Number of occurrences in corpus: 58
Genesis A 33b | e / ham and heahsetl || heofena | rices | / agan wolde || þa wearþ yrre |
Genesis B 360a | | agan ne moston / romigan ures | rices | || næfþ he þeah riht gedon |
Genesis B 372b | rideþ racentan sal || ic eom | rices | leas / habbaþ me swa hearde || |
Genesis A 1599b | þan / mid sunum sinum || sidan | rices | / þreohund wintra || þisses l |
Genesis A 2149a | rþan || ærgestreonum / sodoma | rices | || ac þu selfa most heonon / h |
Genesis A 2336b | gowearda fela / rofe arisaþ || | rices | hyrdas / woruldcyningas || wide |
Exodus 256b | gehyrdon / wolde reordigean || | rices | hyrde / ofer hereciste || halga |
Daniel 33b | cræft / þa wearþ reþemod || | rices | þeoden / unhold þeodum || þa |
Daniel 114a | æpe || soþ gecyþed / þætte | rices | gehwæs || reþe sceolde geli |
Daniel 441b | mas / on heanne hrof || heofona | rices | / heh þegn and hold || halgum |
Daniel 677a | zar || burga aldor / weold wera | rices | || oþþæt him wlenco gesceo |
Daniel 762b | af / unscyndne blæd || eorþan | rices | / and þu lignest nu || þæt s |
Christ and Satan 346a | man || nergendne crist / rodera | rices | || ah he on riht geheold / hire |
Christ and Satan 498a | s || hu heo me deaþes cwealm / | rices | rædboran || hrefnan mihten / |
Christ and Satan 8a | ne || bold to gewealde / rodora | rices | || gif þu seo riht cyning / en |
Andreas 807b | s aldor / hie þa ricene het || | rices | hyrde / to eadwelan || oþre si |
Andreas 1326a | com æt campe || cyning iudea / | rices | berædde || ond hine rode bef |
Andreas 15b | to þam halgan ham || heofona | rices | / þær fæder ond sunu || ond |
Elene 59b | eawede / þæt he on romwara || | rices | ende / ymb þæs wæteres stæ |
Elene 62b | dsorge wæg / romwara cyning || | rices | ne wende / for werodleste || h |
Elene 380b | t mec mihta god / on rimtale || | rices | þines / mid haligra || hlyte w |
Christ C 879b | tum / ðam ytemestum || eorðan | rices | / englas ælbeorhte || on efen |
Christ C 1065b | d seo hea rod / ryht aræred || | rices | to beacne / folcdryht wera || b |
Christ C 1527a | wið gode wunnon / bið ðonne | rices | weard || reðe ond meahtig / yr |
Widsith 78b | wiolena ond wilna || ond wala | rices | / mid scottum ic wæs ond mid p |
Deor 23a | oht || ahte wide folc / gotena | rices | || ðæt wæs grim cyning / sæ |
The Ruin 37b | ðas beorhtan burg || bradan | rices | / stanhofu stodan || stream hat |
Riddles 71 1a | # Riddles 71 / / ic eom | rices | æht || reade bewæfed / stið |
Juliana 66b | eor ond aðum / ða reordode || | rices | hyrde / wið ðære fæmnan fæ |
The Seafarer 81b | ene / ealle onmedlan || eorðan | rices | / næron nu cyningas || ne case |
Beowulf 861b | selra nære / rondhæbbendra || | rices | wyrðra / ne hie huru winedriht |
Beowulf 1390a | fgendum || æfter selest / aris | rices | weard || uton raðe feran / gre |
Beowulf 1859b | an ðenden ic wealde || widan | rices | / maðmas gemæne || manig oðe |
Beowulf 2027a | s geworden || wine scyldinga / | rices | hyrde || ond ðæt ræd tala |
Beowulf 3080a | we gelæran || leofne ðeoden / | rices | hyrde || ræd ænigne / ðæt h |
The Paris Psalter 144:11 4b | ære wuldur / riht and reþe || | rices | þines / / # / þæt þu cuþ ged |
The Paris Psalter 144:12 4a | || ofer middaneard / and þines | rices | || rædfæst wuldur / / # / rice |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 8b | || þioda aldor / and retie || | rices | hirde / wæs his freadrihtnes | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 11a | mnon || se ealles weold / creca | rices | || cuþ wæs wide / þæt on þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 41b | forþæm he wæs mid rihte || | rices | hirde / hiora cynecynnes || cu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 45b | e him sindon / rihtes wisran || | rices | wyrþran / biþ þæt lease lot |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 10b | rnan / romana burig || sio his | rices | wæs / ealles eþelstol || he f |
Solomon and Saturn 5b | / swylce eac istoriam || indea | rices | / me þa treahteras || tala wis |
Solomon and Saturn 32b | ta / þa halgan duru || heofona | rices | / torhte ontynan || on getælri |
Solomon and Saturn 48a | nd him stede healdeþ / heofona | rices | || heregeatewa wigeþ / saturnu |
The Rewards of Piety 21a | d we synd wædlan gyt / heofena | rices | || ðæt is hefig byrden / and |
The Lord's Prayer III 11b | æsted / on eardunge || eorðan | rices | / swa hluttor is || in heofonwu |
The Creed 26b | latus weold / under romwarum || | rices | and doma / ða se deora frea || |
The Creed 34a | dæge || ðeoda wealdend / aras | rices | frea || recene of moldan / and |
The Kentish Hymn 29b | ðu on hæahsetle || heafena | rices | / sitest sigehræmig || on ða |
The Seasons for Fasting 31b | a bedæled / ac arisan ongan || | rices | ealdor / of byrgenne || blæda |
The Seasons for Fasting 93b | ðe suðan com / from romana || | rices | hyrde / gregoriæ || gumena pap |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 22b | e mid him || se ðe ah ealles | rices | geweald / and eac swa his beahg |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 2a | eac || æghwylcne mann / brego | rices | weard || ðe ðas boc ræde / a |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 41b | and inna halre hand || heofna | rices | / ða hwile ðe ic on ðis life |
Instructions for Christians 157b | / Far nu ymbe æll || eorðan | rices, | / sec and smeage, || swa ðu s |
Instructions for Christians 201b | æt he geond ealla || eorðen | rices | / secan sigora God, || ac he s |
Instructions for Christians 205b | þon geond eall is || eorðan | rices, | / heofon-rices gast || hafað |