyl | ongan | || ofermod wesan / ahof hine wi |
Genesis B 293a | eall gehyrde / þæt his engyl | ongan | || ofermede micel / ahebban wi |
Genesis B 589b | iht || oþþæt hire on innan | ongan | / weallan wyrmes geþeaht || h |
Genesis B 591b | mearcod || þæt heo hire mod | ongan | / lætan æfter þam larum || f |
Genesis B 649b | ifes wac geþoht || þæt heo | ongan | his wordum truwian / læstan hi |
Genesis B 705b | l þiclice || oþ þam þegne | ongan | / his hige hweorfan || þæt he |
Genesis A 1117b | sie / adam hæfde || þa he eft | ongan | / him to eþelstæfe || oþres |
Genesis A 1131b | hundteontig || þa he furþum | ongan | / his mægburge || men geicean / |
Genesis A 1228a | eo tid gewearþ / þæt se eorl | ongan | || æþele cennan / sunu and do |
Genesis A 1238b | hund wintra || þa he furþum | ongan | / bearna strynan || þæs þe b |
Genesis A 1316a | þam halgan || heofoncyninge / | ongan | ofostlice || þæt hof wyrcan |
Genesis A 1412b | orde ofer widland || willflod | ongan | / lytligan eft || lago ebbade / s |
Genesis A 1497a | þele || wraþra lafe / þa noe | ongan | || nergende lac / rædfæst re |
Genesis A 1555a | eard || monna bearnum / þa noe | ongan | || niwan stefne / mid hleomagum |
Genesis A 1593b | am halgan wæs / sar on mode || | ongan | þa his selfes bearn / wordum w |
Genesis A 1822b | d hea byrig / beorhte blican || | ongan | þa his bryd frea / wishydig we |
Genesis A 1898b | um hearmplega || þa se halga | ongan | / ara gemyndig || abraham sprec |
Genesis A 2239a | e / be abrahame || eacen worden / | ongan | æfþancum || agendfrean / hals |
Genesis A 2242b | dom þolian || ac heo þriste | ongan | / wiþ sarran || swiþe winnan / |
Genesis A 2406b | an / reced ofer readum golde || | ongan | þa rodera waldend / arfæst wi |
Genesis A 2636a | waldend læg || wine druncen / | ongan | þa soþcyning || þurh swefn |
Genesis A 2717a | laste || beddreste gestah / þa | ongan | abimæleh || abraham swiþan / |
Genesis A 2751a | halga || his hlaforde / abraham | ongan | || arna biddan / ecne drihten | |
Genesis A 2846b | r / þa þæs rinces || se rica | ongan | / cyning costigan || cunnode ge |
Genesis A 2867b | s / egesa on breostum wunode || | ongan | þa his esolas bætan / gamolfe |
Genesis A 2902a | rfæst metod || wordum tæhte / | ongan | þa ad hladan || æled weccan |
Daniel 49a | þurh niþhete / þæt he secan | ongan | || sefan gehygdum / hu he israe |
Daniel 170a | || mihte gelyfan / ac he wyrcan | ongan | || weoh on felda / þam þe deo |
Daniel 467a | aldor gescylde / þa se þeoden | ongan | || geþinges wyrcan / het þa t |
Daniel 538a | for men ætbær / þa he secgan | ongan | || swefnes woman / heahheort an |
Daniel 598a | an || he þæs hearde ongeald / | ongan | þa gyddigan || þurh gylp mi |
Daniel 687b | eda aldor || þæt ær man ne | ongan | / þæt he babilone || abrecan |
Christ and Satan 78b | earcade || þonne he spreocan | ongan | / fyre and atre || ne biþ swel |
Christ and Satan 246b | n wæs / strang and stiþmod || | ongan | ic þa steppan forþ / ana wiþ |
Andreas 12a | ira matheus sum / se mid iudeum | ongan | || godspell ærest / wordum wri |
Andreas 427a | oliþendum || helpe gefremman / | ongan | þa gleawlice || gingran sine |
Andreas 449b | a to mærum || þa seo menigo | ongan | / clypian on ceole || cyning so |
Andreas 469a | gryrehwile || gast geblissod / | ongan | þa reordigan || rædum snott |
Andreas 669b | uldre gewlitegod || huscworde | ongan | / þurh inwitþanc || ealdorsac |
Andreas 1019b | s / wynnum awelled || þa worde | ongan | / ærest andreas || æþelne ge |
Andreas 1170a | iteleas || hæfde weriges hiw / | ongan | þa meldigan || morþres bryt |
Andreas 1315a | eaþreow || duguþum bereafod / | ongan | þa þam halgan || hospword s |
Andreas 1341a | afærde || ond on fleam numen / | ongan | eft swa ær || ealdgeniþla / h |
Andreas 1398a | hdrifen || þendon dæg lihte / | ongan | þa geomormod || to gode cleo |
Andreas 30a | a wederburg || wunian sceolde / | ongan | hine þa fysan || ond to flot |
Dream of the Rood 19b | ærgewin || þæt hit ærest | ongan | / swætan on þa swiþran healf |
Dream of the Rood 27a | hyrde || þæt hit hleoþrode / | ongan | þa word sprecan || wudu sele |
Dream of the Rood 73b | eorgbold || þa us man fyllan | ongan | / ealle to eorþan || þæt wæ |
Elene 157a | þa rædas / þa þæs fricggan | ongan | || folces aldor / sigerof cynin |
Elene 198a | ta nihst || heofonrices weard / | ongan | þa dryhtnes æ || dæges ond |
