A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: scealt

Number of occurrences in corpus: 87

Genesis B 509a n lif sprecan / swa þu læstan scealt || þæt on þis land hider / h
Genesis A 906a s || and þa worde cwæþ / þu scealt wideferhþ || werig þinum / br
Genesis A 909b h wunaþ / gast on innan || þu scealt greot etan / þine lifdagas ||
Genesis A 913b þ / fah mid fotum sinum || þu scealt fiersna sætan / tohtan niwre |
Genesis A 917b leodsceaþa || hu þu lifian scealt / þa to euan god || yrringa sp
Genesis A 919b c / wend þe from wynne || þu scealt wæpnedmen / wesan on gewealde
Genesis A 927a eohtfruma || laþ ærende / þu scealt oþerne || eþel secean / wynle
Genesis A 932b ealdest || forþon þu winnan scealt / and on eorþan þe || þine a
Genesis A 938b swulge || forþon þu sweltan scealt / hwæt we nu gehyraþ || hwær
Genesis A 1013b cigeþ || þu þæs cwealmes scealt / wite winnan || and on wræc h
Genesis A 1018b þ / glæmes grene folde || þu scealt geomor hweorfan / arleas of ear
Genesis A 1020b orhbanan || forþon þu flema scealt / widlast wrecan || winemagum l
Genesis A 1299b fedaþ / feoh and fuglas || þu scealt friþ habban / mid sunum þinum
Genesis A 1303b micel || on þam þu monegum scealt / reste geryman || and rihte se
Genesis A 1330b feora fæsl || þe þu ferian scealt / geond deop wæter || dægrime
Genesis A 1752b brade foldan || þu gebletsad scealt / on mundbyrde || minre lifigan
Genesis A 1837b þan spræce || swa þu minum scealt / feore gebeorgan || gif me fre
Genesis A 2285a geþum || wes drihtenhold / þu scealt agar || abrahame sunu / on woru
Genesis A 2312a þæs þin ferhþ bemearn / þu scealt halgian || hired þinne / sete
Genesis A 2327b en gegaþ / soþgeleafan || þu scealt sunu agan / bearn be bryde þin
Genesis A 2528a s arfæste || andswaredon / þu scealt þære bene || nu þu ymb þa
Genesis A 2659b on sweglcyning || þu sweltan scealt / mid feo and mid feorme || gif
Genesis A 2852b de mid / þin agen bearn || þu scealt isaac me / onsecgan sunu þinne
Genesis A 2856b inum agnum fotum || þær þu scealt ad gegærwan / bælfyr bearne
Genesis A 2917b s god / mago ebrea || þu medum scealt / þurh þæs halgan hand || he
Andreas 174a || ond þus wordum cwæþ / þu scealt feran || ond friþ lædan / si
Andreas 216a rendes || ylding wyrþan / þu scealt þa fore geferan || ond þin
Andreas 943b tum beseted || þu hine secan scealt / leofne alysan || of laþra he
Andreas 950a secgende wæs / nu þu andreas scealt || edre geneþan / in gramra gr
Andreas 1208a wiþ || sægde his magoþegne / scealt þu andreas || ellen fremman /
Andreas 1366b im / weotud be gewyrhtum || þu scealt werigmod / hean hroþra leas ||
Andreas 1383b ines wræces weorþeþ || þu scealt widan feorh / ecan þine yrmþu
Andreas 1467b s lichoman / hales brucan || ne scealt þu in henþum a leng / searoh
Andreas 1520b / þurh his halige hæs || þu scealt hræþe cyþan / gif þu his on
Andreas 1a d # || / # fore sneowan || / ne scealt þu þæt eowde || anforlæta
Soul and Body I 24b geeodest || hu þu on eorþan scealt / wyrmum to wiste || hwæt þu
Soul and Body I 49a st || þurh þinra nieda lust / scealt þu minra gesynta || sceame
Soul and Body I 88b þu for unc bæm || andwyrdan scealt / on þam miclan dæge || þonn
Elene 234b eobearn / godes gastsunu || þu scealt geagninga / wisdom onwreon || s
Elene 248b ngnan god || þæt þu hungre scealt / for cneomagum || cwylmed weor
Elene 511b / ade onæled || ond þær awa scealt / wiþerhycgende || wergþu dre
Christ A 166a mæran cyninges / nu ðu freode scealt || fæste gedælan / alætan lu
Christ B 621b an geworhte || on ðære ðu scealt yrmðum lifgan / wunian in gewi
Christ B 624a oð galan / ond to ðære ilcan scealt || eft geweorðan / wyrmum awea
Christ B 626a n wites fyr / of ðære eorðan scealt || eft gesecan / hwæt us ðis
Soul and Body II 46a de || ðurh ðinra neoda lust / scealt ðu nu hwæðre minra gescent
