Number of occurrences in corpus: 371
A.3.4 622 | as follows: / ‘Peace be with | you, | true God, and strength of wis |
A.3.4 623 | ngth of wisdom, / and thanks to | you, | sitting in power, / for your f |
A.3.4 630 | erve us, maker of beginnings; | you | are the father almighty / on hi |
A.4.2 83 | rds: / “I want to request of | you, | God of origins / and consoling |
A.4.2 152 | phant populace: “I can tell | you | / something worthy of gratitud |
A.4.2 153 | ing worthy of gratitude, that | you | no longer need / have anxiety |
A.4.2 154 | f mind. Providence is kind to | you, | / the splendor of kings; it wi |
A.4.2 157 | / glorious honor has befallen | you | and glory is given you, / rede |
A.4.2 158 | , / redemption from the trials | you | have long endured.” / Then t |
A.4.2 177 | to all the people: / “Here, | you | heroes renowned in victory, / |
A.4.2 178 | in victory, / leaders of men, | you | can gaze unobstructed / at the |
A.4.2 188 | y, / every shield-bearer, that | you | prepare yourselves / without d |
A.4.2 196 | / are sentenced to death, and | you | will have honor / and glory fr |
A.4.2 198 | mighty Lord / has revealed to | you | through my hand.” / Then tha |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus praefatio 2 | rayers, as he sings, / so that | you | may receive repose with the e |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus praefatio 5 | ys, most splendid bishop, / as | you | ascend to the saintly realms |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus praefatio 8 | / may the lofty mercy, protect | you | and yours / in the place where |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus praefatio 11 | he saints with wondrous light / | You, | now worshipping God above wit |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 1 | hen the saintly hand rendered | you | pre-eminent among the Angli, |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 2 | / it was a pleasure to give | you | these rustic gifts. / But if r |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 5 | . / For while they indicate to | you | leading men of your own blood |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 6 | blood, / being already mild, | you | took great joy from the Lord. |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 11 | d their God. / Moreover, while | you | read, admire too how the monk |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 13 | imbing the path of light. / If | you | were to find anything worthy |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 14 | you in these pages, / I urge | you | now most strongly to give tha |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 1 19 | s sacred to the Lord. / I urge | you | to tolerate in a measured man |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 6 16 | lict of looming war is over, / | you | may attain the perpetual peac |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 6 18 | tes which the Lord granted to | you | by a great gift. / And yet, as |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 6 42 | , the Lord’s servant, sends | you | greetings in his own voice / a |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 22 | , spoke as follows: / ‘Since | you | have transgressed and put asi |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 24 | th by marrying again, / why do | you | ask here and now in the hour |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 25 | for forgiveness to be granted | you, | when it is not the time for f |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 44 | r husband’s deeds: / ‘Why, | you | fool, corrupt in mind and bod |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 45 | aith, / making empty vows, did | you | dare to conduct an affair whi |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 20 47 | ed panels of silver, on which | you | could see / forms stamped by fi |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 21 1 | them with eternal praise. / / # / | You | also, sacred house, which I o |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 21 2 | h I once sang about in song, / | you | who shine sanctified under Pe |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 21 4 | in a few verses, / blessed as | you | are. Once, in the time of dar |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 23 13 | this is not with flaws. / And | you, | father, as you go through the |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 23 14 | n our labours, / but rather as | you | look upon them, take suitable |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 23 15 | ke suitable pleasure. / I urge | you | to render thanks to God, that |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 23 23 | our always abide and thrive. / | You, | father, may the all-controlli |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 23 24 | dness through time, / and hold | you | back from the bonds and beati |
AETHILVVALD.Aldhelm.Octo 1 | Aldhelm.Octo / / Heavenly Lord, | you | who formed from the first all |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 5 | f Æthilwald. / The Lord made | you | famed in all actions, / manly |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 11 | a bit with fearful delight. / | You | were sprung from the loftiest |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 29 | to utter in speech / how much | you | show yourself to be wondrous |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 34 | he world. / May the Lord keep | you | safe from all stains of sin, / |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 35 | from all stains of sin, / cloak | you | wholly in his protection, onc |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 37 | strong assistance, / and place | you | in the heavenly bosom of the |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 38 | of the celestial realm, / where | you | may always enjoy the companio |
AETHILVVALD.Wihtfrith.Octo 21 | s showers of spears.’ / But | you, | famous men, striving with str |
AETHILVVALD.Wihtfrith.Octo 22 | triving with strenuous might, / | you | have beaten the brutal enemy |
AETHILVVALD.Wihtfrith.Octo 23 | ith a heavenly trophy of war, / | you | who, spurning familiar friend |
