A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: oððæt

Number of occurrences in corpus: 80

Christ A 307a æst || witga geond ðeodland / oððæt he gestarode || ðær gestað
Christ C 1005a n ond utan || eorðan sceatas / oððæt eall hafað || ældes leoma / w
Christ C 1452b wite ðolade / yfel earfeðu || oððæt ic anne forlet / of minum licho
Widsith 141b m aræran / eorlscipe æfnan || oððæt eal scæceð / leoht ond lif so
The Fortunes of Men 4b yrwað / tennað ond tætað || oððæt seo tid cymeð / gegæð gearri
The Fortunes of Men 23b te seðeah / laceð on lyfte || oððæt lengre ne bið / westem wudubea
The Fortunes of Men 34b n ridan / seomian æt swylte || oððæt sawlhord / bancofa blodig || ab
The Fortunes of Men 86b ne atemian / heafoc on honda || oððæt seo heoroswealwe / wynsum weor
The Fortunes of Men 90a lyftswiftne || lytlum gieflum / oððæt se wælisca || wædum ond dæ
Maxims I 46b yhtan ðæt he teala cunne || oððæt hine mon atemedne hæbbe / syll
Maxims I 47b e / sylle him wist ond wædo || oððæt hine mon on gewitte alæde / ne
The Order of the World 70a ære tungol || faran on heape / oððæt on æfenne || ut garsecges / gr
The Riming Poem 77a eð || ond ða wist geðygeð / oððæt beoð ða ban || an / ond æt n
The Whale 36b e secen / frofre to feondum || oððæt hy fæste ðær / æt ðam wær
The Whale 59b r in farað / unware weorude || oððæt se wida ceafl / gefylled bið |
Guthlac A 134a ine trymedon || on twa healfa / oððæt ðæs gewinnes || weoroda dry
Guthlac A 147b stow / bimiðen fore monnum || oððæt meotud onwrah / beorg on bearwe
Guthlac A 498b y blissiað / worulde wynnum || oððæt wintra rim / gegæð in ða geo
Guthlac A 546a e hearda hyge || halig wunade / oððæt he ða bysgu || oferbiden hæ
Guthlac B 1291b lic condel / from æfenglome || oððæt eastan cwom / ofer deop gelad |
Deor 39b lgað tilne / holdne hlaford || oððæt heorrenda nu / leoðcræftig mo
Riddles 23 8a || ic beo lengre ðonne ær / oððæt ic spæte || spilde geblonden
Riddles 3 12a ofer londe || ond lagu swige / oððæt ic of enge || up aðringe / efn
Riddles 53 4b e ond eorðe / feddan fægre || oððæt he frod dagum / on oðrum wear
Riddles 9 7a arlice || swa hire agen bearn / oððæt ic under sceate || swa min ge
Riddles 9 10a friðe mæg || fedde siððan / oððæt ic aweox || widdor meahte / si
The Judgment Day I 16a hlaforde || gehlæges tilgað / oððæt hy beswicað || synna weardas
The Descent into Hell 92a /on murnende || mægburg usse / oððæt // || sigedryhten god / bimengd
The Ruin 24a all monig || monn dreama full / oððæt ðæt onwende || wyrd seo swi
Riddles 72 10a l ðearle || ic ðæh on lust / oððæt ic wæs yldra || ond ðæt an
Riddles 73 2b ddon / hruse ond heofonwolcn || oððæt me onhwyrfdon / gearum frodne |
Riddles 93 15a t of feaxe || ic on fusum rad / oððæt him ðone gleawstol || gingra
The Phoenix 141a swinsað || sælum geblissad / oððæt seo sunne || on suðrodor / sæ
The Phoenix 151a s ond lissa || londes frætwa / oððæt he ðusende || ðisses lifes /
The Phoenix 166a n ond ðeow || ðeodne mærum / oððæt hy gesecað || syrwara lond / c
The Phoenix 263b se modga his / feorh afedeð || oððæt fyrngesetu / agenne eard || eft
The Phoenix 346b d wynnum / æðelne to earde || oððæt se anhoga / oðfleogeð feðrum
The Phoenix 363b uholtum in / wunian in wonge || oððæt wintra bið / ðusend urnen ||
The Phoenix 420b æste bityned / wintra mengu || oððæt wuldorcyning / ðurh his hiderc