Soul and Body II 82b e ðu for unc bu || ondwyrdan scealt / on ðam miclan dæge || ðonn
Guthlac A 273a ðe eart godes yrming / bi hwon scealt ðu lifgan || ðeah ðu lond
Guthlac A 582b in heortan || nu ðu in helle scealt / deope gedufan || nales dryhtn
Guthlac B 1168b ales || ðæt ðu ða nyhstan scealt / in woruldlife || worda minra /
The Husband's Message 9b on ceolðele || ond nu cunnan scealt / hu ðu ymb modlufan || mines
Juliana 256b uguðe || ðy ðu ðæs deman scealt / eadhreðig mæg || yrre gedyg
Juliana 317a gæstes giefe || iuliana / ðu scealt furðor gen || feond moncynne
Juliana 347b ynna fruman || ðu me furðor scealt / secgan sawla feond || hu ðu
Juliana 456a ærlogan || wordum mælde / ðu scealt ondettan || yfeldæda ma / hean
Beowulf 588b dmægum || ðæs ðu in helle scealt / werhðo dreogan || ðeah ðin
Beowulf 1707b a wit furðum spræcon || ðu scealt to frofre weorðan / eal langtw
Beowulf 2666b e lifigendum / dom gedreosan || scealt nu dædum rof / æðeling anhyd
The Paris Psalter 118:39 1a um || ealle healde / / # / þu me scealt edwitt min || of awyrpan / þæ
The Paris Psalter 118:114 1a e lufade / / # / þu me fultumian scealt || fæle gestandan / and andfen
The Paris Psalter 118:159 3b n þinre mildheortnesse || me scealt acwician / / # / þæt is weorþl
The Paris Psalter 139:7 2b o minre || and þu min heafod scealt / on gefeohtdæge || feondum aw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 26b hte geleafan || þu forlætan scealt / idle ofersælþa || unnytne g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 28a sælþa || unnytne gefean / þu scealt eac yfelne ege || an forlæta
The Judgment Day II 72b / eorðan ymbhwyrft || ðu ana scealt / gyldan scad wordum || wið sc
The Judgment Day II 82a mes || æt lifes frean / nu ðu scealt greotan || tearas geotan / ða
The Judgment Day II 90a wrecan wile || ænigum men / ne scealt ðu forhyccan || heaf and wop
The Rewards of Piety 55b rfoðlice || ðy ðu earhlice scealt / gyltas ðine || swiðe bemurn
The Rewards of Piety 59a sylf ongyte / ðæt ðu alætan scealt || læne staðelas / eard and e
The Rewards of Piety 64b m hremi || nu ðu ðe beorgan scealt / and wið feonda gehwæne || f
The Rewards of Piety 74b an mæge / siðe gesecan || ðu scealt glædlice swiðe swincan / wið
The Rewards of Piety 76b ices / dæges and nihtes || ðu scealt druncen fleon / and ða oferfyl
The Rewards of Piety 79a can || eardwic ceosan / ðænne scealt ðu hit on eorðan || ær ge
The Seasons for Fasting 102a æt sylfe / ðæt ðu oðrum ne scealt || æfre filian / eac we feower
The Seasons for Fasting 204a n || her gefremme / ac ðu lare scealt || lustum fremman / ryhthicgenn
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 2a wenne || wenchichenne / her ne scealt ðu timbrien || ne nenne tun
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 3a || ne nenne tun habben / ac ðu scealt north eonene || to ðan nihga
Instructions for Christians 39a || swa þe wanna scur. / Ac þu scealt þæt selre lif || symble luf
Instructions for Christians 43a de-dæge || mid ęce wita. / Ne scealt þu þæt æfre% || ayldan to
Instructions for Christians 75a | forhelan his wisdom. / Ac þu scealt gelome || gelæran and tæcan
Instructions for Christians 163a hine || miltse gefremman. / Ne scealt þu beon to sene || ne to si
Instructions for Christians 241a ette || tale wel þeignan. / Ne scealt þu dysilice sprecan || ne dw
Instructions for Christians 244a wið ænigum monnum, / ac þu scealt æighwylcum% || gearwurðian,
Instructions for Christians 247a ne for weoruld-æhta. / Ac þu scealt æfre þin mod || geornlicę
Grave 5b þe bringæð, þer ðu beon scealt. / Nu me sceæl þe meten and þ
Grave 11b þire broste ful neh. / Swa ðu scealt on molde wunien ful calde, Di
Grave 16b grim inne to wunien. / ðer þu scealt wunien and wurmes þe todele