ago verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj3
ago verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj3
Number of occurrences in corpus: 108
Genesis A 2500a | fægre to lothe / gif þu sunu | age | || oþþe swæsne mæg / oþþe |
Elene 684b | wyrda bigang || wuldor þæs | age | / on heannesse || heofonrices g |
Christ B 598b | ð in worulde || wuldor ðæs | age | / ðrynysse ðrym || ðonc buta |
Guthlac A 273b | ðu lifgan || ðeah ðu lond | age | / ne ðec mon hider || mose fed |
Resignation 1a | # Resignation / / | age | mec se ælmihta god || / helpe |
A.3.4 52 | grief, no token of woe, / old | age | or grimness, nor narrow death |
A.3.4 192 | he may swiftly / turn that old | age | into life, / take on a young s |
A.3.4 614 | hard thirst, / sorrow nor old | age. | The noble king / grants them ev |
A.3.4 662 | e continually / throughout the | age | of ages, and the splendour of |
The Wanderer 64b | g weorðan wis || wer ær he | age | / wintra dæl in woruldrice || |
The Gifts of Men 111b | en his duguðe || a ðæs dom | age | / leohtbære lof || se us ðis |
A.4.2 306 | Hebrew men, / warriors of that | age, | deeply desirous / of spear-con |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2b | ode þe bet || þeah he micel | age | / goldes and gimma || and gooda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2b | æt he his selfes || on sefan | age | / anwald innan || þy læs he |
Solomon and Saturn 315b | rþan cynnes || þara þe man | age | / þe deaþ abæde || ær se d |
The Rewards of Piety 38b | a gehwilcum || ðæt he micel | age | / gif he him god ne ondræt || |
Instructions for Christians 121b | ah-gestreon / on eorð-rice || | age | mycelne / goldes and seolfres, |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 8 20 | , / at length, worn out by old | age, | the scribe exchanged his time |
ALCVIN.Carm 4 64 | memet tibi dicere salve. / Heia | age, | carta, cito navem conscende p |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 529 | e old alike. / Neither sex nor | age | brought him back / to the duty |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 192 | es not know the damage of old | age, | / nor does it fall to earth, as |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 406 | / and had matured to prophetic | age, | / he, the groomsman, foretold C |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 605 | the cruel countenance of old | age | / had sullied and, although she |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 633 | ppalled you in her barren old | age, | / is the city which folk common |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 640 | cay breaks them and tired old | age | destroys them. / But I shall or |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 990 | ch, Athanasius, burgeoning in | age, | succeeded him; / and as shepher |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1126 | th, / flourishing from an early | age, | over to the teachers of rheto |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1509 | sert, / for at fifteen years of | age | he fled from mortals of his o |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1516 | d they would never suffer old | age | while he lived. / For that reas |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1928 | t the thirteenth year of her | age | / had just passed by on earth, |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1929 | h, when she grew in her first | age, | / spurning in her heart the wic |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2282 | e other, flourishing later in | age, | SECUNDA. / Their father, Asturi |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2289 | eautiful youth blooms and old | age, | furrowed with wrinkles, never |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2794 | ill grow completely sour with | age | / or that the teeth of drinkers |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XLVI 1 | VVLTVS TVMORE MVNDATVS. / Ergo | age, | Felgeldus, largitor muneris a |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 1 | hone bright from the earliest | age: | / Christ, the bearer of high |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 8 | e those of a young and tender | age | were playing on the undulatin |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 486 | pontificate, / than which our | age | rightly regards nothing more |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 904 | regnum prouexit ad unum. / Ergo | age, | Felgeldus largitor muneris al |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 29 | terris oratio praestans. / Ergo | age | deciduas precibus suppleto lo |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 55 | anifest. / But after the mature | age | had brought him to maturity, |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 70 | udda, a man of remarkable old | age, | / upright in character, deserv |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 72 | slippery joys of this filthy | age, | / preferring instead to enter |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 238 | n away, and that the unstable | age | / might perhaps draw him headl |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 297 | wisting reins of slothful old | age. | / Justly he took up the breath |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 569 | ommand, his already tired old | age | / was deservedly released from |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 999 | in the declining years of old | age, | / he sought to recall the man h |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1026 | ilfridum pellere mundo) / "Nunc | age, | communi si uiuas optime uoto, |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1260 | d the delights of a deceitful | age, | / with the company you have ea |
GOSCELIN.VEdith.Vers b 25 | Ad uite fluuium, diua parens, | age. | / Iungat sobrietas altaque cari |
N.MiraculaNyniae 87 | s perfect brightness on every | age | like a star. / This venerable |
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 1038 | cuit praedulcia Christi. / Ergo | age, | sume fidem, sine te et deduci |
£.LVCAN.Phars01 367 | est ciuili uincere bello? / Duc | age | per Scythiae populos, per inh |
£.PERS.Sat02 17 | t noctem flumine purgas. / Heus | age, | responde (minimum est quod sc |
£.PERS.Sat02 42 | rpusque fidele senectae. / Esto | age. | sed grandes patinae tuccetaqu |