AETHILVVALD.Wihtfrith.Octo 92 | ist and his mother. / Farewell, | you | who are to end your life with |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 3 | mankind, / sole voice of God, | you, | kindly giver of gifts, / give |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 6 | so that my tongue may through | you | speak of your gifts; / without |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 7 | speak of your gifts; / without | you | no tongue can speak of anythi |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 8 | worthy. / Citizens of Olympus, | you | too I call to witness in humb |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 13 | acred blood / on earth to save | you | from the shadows and / lead yo |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 14 | ou from the shadows and / lead | you | with him into the hall of God |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 99 | rds: / What harsh care enflames | you, | bravest of young men? / God the |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 101 | e the heaven’s stars, / that | you | see in their beauty, grants y |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 169 | n, / priest, snatch up weapons | you | have not been used to, / and y |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 170 | u have not been used to, / and | you | be the first to defile the lo |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 171 | fty shrine with a spear! / Once | you | were a teacher of sins: now b |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 243 | ddressed his own troops: / ‘O | you, | who have vigorous might in ba |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 379 | n hastening measure, / so that | you, | reader, may devoutly believe |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 427 | nt never afflicted him again. / | You | too shall I sing, holy, power |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 429 | erses worthy / of your praise. | You | restored what was formerly lo |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 430 | s formerly lost; / now through | you | victory was again granted to |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 433 | , famed for her faith, ran to | you, | / seeking cures for their vari |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 435 | nnot fail anyone who comes to | you, | / for they often return recove |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 438 | performed many times through | you | / for both beasts and men, and |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 440 | eover small bits are cut from | you | on every side, / and through t |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 482 | virtues of king Oswald. / Since | you | too were born a fellow member |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 483 | er of the Saxon race, / perhaps | you | now have some relic of him? |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 487 | / and if, maintaining belief, | you | keep a heart firm in faith, / |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 489 | a patron, / will perhaps grant | you | a long span in this life, / an |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 633 | el, from Olympus / to say that | you | will now be healed of this il |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 639 | hall then come again to visit | you, | for you will die / at a peacef |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 749 | assistance, / Christ, so that | you | might grant me speech flowing |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 895 | he place: / ‘Out of everyone, | you | remain utterly faithful to me |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 920 | ows: / ‘This place is not, as | you | think yourself, were Hell is. |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 975 | / ‘There places are not, as | you | think yourself, the realms of |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 988 | ediately added the following: / | ‘You | have seen a valley filled wit |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1002 | ers was resounding. / Since now | you | have once again to take on th |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1067 | their companions, / and said: | ‘You | can find our bodies immediate |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1068 | ur bodies immediately, / where | you | see the light radiating from |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1319 | is sickness. / Touching also on | you | in Pierian style, holy Balthe |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1320 | seek to signal this place for | you | / in our verse; with a calm mi |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1351 | n to terrify him, crying out: / | ‘You | will not escape today, not ev |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1352 | Saint] Peter. But, worst one, | you | will suffer the punishment yo |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1356 | ty / of the Thunderer I say to | you, | you savage and cruel tyrant, |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1357 | you savage and cruel tyrant, / | you | shall not carry [this soul] d |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1383 | oly Balthere, we devoutly ask | you | / that, just as the wave carri |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1385 | body out of the sea, / bearing | you | back utterly safe to familiar |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1386 | r shores, / so through prayers | you | may make our souls escape / wo |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1408 | humble piety. / May it please | you, | I ask, young men of York, to |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1529 | the draughts of learning. / If | you | care to know the personal nam |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1536 | easures under one roof. / There | you | will find the inheritance of |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1558 | es, Pompeius and Cominianus. / | You | will find there many others, |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1570 | y mournful poetic voice, lest | you | perish, drowned in an eddy of |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1571 | wned in an eddy of tears, / as | you | hasten to harbour, with a fol |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1572 | in your sails up to now. / Why | you | are you keen to remind of out |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1590 | st hope of our life, / without | you | we are battered on the stormy |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1591 | waters of the world, / without | you | as leader we are bereft and t |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1597 | main! / While I wanted to end | you | here with a clear