Elene 225a | rnwiggendra || beboden hæfde / | ongan | þa ofstlice || eorla mengu / t |
Elene 286b | æra leoda / alesen to lare || | ongan | þa leoflic wif / weras ebrea | |
Elene 384b | astre weardas || hio sio cwen | ongan | / wordum genegan || wlat ofer e |
Elene 29b | geþeahte || þe þeos þeod | ongan | / secan wolde || ac ic symle me |
Elene 119b | cræftes miht || þa sio cwen | ongan | / weras ebresce || wordum negan |
Elene 131b | fyrhþe || þæt heo frignan | ongan | / cwædon þæt hio on aldre || |
Elene 257b | eclungen || ond þa cleopigan | ongan | / sarum besylced || on þone se |
Elene 388a | worhte || on gewritum cyþed / | ongan | þa wilfægen || æfter þam |
Elene 410b | erhþsefan || ond þa frignan | ongan | / on hwylcum þara beama || bea |
Elene 461a | n lyft astah || lacende feond / | ongan | þa hleoþrian || helledeofol |
Elene 628b | rea mihtig || be þam frignan | ongan | / cristenra cwen || cyriacus b |
Elene 654a | || deogol bideþ / þa se halga | ongan | || hyge staþolian / breostum o |
Elene 708a | godes || sioþþan freoþode / | ongan | þa geornlice || gastgerynum / |
Elene 716b | þinga gehwylces || þeodcwen | ongan | / þurh gastes gife || georne s |
Elene 724b | n ferhþe || ond hine frignan | ongan | / hwæt him þæs on sefan || s |
Elene 765b | n þa ceastre || þa seo cwen | ongan | / læran leofra heap || þæt h |
Guthlac A 101b | de / engelcunde || ðæt he ana | ongan | / beorgseðel bugan || ond his |
Guthlac B 1001b | ine æghwylce / daga neosade || | ongan | ða deophydig / gleawmod gongan |
Guthlac B 1010b | esorge wæg / micle modceare || | ongan | ða his magu frignan / hu gewea |
Guthlac B 1061b | geomormodes / drusendne hyge || | ongan | ða duguða hleo / glædmod god |
Juliana 270a | wiðerbreca || wordum sægde / | ongan | ða fæstlice || ferð staðe |
Juliana 536b | um fæstne / halig hæðenne || | ongan | ða hreowcearig / siðfæt seof |
Beowulf 100b | fdon / eadiglice || oððæt an | ongan | / fyrene fremman || feond on he |
Beowulf 871b | nd / soðe gebunden || secg eft | ongan | / sið beowulfes || snyttrum st |
Beowulf 1605b | e gesawon || ða ðæt sweord | ongan | / æfter heaðoswate || hildegi |
Beowulf 1983b | hæleðum to handa || higelac | ongan | / sinne geseldan || in sele ða |
Beowulf 2111a | || rumheort cyning / hwilum eft | ongan | || eldo gebunden / gomel guðwi |
Beowulf 2210b | ald eðelweard || oððæt an | ongan | / deorcum nihtum || draca ricsi |
Beowulf 2312a | || sare geendod / ða se gæst | ongan | || gledum spiwan / beorht hofu |
Beowulf 2878b | hte / ætgifan æt guðe || ond | ongan | swa ðeah / ofer min gemet || m |
Judith 80b | aðe abræd / swiðran folme || | ongan | ða swegles weard / be naman ne |
Judith 281b | gefeoll / freorig to foldan || | ongan | his feax teran / hreoh on mode |
The Paris Psalter 104:21 1a | etrymede / / # / hiora heortan he | ongan | || hwyrfan æryst / þæt heo h |
The Paris Psalter 104:24 1a | ananea / / # / he hi mid þystrum | ongan | || þrean æt frymþe / forþon |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 1b | st blissaþ || þonne he siþ | ongan | / hu þa arleasan || ealle forw |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 1a | geworhte / / # / þa ic metegian | ongan | || mænigra weorca / hu ic me o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 2b | le areahte || he þa siþþan | ongan | / singan soþcwidas || and þus |
Solomon and Saturn 289b | s dryhtne hierde || oþer him | ongan | wyrcan þurh dierne cræftas / |
The Seasons for Fasting 31a | s || womma bedæled / ac arisan | ongan | || rices ealdor / of byrgenne | |
The Seasons for Fasting 106a | leoda nemnað / and hit ærest | ongan | || eorl se goda / mære moyses |
Instructions for Christians 125b | e / þæt se apostol || Paulus | ongan | / geond eal cristen folc || cy |
The Battle of Maldon 11b | elæstan / frean to gefeohte || | ongan | þa forþ beran / gar to guþe |
The Battle of Maldon 16a | n sceolde / þa þær byrhtnoþ | ongan | || beornas trymian / rad and r |
The Battle of Maldon 87a | || feþan lædan / þa se eorl | ongan | || for his ofermode / alyfan la |
The Battle of Maldon 89a | des to fela || laþere þeode / | ongan | ceallian þa || ofer cald wæ |
The Battle of Maldon 226b | g / forwegen mid his wæpne || | ongan | þa winas manian / frynd and ge |
The Battle of Maldon 263a | || fyl gewyrcan / him se gysel | ongan | || geornlice fylstan / he wæs |