The Phoenix 484b heahcyning / earnað on elne || oððæt ende cymeð / dogorrimes || ðo
Juliana 285a rætgan || ond fæste geheald / oððæt he his siðfæt || secge mid
The Wanderer 71a an || ðonne he beot spriceð / oððæt collenferð || cunne gearwe / h
The Wanderer 86a e eardgeard || ælda scyppend / oððæt burgwara || breahtma lease / ea
Beowulf 9a wolcnum || weorðmyndum ðah / oððæt him æghwylc || ðara ymbsitt
Beowulf 56b llor hwearf / aldor of earde || oððæt him eft onwoc / heah healfdene
Beowulf 100b | dreamum lifdon / eadiglice || oððæt an ongan / fyrene fremman || fe
Beowulf 145b rihte wan / ana wið eallum || oððæt idel stod / husa selest || wæs
Beowulf 219a a famiheals || fugle gelicost / oððæt ymb antid || oðres dogores / w
Beowulf 296b acan on sande / arum healdan || oððæt eft byreð / ofer lagustreamas
Beowulf 307b man onetton / sigon ætsomne || oððæt hy sæl timbred / geatolic ond
Beowulf 545b sæ wæron / fif nihta fyrst || oððæt unc flod todraf / wado weallend
Beowulf 622b æghwylcne / sincfato sealde || oððæt sæl alamp / ðæt hio beowulfe
Beowulf 644b d on sælum / sigefolca sweg || oððæt semninga / sunu healfdenes || s
Beowulf 1133b nter yðe beleac / isgebinde || oððæt oðer com / gear in geardas ||
Beowulf 1254b endel warode / unriht æfnde || oððæt ende becwom / swylt æfter synn
Beowulf 1375b wind styreð / lað gewidru || oððæt lyft drysmað / roderas reotað
Beowulf 1414a / wisra monna || wong sceawian / oððæt he færinga || fyrgenbeamas / o
Beowulf 1640a m goldsele || grendles heafod / oððæt semninga || to sele comon / fro
Beowulf 1714b eodgeneatas / eaxlgesteallan || oððæt he ana hwearf / mære ðeoden |
Beowulf 1740a llan || he ðæt wyrse ne con / oððæt him on innan || oferhygda dæ
Beowulf 1801a d goldfah || gæst inne swæf / oððæt hrefn blaca || heofones wynne
Beowulf 1886b cyning / æghwæs orleahtre || oððæt hine yldo benam / mægenes wynn
Beowulf 2039a am wæpnum || wealdan moston / oððæt hie forlæddan || to ðam lin
Beowulf 2058b æla gehwylce / sarum wordum || oððæt sæl cymeð / ðæt se fæmnan
Beowulf 2116b ondlangne dæg / niode naman || oððæt niht becwom / oðer to yldum ||
Beowulf 2210b rod cyning / eald eðelweard || oððæt an ongan / deorcum nihtum || dr
Beowulf 2269b e hwearf / dæges ond nihtes || oððæt deaðes wylm / hran æt heortan
Beowulf 2280b ordærna sum / eacencræftig || oððæt hyne an abealch / mon on mode |
Beowulf 2303b ordweard onbad / earfoðlice || oððæt æfen cwom / wæs ða gebolgen
Beowulf 2378b dlarum heold / estum mid are || oððæt he yldra wearð / wedergeatum w
Beowulf 2621b la missera / bill ond byrnan || oððæt his byre mihte / eorlscipe efna
Beowulf 2782b ioroweallende / middelnihtum || oððæt he morðre swealt / ar wæs on
Beowulf 2791b eft ongon / wæteres weorpan || oððæt wordes ord / breosthord ðurhbr
Beowulf 2934a ða folgode || feorhgeniðlan / oððæt hi oðeodon || earfoðlice / in
Beowulf 3147a bewunden || windblond gelæg / oððæt he ða banhus || gebrocen hæ
Judith 30b ine / swiðmod sinces brytta || oððæt hie on swiman lagon / oferdrenc
Judith 33b aldor / fylgan fletsittendum || oððæt fira bearnum / nealæhte niht s
Judith 134a / ða idesa ba || ellenðriste / oððæt hie becomon || collenferhðe /
Judith 238a hton elðeoda || ealle ðrage / oððæt ongeaton || ða ðe grame wæ
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 22b maran / seo mare ða læssan || oððæt him beigra bot sy / gemyne ðu