finish, my |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1613 | te one / said to him: ‘Since | you | know, you will see greater th |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1630 | , saying that: ‘At sunrise / | you | will already feel better, but |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1631 | brothers / will die today and | you | have seen his dwelling-place |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 7 | nding merits: / yet my faith in | you, | priest Willibrord, / has produc |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 9 | st’s temple. / and I ask that | you | generously accept them with a |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 12 | rthy of your merits, prelate, / | you | who reigns as a wealthy man i |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 23 | ed. / So, most splendid father, | you | do not seek grandiloquent tre |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 4 | nd, and fervent in action, / to | you, | happy France, in the time of |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 5 | mother, already bore him for | you, | / while learned Ireland nourish |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 10 | ith a gracious mind, / and soon | you | will consecrate him as a bish |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 11 | also, as a priest, take from | you | whatever gifts he desires. / He |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 7 | ith soothing speech, / “I ask | you, | stop now driving us out of yo |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 11 | quets; I refuse to drink with | you.” | / The bishop straightaway seize |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 13 | word that he had said, / “If | you | do not want to drink with me, |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 17 | e do not let the fire terrify | you; | / you are building for yourself |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 18 | not let the fire terrify you; / | you | are building for yourself a b |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 20 | erwards, through God’s gift | you | will not have the plague of t |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 21 | loved house will rejoice with | you.” | / Soon after, everything was fu |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 5 | n their account. / What rest do | you | suppose that his blessed soul |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 4 | fflicted body trembled. / As if | you | had seen his head ripped from |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 10 | tic plectrum, / reader, so that | you | might learn what he was like |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 17 | in truthful speech: / “Woman, | you | saw the small moon grow, / and |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 18 | saw the small moon grow, / and | you | saw the whole of the horns fi |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 19 | illed with new light. / Perhaps | you | had had intercourse with your |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 20 | your husband that night, / and | you | are bringing forth new light |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 77 | at place we well believe that | you | will be present there / through |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 79 | ist, always potent in honour. / | You, | the life of the world, the jo |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 81 | of heaven, the Lord and God, / | you | bore in the shelter of your w |
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 82 | your womb, eternal virgin: / do | you | help us by your prayers! / Alcu |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 1 7 | y hall. / Ethereal key-bearer, | you | who throw open the portal to |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 1 13 | ching the evils of life! / And | you, | the greatest teacher, who wer |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 1 14 | mmoned from an open sky / when | you | wanted to prefer ancient myst |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 1 15 | mysteries to Christ; / , Saul, | you | were called, but with your na |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 1 16 | ith your name changed, Paul: / | you | began to see the bright light |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 2 24 | ent messenger spoke: / behold, | you | will beget an offspring for t |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 2 25 | a mother about to give birth, | you | will produce an infant; / may |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 2 27 | nted spirit will come in unto | you | from heaven: / listen, its pow |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 2 29 | s lofty might that will grant | you | shade, virgin. / And after thi |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 4.2 7 | he citadel of heaven: / why do | you | persecute me, opposing me wit |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg Praefatio 22 | s even now. / Mightiest mother, | you | who carry that exalted name b |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg Praefatio 23 | ted name by divine right, / may | you | deign to add your aid through |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg Praefatio 24 | your aid through prayer. / For | you | brought forth everlasting lig |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2 | g the world with your say-so, / | you | who sets up the shining heigh |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 4 | s foundations with your word; / | you | who paint the pale greenery w |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 17 | e creator with varied voices; / | you, | kindly and merciful, grant me |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 53 | anything to be difficult for | you | / who relax the laws of nature |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 60 | f words. / So I openly say that | you | can confer on me poetic power |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 61 | an confer on me poetic power, / | you, | who deign to form a shape of |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 150 | stolic speech has sung: / ‘Do | you | not know that your loins are |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 151 | underer now dwells rightly in | you.’ | / And it is an ungodly deed to |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 209 | glass lantern grow cheap for | you, | / virgin, whether put together |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 632 | of things: / ‘The woman, who | you | believed was old with a cruel |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 633 | tenance, / who greatly appalled | you | in her barren old age, / is the |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 641 | troys them. / But I shall order | you | to keep my commands: / while be |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 644 | way, riding through the land, | you | shall drive in the banner wit |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 646 | straight line, / on which, once | you | have erected the lofty towers |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 647 | e lofty towers of a fortress, / | you | shall restore the walls of th |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 722 | we are continuously joined to | you | in brotherly love! / For you ha |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 723 | to you in brotherly love! / For | you | have granted us a pure shrine |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 725 | h be happily joyful. / Brother, | you | will never be tricked out of |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 729 | of our life might remain with | you. | / BASIL, who was once the gre |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1274 | hen time passed the venerable | you, | / was asleep in bed having give |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1279 | or! / Fear not, young man, that | you | will be granted a young woman |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1282 | , / the maiden who is joined to | you | with a pure body! / For she wil |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1488 | ur beloved son will accompany | you | in full health.’ / They were |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1560 | ath’s bloody fortune befall | you, | / just as you wish with your wo |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1561 | y fortune befall you, / just as | you | wish with your words, about t |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1562 | ome to a cruel end! / Doubtless | you | alone, about to die, will per |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1564 | death the earth will not give | you | a grave, / but the savage beast |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1565 | ut the savage beast will tear | you | to pieces you with frenzied j |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1701 | spoke: / ‘Behold, as a virgin | you | will produce immortal progeny |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1702 | a mother about to give birth, | you | will bring forth an offspring |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1704 | oly Spirit shall come in unto | you | from heaven; / look, its power |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1706 | father, virgin, will protect | you.’ | / When this was said the mother |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2058 | -off and spurned. / And so that | you | may be still more stunned, ta |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2314 | owever, many kinds of torture | you | harshly inflict, / but I shall |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2316 | many dangers of bloody death | you | devise, / that is how many crow |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2374 | a marriage-bed is placed for | you | in the seat of Paradise, / in w |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2377 | remain, / if virginity protects | you | as a tireless companion!’ / |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2684 | as these: / ‘On whatever day | you | are willing to pick the fruit |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2686 | o, divine honours will follow | you.’ | / Oh, what false trifles the ly |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2832 | own flesh in such ways, / But | you, | whom the diadem adorns with v |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg prohemium 17 | ndians, untameable by arms. / | You, | too, Mark, subduing the viole |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg prohemium 36 | ranter of gifts, / for without | you | Your grace is unable to speak |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg prohemium 37 | nable to speak worthily; / and | You | Who are accustomed to grant f |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 25 | ful heart: / ‘Why, dear, do | you | subject yourself through empt |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 26 | dness to a frivolous game / — | you | whom God on high consecrated |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 27 | r heavenly glory, / preferring | you | to those people for whom you |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 44 | willing myself to attend to | you, | / if my mobility were not hamp |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 99 | ngelic praise may lie open to | you | / and you may see God, mighty i |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 100 | raise may lie open to you / and | you | may see God, mighty in the ci |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 110 | ty bishop said to him: ‘As | you | make for the deep sea, / the n |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 111 | north wind will rise against | you | with its opposing gust; / but |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 113 | the chrism which I shall give | you.’ | / Then having received some f |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 136 | gh, a feast / — just such as | you, | fiery prophet [Elijah] / who a |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 201 | sudden solemnity. / ‘Surely | you | did not gaze on my journey’ |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 203 | r error will be forgiven, / as | you | ask, if you stay silent about |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 222 | ever these severe bonds? / Do | you | see that the earth has grown |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 254 | y, / ‘Tell me, friend, where | you | intend to take sustenance.’ |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 258 | lder one replied: ‘If only | you | would learn to trust the Lord |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 260 | vens to feed the prophet; / do | you | see an eagle now slicing thro |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 265 | exalted prophet said, / ‘Do | you | see our servant above the wat |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 274 | f the Kingdom are revealed to | you, | / it is right to have an atten |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 276 | ntial serpent does not delude | you, | / for the perverse one, always |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 320 | ndly consolation: / ‘Why do | you | grieve and, melted by the hea |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 322 | gn of a sad heart?’ / Or do | you | think that, when I enter the |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 380 | e robbers: / ‘Why, pray, do | you | touch with improper audacity |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 382 | poverty surpass mine, so that | you | would put / a curved sickle to |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 384 | / But if by chance God tells | you | to commit these plunders, / I |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 395 | ls / ‘Why’ he said, ‘are | you | damaging the brothers’ gues |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 405 | terial. / Why, wild pride, do | you | seethe with swollen neck? / P |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 462 | ce of your shining merit that | you | direct / your prescient gaze t |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 464 | e. / So tell me — I beseech | you | by the realms of the highest |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 467 | to her in tentative speech: / | ‘You | are speaking of the long-last |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 474 | d to her as follows: / ‘Do | you | see how wandering powers wide |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 477 | this kingdom / may be bound to | you | by brotherly love, like Ecgfr |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 483 | esent without end. / Although | you | despise the worldly glory whi |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 485 | t in vile caves, / nonetheless | you | are to attain the distinction |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 604 | dear companion, / so that when | you | cross the golden threshold of |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 606 | in the prison of the flesh; / | you | will gladly approach the high |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 668 | oil-bearing vessels. / Look, | you | are now amazed that in my fee |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 695 | imbs from this place. / I ask | you | too to keep lofty commands fo |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 696 | le of the fathers enjoins for | you, | / or which I myself used to se |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 701 | m is sought for with effort. / | You | are “built on stone”: do |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 704 | ts. / It is more suitable for | you | to abandon the borders of thi |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 709 | g glory of empty praise tempt | you; | / for they rejoice beyond the |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 715 | of its holy men. / I entreat | you | now: commit me within the wal |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 726 | bowels. / ‘Let this man, if | you | wish’, he said, ‘come und |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 748 | rieving praise: ‘Holy God, | You | destroy us driving us away in |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 749 | Your anger / and in Your mercy | you | deliver us from our enemy; / i |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 750 | rom our enemy; / in Your might | You | move fields and hordes, and y |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 751 | nd you heal those in terror. / | You | pour out very bitter must to |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 752 | he enemy’s / wars collapse; | You | restrain hostile weapons, / so |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 781 | highest song: / ‘Lofty on, | You, | will not grant Your saint to |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 782 | ee corruption’ / — to whom | You | reveal the golden thresholds |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 872 | than those holy companions, / | you, | Oidilwald, providently ruled |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 884 | ar friend, it is fitting that | you | constantly keep this / fixed i |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 893 | eech: / ‘I earnestly entreat | you, | by the authority of the Thund |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 894 | ority of the Thunderer, / that | you | hide these words from everyon |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 923 | poken. / ‘Look’, he said, | ‘you | know that bitter affliction / |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 930 | e have offered these gifts to | You, | O Christ, distributor of ever |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 934 | with them making entreaties, | You | Who / rightly crown the worthy |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 938 | fficient, / where the sight of | You, | O Christ, will bless all — |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 5 | mouth, / All-powerful Creator, | you | who reveal openly that which |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 8 | urt out / anything foolish. If | you | do not grant heat, Phoebus do |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 25 | ifted palms. / Be present here, | you | exemplary witness of God thro |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 113 | See,” he said, “my guest, | you | can be safe with me forever, |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 114 | , as long as you please, / and | you | will have the use of the fert |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 116 | omary marriage is pleasing to | you, | do not put it off: / I am hand |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 117 | it off: / I am handing over to | you | a young woman, a relative of |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 119 | ting myself to be a father to | you, | and you to be my offspring. |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 129 | tle longer, / then I shall see | you, | my father, and shall willingl |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 144 | ongue through my prayers, / if | you | have any faith, pious teacher |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 291 | hem with