Number of occurrences in corpus: 31
Genesis B 438a | ittan lǣte iċ hine wiþ mē | selfne, | || swā hwā swā þæt seċ |
Genesis B 499a | n ne wæs / þæt iċ wiþ hine | selfne | sæt. || Þā hēt hē mē on |
Genesis A 2429a | h-ġeate || beorn ġe·mitton / | selfne | sittan || sunu Ārones, / þæt |
Christ and Satan 543a | d heandum || hǣlend ġe·nam / | selfne | be sīdan || ðǣr hē his sw |
Andreas 921a | wealdend fīra, / synniġ wiþ | selfne, | || sāwla nerġend, / þæt iċ |
Andreas 1212b | ealdan clammum. || Cȳþ þē | selfne, | / herd hyġe þīnne, || heorta |
Elene 200b | ðan, / and hine sōðlīċe || | selfne | ġe·tenġde / gold-wine gumena |
Elene 209b | dēa cynn, || þæt hīe god | selfne | / ā·hēngon, herġa fruman. | |
Elene 50b | ine%, / sōþ siĝora frēa, || | selfne | ġe·īewde, / beorht on blǣde |
Elene 165a | ange || be·dierned, / and hine | selfne | || sundor ā·ċīeġde. / Elen |
Christ A 129a | ·wyrhtum, / þæs þe hē hine | selfne | ūs || sendan wolde. / Ēalā g |
Christ B 843a | ġe·sċeaft, / ðǣr hē hine | selfne | || on þām siġe-þrēate / be |
Christ C 1307a | þ þe lyġe / saĝaþ on hine | selfne, | || þonne hē þā synne be· |
Christ C 1320b | ynn-rūst þwēan || and hine | selfne | þrēan, / and þæt wamm ǣrra |
Vainglory 52a | iedd ā·wræc: / Sē% þe hine | selfne | || on þā slīðnan tīd / þu |
Guthlac A 701b | ·settaþ || ðǣr ġē hine | selfne | ġe·nāmon. / Hē sċeall þȳ |
The Phoenix 111a | a ġe·hwelcum. / Siþþan hine | selfne | || aefter sund-pleĝan / hēah- |
Juliana 46b | seċġan || þæt þū þeċ | selfne | ne þearft / swīðor swenċan. |
Juliana 676b | m / seċġa hlōðe || and hine | selfne | mid, / ær·þon hīe tō lande |
Beowulf 961a | ðe ic swiðor / ðæt ðu hine | selfne | || geseon moste / feond on fræ |
Beowulf 1605a | | ðæt hie heora winedrihten / | selfne | gesawon || ða ðæt sweord o |
Beowulf 1977a | nanweard. / Ġe·sæt þā wiþ | selfne | || sē þā sæċċe ġe·næ |
Beowulf 2875b | a wealdend, || þæt hē hine | selfne | ġe·wræc / ana mid eċġe, || |
The Paris Psalter 141:4 4b | on þā swīðran, || ne mē | selfne | ðǣr / ǣniġ mid gōde || on |
The Paris Psalter 55:5 2a | ne dæġ || mīne āĝen word / | selfne | sōcon, || swīðe on·cūðo |
The Paris Psalter 82:1 2b | ? / Ne swīĝa þū, || ne þē | selfne | be·were. / / # / For·þon þīn |
The Paris Psalter 87:13 4a | || morġena ġe·hwelċe / fore | selfne | þē || sōþfæst be·cume. / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 273a | þu softe gedest / þæt hi þe | selfne | || gesion moten / þu eart eall |
The Creed 15b | rēolīċe || and þē fæder | selfne | / under brēost-cofan || bearn |
The Seasons for Fasting 21b | %, / þā hīe be·sieredon || | selfne | drihten, / on bēam setton || a |
The Seasons for Fasting 200b | aþ? / Ġif sē sācerd hine || | selfne% | ne cunne / þurh dryhtnes eġe |