£.PERS.Sat06 52 | s / "Exossatus ager iuxta est." | age, | si mihi nulla / Iam reliqua ex |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 70 | ummersasque obrue puppis, / Aut | age | diuersos et disice corpora po |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 753 | unc quantus Achilles. / “Immo | age | et a prima dic, hospes, origi |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid02 707 | tus incendia uoluunt. / “Ergo | age, | care pater, ceruici imponere |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 169 | a quo principe nostrum. / Surge | age | et haec laetus longaeuo dicta |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 362 | praepetis omina pennae, / Fare | age | (namque omnis cursum mihi pro |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 462 | a liceat te uoce moneri. / Vade | age | et ingentem factis fer ad aet |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid04 223 | itur ac talia mandat: / “Vade | age, | nate, uoca Zephyros et labere |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid04 569 | terris Aurora morantem. / Heia | age, | rumpe moras. uarium et mutabi |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid05 548 | m sic fatur ad aurem: / “Vade | age | et Ascanio, si iam puerile pa |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 343 | ioque sub aequore mersit? / Dic | age. | namque mihi, fallax haud ante |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 389 | ostra ad flumina tendis, / Fare | age | quid uenias iam istinc, et co |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 531 | osco. / Sed te qui uiuum casus, | age | fare uicissim, / Attulerint. pe |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 629 | longaeua sacerdos, / “Sed iam | age, | carpe uiam et susceptum perfi |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 756 | entum discere uultus. / “Nunc | age, | Dardaniam prolem quae deinde |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 37 | s fluuio succedit opaco. / Nunc | age, | qui reges, Erato, quae tempor |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 429 | potens Saturnia iussit. / Quare | age | et armari pubem portisque mou |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 59 | res subuectus ut amnem. / Surge | age, | nate dea, primisque cadentibu |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid10 241 | ta est sententia Turno. / Surge | age | et Aurora socios ueniente uoc |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid11 587 | foret nunc una mearum. / Verum | age, | quandoquidem fatis urgetur ac |
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 832 | is sub pectore fluctus. / Verum | age | et inceptum frustra summitte |
£.VERGIL.Eclog03 52 | quemquam uoce lacessas. / Quin | age, | si quid habes; in me mora non |
£.VERGIL.Eclog08 17 | / Nascere praeque diem ueniens | age, | Lucifer, almum, / Coniugis indi |
£.VERGIL.Eclog09 24 | sce capellas, / Et potum pastas | age, | Tityre, et inter agendum / Occu |
£.VERGIL.Georg01 63 | mines nati, durum genus. ergo | age, | terrae / Pingue solum primis ex |
£.VERGIL.Georg03 42 | ne nil altum mens incohat: en | age | segnis / Rumpe moras; uocat ing |
£.VERGIL.Georg04 149 | t me memoranda relinquo. / Nunc | age, | naturas apibus quas Iuppiter |
£.VERGIL.Georg04 329 | erat, te matre relinquo. / Quin | age | et ipsa manu felicis erue sil |
£.VERGIL.Georg04 358 | mentem formidine mater / "Duc, | age, | duc ad nos; fas illi limina d |
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 239 | uastabitur orbis abysso. / Nunc | age, | congestis crescat fortissima |
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm06 338 | cis, qui nescius errat". / Ergo | age, | succinctis ad fortia proelia |
££.ARATOR.Epist.adParthen 89 | esia condita rite gerunt. / Eia | age! | Susceptos celebret collatio l |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 414 | alia regione capessat: / "Heia | age, | festinans patriis te dimoue t |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 941 | usuraque turpi; / Nec festinus | age | trepidantem, ut sumpta reform |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1275 | undana inuisere suetos. / "Heia | age, | deproperans rupem conscende m |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 17 | es sine uulnere terras. / "Heia | age | uiriles, deus intonat, arripe |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 215 | tor terretque timentem: / "Fare | age | nunc cunctis, quae te dementi |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 220 | essisset uictor Amorrus. / Heia | age, | pro cunctis admissa piacula p |
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 271 | rit, his uocibus urget: / "Heia | age | rumpe moras! dominus te sumer |
££.IVVENC.Euang02 594 | tollens accendere debet! / Ergo | age | tu, iuuenis, rediuiuam tendit |
££.IVVENC.EuangP 25 | itoris gloria, Christus. / Ergo | age! | sanctificus adsit mihi carmin |
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 345 | tenera pietate labores. / Nunc | age, | sancte parens, aurem mihi ded |
££.PROSP.Carm.coniug 1 | # Carm.coniug / / | Age, | iam precor, mearum / Comes inre |
££.PRVD.Apoth 129 | m mortalibus infitiaris, / Fare | age | quem uideat Babylonis ab arce |
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 244 | rmaui pars mea non est. / Quare | age, | mortalis, soli mihi construe |
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 490 | magnis donata triumfis. / Ergo | age, | bellatrix, quae uis subieceri |
££.PRVD.Hamart 108 | ceptris socialibus aequos / Dic | age | quis terras dicionis sorte re |
££.PRVD.Peristeph03 91 | et et excruciare fidem. / "Ergo | age, | tortor, adure seca / Diuide mem |
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 54 | " / Respondit ille altrinsecus: / | "Age | ergo quidquid uirium / Quidquid |
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 148 | icis / Languere uirtutem canum, / | Age, | ipse maior carnifex, / "Ostende |
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 168 | , Roma, saeculi summum caput. / | Age | explicemus si placet mysteria |
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 313 | elior qua causa laborat. / nunc | age | rumpe moras, neu rustica turb |
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 373 | mercatus acerba doloris. / nunc | age | constanter repara virtutis ho |