ours. Tell us, I ask | you, | fathers, / who are hot with int |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 300 | ng said, “embrace him, him, | you | peoples, / lest the palace of |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 370 | luntarily give great gifts to | you | / from my own possessions. Com |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 502 | ot lower the right hand which | you | have raised. / Why do you desp |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 503 | hich you have raised. / Why do | you | despise a mother bereft of he |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 504 | bereft of her only son? / See, | you | who affirm that Christ will b |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 626 | hey replied, “do not accuse | you | of any crime at all, / even tho |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 633 | hy laughter, he said, / “May | you | enjoy happy and fortunate yea |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 634 | / but a hostile fate will pay | you | back for your rejoicing! / Not |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 636 | each the returning suns, / may | you | suffer a fate which is premat |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 681 | oly one. / Unwise woman, why do | you | provoke the righteous one, wi |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 683 | an from his homeland. / Why do | you | disturb the sea? What? Do you |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 684 | nce of the land does not obey | you? | / Will the right-hand pole of t |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 686 | d? / Stop; take hold of faith. | You | will be captured by the same |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 687 | ftly, with your husband lost, | you | yourself will be changed, / an |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 688 | ourself will be changed, / and | you | will become the hateful destr |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 689 | wolves; / with more gentleness | you | will provide pasture for the |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 690 | he white lambs of Christ. / Now | you | persecute him, but afterwards |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 691 | him with devotion, / and then | you | will give many tokens of salv |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 700 | ad received. / “Destroyed, as | you | know,” he said, “by the p |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 704 | I obtained my restoration to | you | by his protection: / because of |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 728 | e-eyed Britons want to entrap | you | / in order to torment you. And |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 729 | trap you / in order to torment | you. | And if / he scorned selling me |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 731 | ith, / no less shall I cherish | you. | A trumpet sounded, and the re |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 751 | speech: / “Begin, shepherd; | you | possess the decrees of men of |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 754 | ver such an expanse of land. / | You | will decide by your pious wor |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 792 | raveller who is about to die, | you | profaned the Gallic sceptre / b |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 793 | met a violent end, a man whom | you | supported / with your authority |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 819 | once said, / “He who rejects | you, | rejects me also.” / Then the |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 837 | a dark dungeon. / Shall I call | you | happy or sad, shepherd? You r |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 838 | tender for Christ afterwards; | you | wept for the damage to the fl |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 840 | s of the shepherds. / But while | you | were being restrained by a fi |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 841 | hy wall on all sides, / surely | you | were not able to obtain acces |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 844 | t poured from the heavens for | you; | / the customary torch came quic |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 846 | with an envied supply, / while | you | were staying awake, performin |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 849 | about the equal garland which | you | will receive fittingly after |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 851 | close confinement, / whose vow | you | are following, whose torments |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 852 | you are imitating, / and (lest | you | despair) whose splendour you |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 914 | shaken by a terrible demon. / | You | despised the papers deservedl |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 915 | rom the summit of Peter: / see, | you | are receiving fitting punishm |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 916 | an angry judge. / Impure lady, | you | have taken caskets from a nec |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 917 | everence: / now, about to die, | you | are yourself bound on the spi |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 921 | striking your dear wife. But | you, | if you want to increase the p |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 924 | committing any crime, / and if | you | can tolerate this in your min |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 954 | observed no propriety. / Why do | you | shriek, you crop which is abo |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 955 | which is about to die, or / are | you | being burned up by the eterna |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 956 | ternal sulphur of hell? / See, | you | will approve things which are |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 981 | s of Wilfrid. / I shall sing of | you, | fugitive boy, Cedvalla: the s |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 982 | eptre was denied to you, / and | you | were poured out by Ciltena, w |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 983 | tena, with its woody groves; / | you | submitted your bold mind to W |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 984 | old mind to Wilfrid, / so that | you | might be able to regain the c |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 986 | vils; / patiently, brave