Number of occurrences in corpus: 32
Genesis A 2351b | ortan strange / to dreoganne || | dæges | and nihtes / wordum and dædum |
Genesis A 2876a | esten || oþþæt wuldortorht / | dæges | þriddan up || ofer deop wæt |
Daniel 348b | rþeþ / dropena drearung || on | dæges | hwile / wearmlic wolcna scur || |
Christ and Satan 497a | seredon ymb || secgas monige / | dæges | and nihtes || hu heo me deaþ |
Andreas 1407b | a weard / dryhten hælend || on | dæges | tide / mid iudeum || geomor wur |
Andreas 1535a | þær wæs ælcum genog / fram | dæges | orde || drync sona gearu / weox |
The Fates of the Apostles 65b | wearþ / dryhtlic dom godes || | dæges | or onwoc / leohtes geleafan || |
Homiletic Fragment I 32b | ealda / dweleþ ond drefeþ || | dæges | ond nihtes / miltse mid mane || |
Elene 140a | || oþ þæt æfen forþ / fram | dæges | orde || daroþæsc flugon / hil |
Elene 198b | eard / ongan þa dryhtnes æ || | dæges | ond nihtes / þurh gastes gife |
Maxims I 140b | lofes gearnian / dom areccan || | dæges | onettan / til mon tiles || ond |
Guthlac A 610b | of singe / ðurh gedefne dom || | dæges | ond nihtes / herge in heortan | |
Riddles 27 3b | ðum / of denum ond of dunum || | dæges | mec wægun / feðre on lifte || |
Riddles 27 17b | inde / dole æfter dyntum || be | dæges | leohte |
Riddles 49 2b | andan / deafne dumban || se oft | dæges | swilgeð / ðurh gopes hond || |
Azarias 64b | ðeð / dropena dreorung || mid | dæges | hwile / se wæs in ðam fire || |
The Phoenix 147a | elf siðum || tida gemearcað / | dæges | ond nihtes || swa gedemed is / |
The Phoenix 478a | æt heortan || hige weallende / | dæges | ond nihtes || dryhten lufiað |
Juliana 230b | e / sace singrimme || siex tida | dæges | / ond he ædre het || eft asett |
Beowulf 1495b | g / hilderince || ða wæs hwil | dæges | / ær he ðone grundwong || ong |
Beowulf 1600a | || abroten hæfde / ða com non | dæges | || næs ofgeafon / hwate scyldi |
Beowulf 1935a | | nefne sinfrea / ðæt hire an | dæges | || eagum starede / ac him wælb |
Beowulf 2269a | ter eallum || unbliðe hwearf / | dæges | ond nihtes || oððæt deaðe |
Beowulf 2320b | sceat / dryhtsele dyrnne || ær | dæges | hwile / hæfde landwara || lige |
The Paris Psalter 135:8 1a | nna bearnum / / # / sette on miht | dæges | || mære sunnan / / # / on miht n |
The Paris Psalter 54:8 5b | rde / drugon þæt on burgum || | dæges | and nihtes / / # / þunie him gew |
Solomon and Saturn 54a | fyrwet bræc || fiftig wintra / | dæges | and niehtes || þurh deop ges |
Solomon and Saturn 139a | e sæl cymeþ / þæt heo domes | dæges | || dyn gehiere / salomon cwæþ |
The Rewards of Piety 68a | | a hi winnað / embe ðæt || / | dæges | and nihtes || ongean drihtnes |
The Rewards of Piety 76a | ðæs uplican || eðelrices / | dæges | and nihtes || ðu scealt drun |
The Lord's Prayer II 107b | fela / didon for ure disige || | dæges | and nihtes / idele spræce || a |
A Prayer 63a | her syngige || swiðe genehhe / | dæges | and nihtes || do swa ic ne sc |