Number of occurrences in corpus: 26
Exodus 179a | rum%. || Frēond on·sǣĝon% / | lāðum | ēaĝan || land-manna cyme. / Y |
Exodus 195a | | ēċan lǣdon, / lāþ aefter | lāðum, | || lēod-mæġenes worn, / þū |
Elene 30a | eðera || earn sang ā·hōf, / | lāðum | on lāste. || Lungre sċynde / |
Christ B 846a | eallum dēmeþ, / lēofum ġē | lāðum, | || lēan aefter rihte, / þēod |
Christ C 1374a | rǣte folc || firene stǣleþ / | lāðum | wordum, || hāteþ hira līfe |
Christ C 1602a | dend || tō wrace ġe·sette, / | lāðum | lēodum. || Þonne līf and d |
The Fortunes of Men 39a | mæġ || folmum be·werĝan, / | lāðum | lyft-sċaðan, || biþ his l |
Beowulf 440a | d ymb feorh sacan, / lāþ wiþ | lāðum; | || ðǣr ġe·līefan sċeall |
Beowulf 550a | d on·hrēred; / ðǣr mē wiþ | lāðum | || līċ-sierċe min, / heard, |
Beowulf 938b | hþ / lēoda land-ġe·weorc || | lāðum | be·weredon / sċuccum and sċi |
Beowulf 1257a | cend þā-ġīet / lifde aefter | lāðum, | || lange þrāĝe, / aefter gū |
Beowulf 2467a | ðu-rinċ || hatian ne meahte / | lāðum | dǣdum, || þēah him lēof n |
Judith 226b | ǣron ierre, / land-būende, || | lāðum | cynne, / stōpon stiern-mōde, |
The Paris Psalter 106:2 2b | ā·līesde, līfes weard, || | lāðum | of handa, / and hīe of sīd-fo |
The Paris Psalter 108:3 1b | e. / / # / Hīe mē wiþ lufan || | lāðum | dǣdum / torne tælnesse || tē |
The Paris Psalter 141:7 1a | wīðe. / / # / A·līes mē fram | lāðum; | || hīe mē lungre sint / ealle |
The Paris Psalter 143:12 1b | A·līes mē and oþ·lǣd || | lāðum | wæterum, / maniĝum mere-strē |
The Paris Psalter 53:1 2a | lne, god; / ā·līes mē fram | lāðum | || þurh þīn lēofe mæġen |
The Paris Psalter 54:17 2b | e mīne / lustum ā·līese, || | lāðum | wiþ·ferġe, / for·þon mē m |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 4a | e sāwle || of swylt-dēaðes / | lāðum | wiþ·lǣdest, || dydest lof |
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3b | sende / þe mē ā·līesde, || | lāðum | wiþ·ferede, / sealde on ed·w |
The Paris Psalter 58:1 3a | htaþ tō; / ā·līes mē fram | lāðum | || þe mē lungre on / rīsan w |
The Paris Psalter 68:20 2b | e / ā·līes and wiþ·fere || | lāðum | fēondum. / / # / || arsċame%; |
The Paris Psalter 72:14 3b | t hīe wǣron ā·līesde, || | lāðum | wiþ-ferede. / / # / Nū sindon h |
The Paris Psalter 90:3 1b | on hē mē ā·līesde || of | lāðum | grin, / huntum unholdum, || hea |
The Battle of Brunanburh 22b | od-cystum / on lāst leġdon || | lāðum | þēodum, / hēowon here-flīem |