king, | you | resolved to be fed by an exil |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 987 | exile. / After a little while, | you | obtained the increase of fait |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 990 | ough the help of the prelate. / | You | also enriched the bishop with |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1005 | son, it causes me regret that | you | have endured so many torments |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1007 | shing towards me. / I ask that | you | forgive whatever offence I ha |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1024 | diant sheep of Jesus. / “And | you, | ruler,” he wrote to Edilred |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1026 | be mindful of the dependants | you | have desired. Come now, if yo |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1027 | ommon wish: often, I confess, | you | have wisely / obeyed my words i |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1092 | ! What a conflicting decree! / | You | will not be immune from punis |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1093 | his accustomed hardships, but | you | will go to Phlegethon / and yo |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1094 | ou will go to Phlegethon / and | you | will tremble before Erebus an |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1104 | all never sacrifice myself to | you | by my own sword.” / This was |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1167 | gs which are already known to | you: | / the fathers who guided the R |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1188 | nd understandable hatred that | you | have been proscribed, / you wi |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1189 | at you have been proscribed, / | you | will be cleansed immediately |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1202 | peoples, what does it benefit | you | to want to be blessed? / If th |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1203 | there is any pleasing virtue, | you | have driven it from your ance |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1248 | d. / “Fellow-citizen, arise, | you | who are not an insignificant |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1249 | ificant part of us: / although | you | are numbered among the compan |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1250 | the stars,” / he said, “now | you | will be recalled by your lamb |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1251 | lambs, who are bereft. / After | you | have strengthened the brother |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1252 | or four years, / I will recall | you | with a worthy reward; / but st |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1254 | hese years have been added to | you. | / She knows what payment you ar |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1255 | o you. / She knows what payment | you | are making to Peter and to th |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1260 | nly dignitary healed: / because | you | shunned the delights of a dec |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1261 | eitful age, / with the company | you | have earned the rewards of th |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1337 | he divine dew spring up among | you. | / Brothers, you have already r |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1338 | ring up among you. / Brothers, | you | have already recalled me from |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1341 | sh. I will not be united with | you | in that form any longer, / unt |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1344 | ric of the world is present. / | You | know the mousetraps which are |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1350 | deceit. / I have always warned | you | of these things, I have repea |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1352 | y brothers, be vigilant, lest | you | be engulfed / by the searing w |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1393 | ointed one, diligent Odo, may | you | show favour to me, / as I have |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1396 | use the rest in whatever way | you | choose. |
N.BenÆthelwold.Coloph 4 | : / ‘Behold, O blessed one, | you | shall give birth to man and G |
N.BenÆthelwold.Coloph 8 | duentus tibi nam patris almi. / | [‘You, | O bishop, whoever looks upon |
N.MiraculaNyniae 63 | what shall I sing / worthy of | you, | or who can compose worthy son |
N.MiraculaNyniae 64 | orthy songs in verse , / since | you | gave Christ’s favourable ru |
N.MiraculaNyniae 130 | disperse the black night, / O | you | who are glory and deservedly |
N.MiraculaNyniae 163 | this man to be innocent, but | you | too, child, / say now in spe |
N.MiraculaNyniae 164 | / say now in speech, I charge | you | by the kingdoms of the suprem |
N.MiraculaNyniae 173 | entify him with my voice, / as | you | command and witness in the na |
N.MiraculaNyniae 239 | robbers, / “Why, I ask, did | you | want to harm someone who did |
N.MiraculaNyniae 240 | ho did not ever want to cheat | you | of anything, not even tiny th |
N.MiraculaNyniae 244 | his chaste breast, / “I beg | you, | high-throned one high, give l |
N.MiraculaNyniae 303 | heavens, / Christ has granted | you | as respite for the weary on e |
N.MiraculaNyniae 304 | uler of Olympus has appointed | you | as physician to the afflicted |
N.MiraculaNyniae 332 | kin. / But I pray that through | you | I might be freed from this si |
N.MiraculaNyniae 335 | been overcome, / without delay | you | might order health to return |
N.MiraculaNyniae 355 | light. / But I pray, entreating | you | by the kingdoms of the highes |
N.MiraculaNyniae 408 | he following words, / “I ask | you, | almighty, begin to reveal the |
N.MiraculaNyniae 418 | Get up quickly, if it pleases | you | to see upon Christ. / He is no |
N.MiraculaNyniae 432 | , / “Cast aside your fear if | you | want to see Christ, / who prev |
N.MiraculaNyniae 434 | ng of the shining bread, / and | you | were always accustomed to ble |
N.Nyniae.Hymn 51 | sing mystical words. / Also for | you | the king, forever, songs are |
N.Nyniae.Hymn 52 | ht and day likewise, also for | you, | forever. / The nobility of the |
N.Swithun.Inscr 11 | tens indictio septima cursum. / | [‘You, | wayfarer, who here gaze upon |
N.Æthelstan.Coloph 21 | heir proud necks. / Whosoever | you | are who look into this book a |
THEODORE.Haeddi.Octo 7 | egrino / preces funde Theodoro. / | [‘You, | now, holy bishop, / worthy gi |