A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ðearf

Number of occurrences in corpus: 66

Genesis B 278b æþ hē. || “Nis mē wihta ðearf / hearran tō hæbbenne. || Iċ
Genesis B 503b þæt þe ǣnġes sċēates% ðearf / ne wurde on weorolde. || Nū
Genesis B 611b swā iċ hit þē seċġan ne ðearf, / Ēue sēo gōde, || þæt þe
Genesis B 664b an bodan? || Unc is his hyldu ðearf; / hē mæġ unc ǣrendian || t
Genesis A 879b || þæt þē sīe hræġles ðearf, / nemþe þū æppel || ǣnne b
Genesis A 1023a e% Cāin || andswarode: / ‘Ne ðearf iċ ǣniġre || āre wēnan / o
Genesis A 1482b þell-fæstenne, || þā hire ðearf ne wæs. / Þā tō Nōe spræc
Genesis A 1523b ealdor oþ·þringeþ. || Ne ðearf hē þȳ ed-lēane ġe·fēon
Genesis A 1591a ne wolde, / þā him wæs āre ðearf, || ǣnġe cȳðan / hyldu and t
Genesis A 2054b , / Þāres eafora, || him wæs ðearf miċel / þæt hīe% on twā he
Genesis A 2125b tō Abrahame || him wæs āra ðearf. / ‘For·ġief mē mennen || m
Genesis A 2177a iċ þus fēa-sċeaft eom? / Ne ðearf iċ ierfe-stōl || eaforan by
Genesis A 2329b de / ealle Īsaac hātan. || Ne ðearf þe þæs eaforan sċamian, / a
Genesis A 2729a rran || sinċes brytta: / ‘Ne ðearf þē on ed-wīt || Abraham se
Exodus 426a ō ealdre || unswīcendu. / Hū ðearf mannes sunu || māran trēowe
Andreas 1166b n, / þrēa or-mǣte, || is nū ðearf miċel / þæt we wīsfæstra |
Andreas 1605b þēodum tō helpe. || Is nū ðearf miċel / þæt we gum-cystum ||
Soul and Body I 148a ē ġēafe, / nē þē hrēowan ðearf || hēr on līfe / ealles swā
Dream of the Rood 117a ste || cweðan onġinnen. / ne ðearf ðǣr þonne ǣniġ || ān–
Elene 426b aliċ ġe·þōht. || Nū is ðearf miċel / þæt we fæstlīċe |
Elene 115b e reċċen. || Is ēow rǣdes ðearf / on mæðel-stede, || mōdes s
Elene 480b roderum. || Iċ þā rōde ne ðearf / hleahtre herġan. || Hwæt, s
Christ A 11b wealle || nu is ðam weorce ðearf / ðæt se cræftga cume || ond
Christ A 255b eorðan || us is ðinra arna ðearf / hafað se awyrgda || wulf tos
Christ A 373b lata to lange || us is lissa ðearf / ðæt ðu us ahredde || ond u
Christ B 751b eðungen ðegnweorud || is us ðearf micel / ðæt we mid heortan ||
Christ B 779a rulda || wuldor on heofnum / ne ðearf him ondrædan || deofla stræ
Christ B 847b hte / ðeoda gehwylcre || is us ðearf micel / ðæt we gæstes wlite
Maxims I 110a yfed / mete bygeð gif he maran ðearf || ærðon he to meðe weorð
Maxims I 124a dgeðoncas / muða gehwylc mete ðearf || mæl sceolon tidum gongan /
Guthlac A 46b n mægne || forðon se mon ne ðearf / to ðisse worulde || wyrpe ge
Guthlac A 282b an mægne || ðæt ðe mon ne ðearf / hondum hrinan || ne ðin hra
Guthlac A 754b n || forðon ðæs tweogan ne ðearf / ænig ofer eorðan || ælda c
Guthlac B 1356b um sefan || huru ic swiðe ne ðearf / hinsið behlehhan || is hlafo
Riddles 15 22b gesibbe || ic me siððan ne ðearf / wælhwelpes wig || wiht onsit
Riddles 2 17b num awyrged || ic me wenan ne ðearf / ðæt me bearn wræce || on b
Riddles 20 17b ierĝed. || Iċ mē wēnan ne ðearf / þæt mē bearn wræce || on
The Judgment Day I 68b gode dæde || no ðæs gilpan ðearf / synfull sawel || ðæt hyre s
The Descent into Hell 114b ywdest || ðonne him wæs are ðearf / ðu meaht ymbfon || eal folca
Juliana 526b hondgewinn || ic bihlyhhan ne ðearf / æfter sarwræce || siðfæt
Juliana 695b dæg / mid ðeodscipe || is me ðearf micel / ðæt seo halge me || h
Juliana 717b yning / geðingige || mec ðæs ðearf monað / micel modes sorg || bi
Beowulf 201b ðeoden || ða him wæs manna ðearf / ðone siðfæt him || snotere
Beowulf 595b en || ðæt he ða fæhðe ne ðearf / atole ecgðræce || eower leo
Beowulf 1250a la || swylce hira mandryhtne / ðearf gesælde || wæs seo ðeod ti
Beowulf 1835b ultum || ðær ðe bið manna ðearf / gif him ðonne hreðric || to
Beowulf 2006a eall gewræc / swa begylpan ne ðearf || grendeles maga / ænig ofer
Beowulf 2493b rd eðelwyn || næs him ænig ðearf / ðæt he to gifðum || oððe
Beowulf 2637b an woldon / gif him ðyslicu || ðearf gelumpe / helmas ond heard sweo
Beowulf 2741a n habban / for ðam me witan ne ðearf || waldend fira / morðorbealo
Beowulf 2876b id ecge || ða him wæs elnes ðearf / ic him lifwraðe || lytle mea
Judith 117b lebryne / æfter hinsiðe || ne ðearf he hopian no / ðystrum forðyl
The Paris Psalter 58:9 4b , || ðǣr mē wæs frēondes ðearf. / / # / Mīn sē gōda god, æt-
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 23b er þēoda mā || þonne ēow ðearf sīe? / Þēah ēow nū ġe·s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 23b s / blōdes on·byrġeþ, || ne ðearf beorna nan / wēnan ðǣre wyrd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 113b ess / lǣnes līċ-haman. || Ne ðearf lēoda nan / wēnan ðǣre wyrd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 11b e weorolde. || Him is frōfre ðearf.
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 6b an / healle hrōf-fæste. || Ne ðearf ēac hæleþa nan / wēnan þæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 34b arone; || sē tō·glīdan ne ðearf, / þēah hit weċġe wind || we
The Death of Edward 34a wihte ne ā·gǣlde / þæs þe ðearf wæs || þæs þēod-cininges
The Seasons for Fasting 192a e || eall gegladian / ðonne is ðearf micel || ðeoda mænium / ðæt
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 2b t / thoncsnotturra, || than him ðearf sīe / tō ymbhyċġgannae ||
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 2a eð / ðonosnottorra # ðon him ðearf riae || / to ymbhycgenne || ae
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 2b þ / ðonosnottorra || þon him ðearf riae / tō ymbhyċġgannae% ||
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 2b ðances snotera || ðonne him ðearf sy / to gehicgenne || ær his h
The Battle of Maldon 233b on eorðan. || Ūs is eallum ðearf / þæt ūre ǣg·hwelċ || ō